A list of all the performance monitors used in OpManager along with the vendor details, description, protocol and category can be found in this list:
Vendor | Monitors | Description | Protocol | Category |
3Com | CPU Temperature | Monitors the CPU temperature | SNMP | Switch / Wireless |
3Com | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU utilization | SNMP | Switch / Wireless |
A10 Networks | Active Connections | Monitors the count of current connections. | SNMP | Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator |
A10 Networks | CPU Utilization | Monitors the average CPU usage in last 5 seconds. | SNMP | Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator |
A10 Networks | Disk Utilization | Monitors the usage of the disk in MB. | SNMP | Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator |
A10 Networks | Fan Status | Monitors the fan status: 0: Failed, 4: OK-fixed/high, 5: OK-low/med, 6: OK-med/med, 7: OK-med/high, -2: not ready, 1: unknown. | SNMP | Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator |
A10 Networks | Free disk Space | Monitors the Free space of the disk in MB. | SNMP | Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator |
A10 Networks | Lower Power Supply Status | Monitors the lower power supply status. Power supply status : off(0),on(1),unknown(-1). | SNMP | Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator |
A10 Networks | Memory Utilization | Monitors the memory utilization(%). | SNMP | Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator |
A10 Networks | Server Count | The total count of axServer entries in the table. | SNMP | Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator |
A10 Networks | System Temperature | Monitors the physical system temperature in Celsius. | SNMP | Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator |
A10 Networks | Upper Power Supply Status | Monitors the Upper power supply status. Power Supply status: off(0),on(1),unknown(-1). | SNMP | Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator |
Alcatel | Chassis Temperature | Maximum one-minute chassis temperature over the last hour (percent) | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Alcatel | CMM CPU Temperature | Maximum one-minute CMM CPU temperature over the last hour (percent) | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Alcatel | Device CPU Utilization | Maximum one-minute device-level CPU utilization over the last hour (percent) | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Alcatel | Device Memory Utilization | Maximum one-minute device-level memory utilization over the last hour (percent) | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Alcatel | Module CPU Utilization | Maximum one-minute module-level CPU utilization over the last hour (percent) | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Alcatel | Moduler Memory Utilization | Maximum one-minute module-level memory utilization over the last hour (percent) | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Amaranten | Amaranten-Connections | Monitors the Connections of Amaranten Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Amaranten | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Amaranten Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Amaranten | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Amaranten Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
American Power Conversion Corp. | Number of PDU Outlets | Monitors the OID will return the number of outlets contained in the device. | SNMP | UPS / PDU |
American Power Conversion Corp. | PDU Bank Load | Monitors the OID will return the phase/bank load measured in tenths of Amps. | SNMP | UPS / PDU |
American Power Conversion Corp. | PDU Phase Load | Monitors the current draw, in tenths of Amps, of the load on the Rack PDU phase being queried | SNMP | UPS / PDU |
American Power Conversion Corp. | PDU Phase Load status | Monitors the present load status of the Rack PDU phase being queried { lowLoad ( 1 ) , normal ( 2 ) , nearOverload ( 3 ) , overload ( 4 ) } | SNMP | UPS / PDU |
American Power Conversion Corp. | PDU Phases | Monitors the OID will return the number of phases supported by the device. | SNMP | UPS / PDU |
American Power Conversion Corp. | PDU Power Load | Monitors the load power, in hundredths of kiloWatts, consumed on the Rack PDU phase being queried | SNMP | UPS / PDU |
American Power Conversion Corp. | PDU Voltage | Monitors the Voltage, in Volts, of the Rack PDU phase being queried | SNMP | UPS / PDU |
American Power Conversion Corp. | UPS Charge | Monitors UPS Charge | SNMP | UPS |
American Power Conversion Corp. | UPS Input Line Voltage | The current utility line voltage in VAC | SNMP | UPS |
American Power Conversion Corp. | UPS Load | Monitors UPS Load | SNMP | UPS |
American Power Conversion Corp. | UPS Output Current | The current in ampres drawn by the load on the UPS | SNMP | UPS |
American Power Conversion Corp. | UPS Output Voltage | The output voltage of the UPS system in VAC | SNMP | UPS |
APC | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization | SNMP | UPS |
APC | Total Active Sessions | Total Active Sessions | SNMP | UPS |
Array | Connection | Monitors the Connections of Array-APV LoadBalancer | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Array | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Array-APV LoadBalancer | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Array | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Array-APV LoadBalancer | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Autelan | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Autelan-AS3200 Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Autelan | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Autelan-AS3200 Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Barracuda | Bounced Mail Queues | Monitors the Bounced mail queues | SNMP | Networking Device |
Barracuda | Buffer Memory | Monitors the system Buffer Momory Utilization | SNMP | Networking Device |
Barracuda | CPU Utilization | Monitors the system 15 minutes cpu Load | SNMP | Networking Device |
Barracuda | CPU Utilization (Last 1 min) | Monitors the system last 1 minute cpu load | SNMP | Networking Device |
Barracuda | CPU Utilization (Last 5 min) | Monitors the system last 5 minutes cpu Load | SNMP | Networking Device |
Barracuda | InBound Mail Queues | Monitors the InBound mail queues | SNMP | Networking Device |
Barracuda | Mail Input | Monitors the system Mail Input counts | SNMP | Networking Device |
Barracuda | Mail Output | Monitors the systems Mail output counts | SNMP | Networking Device |
Barracuda | Memory Utilization | Monitors the system MemoryUtilization | SNMP | Networking Device |
Barracuda | OutBound Mail Queues | Monitors the OutBound Mail queues | SNMP | Networking Device |
Barracuda | Used Disk Space | Monitors the systems used disk space | SNMP | Networking Device |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Client HTTP Errors | Monitors the number of HTTP errors caused by client connections. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Client HTTP Hit(s) | Monitors the number of HTTP hits that the proxy clients have produced. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Client HTTP In Traffic | Monitors the number of kilobits recieved from the clients by the proxy. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Client HTTP Out Traffic | Monitors the number of kilobits delivered to clients from the proxy. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Client HTTP Request(s) | Monitors the number of HTTP requests recieved from clients. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Bluecoat Switches | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Monitors the Percent of resource in use. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Disk Utilization | Monitors the Percent of resource in use. When the resource is disk, it is the amount of disk used by the cache subsytem. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Bluecoat Switches | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Memory Utilization | Monitors the MemoryUtilization. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Objects In Cache | Monitors the number of objects currently held by the proxy. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Server HTTP Errors | Monitors the number of HTTP errors while fetching objects. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Server HTTP In Traffic | Monitors the number of Kbs recieved by the proxy from remote servers. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Server HTTP Out Traffic | Monitors the number of kbs transmitted by the proxy to remote servers. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. | Server HTTP Requests | Monitors the number of Http requests that the proxy has issued. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd | FW Dropped Packets | Monitors the number of dropped packets | SNMP | Firewall |
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd | FW Logged Packets | Monitors the number of logged packets | SNMP | Firewall |
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd | FW Rejected Packets | Monitors the number of rejected packets | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Aborted Interface In Packets | Monitors the aborted interfaces in packets | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Active Session Count | Active Session Count | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Associated Mobile Stations | Monitors the number of Mobile Stations currently associated with the WLAN. | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | Associated Mobile User(s) | Monitors associated Mobile User(s) for Cisco devices | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | Backplane Utilization | Monitors the Backplane Utilization | SNMP | Switch |
Cisco | BGP PEER STATE | idle2, connect3, active4, opensent5, openconfirm6, established | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Big Buffer Hits | Monitors the Total big buffer hits | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Big Buffer Misses | Monitors the Total big buffer misses | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Buffer Create Failures | Monitors the buffer create failures | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Buffer Failures | Monitors the Buffer Failures | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | CardOperstatus | 1 : not-specified2 : up3 : down4 : standby | SNMP | Switch |
Cisco | Chassis Input Power | Monitors the Chassis Input Power | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Chassis Output Power | Monitors the Chassis Output Power | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Cisco Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory Utilization | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Cisco Temperature | Monitors temperature at the testpoint maintained by the environmental monitor | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | CPU Usage (1 min avg) | Monitors the one-minute moving average of the CPU busy percentage | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | CPU Usage (5 mins avg) | Monitors the five-minute moving average of the CPU busy percentage | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | CPU Usage (5 secs avg) | Monitors the CPU busy percentage in the last 5 seconds | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | CPU Utilization | Monitors the average utilization of CPU on the active supervisor. | SNMP | Switch |
Cisco | CPU Utilization | Monitors the device CPU Utilization. | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | CPU Utilization(WLC) | Monitors the Current CPU Load of the switch (Cisco WLC device) in percentage. | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devCellularstatus | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devClientCount | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devContactedat | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devLanIP | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devMac | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devMeshstatus | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devName | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devNetworkname | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devProductcode | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devProductdescription | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devpublicIP | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devSerial | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devStatu | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | devSubnet | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | Disk Utilization | Monitors the disk I/O utilization. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect CPU Utilization | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect CPU Utilization | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet1 | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet1 | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet2 | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet2 | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet3 | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet3 | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet4 | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet4 | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect MainBoardOutlet1 | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect MainBoardOutlet1 | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect MainBoardOutlet2 | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect MainBoardOutlet2 | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect MemAvailable | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect Memory Available | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect MemCached | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect MemCached | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect PsuCtrlrInlet1 | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect PsuCtrlrInlet1 | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fabric Interconnect PsuCtrlrInlet2 | Monitors the Fabric Interconnect PsuCtrlrInlet2 | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Fan Speed | Monitors the Fan Speed | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | FanModule Exhaust Temperature | Monitors the FanModule Exhaust Temperature | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Firewall CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU utilization of the Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Free 1550K Buffers | Monitors the number of free 1550K blocks | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Free 256K Buffers | Monitors the number of free 256K blocks | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Free 4K Buffers | Monitors the number of free 4K blocks | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Free 80K Buffers | Monitors the number of free 80K blocks | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Free Memory | Monitors the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Ignored Interface In Packets | Monitors the ignored interfaces in packets | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Input Packet Drops | Monitors the input packets drops after the input queue was full | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Interface Collisions | Monitors the interface collisions | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Interface In CRC Errors | Monitors the number of input packets which had cyclic redundancy checksum errors | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Interface In Giants | Monitors the number of input packets larger than the physical media permitted | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Interface In Runts | Monitors the interface in runts | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Interface Input Bits | Monitors the five-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Interface Output Bits | Monitors the five-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Interface Reset Count | Monitors the number of times the interface has internally reset | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Interface Restart Count | Monitors the number of times the interface needed to be completely restarted | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Ironport Temperature | Monitors the Temperature in degrees Celsius. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Largest Free Memory | Monitors the largest number of contiguous bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | MailTransfer Threads | Monitors the number of threads that perform some task related to transferring mail. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Medium Buffer Hits | Monitors the Total medium buffer hits | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Medium Buffer Misses | Monitors the Total medium buffer misses | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Memory Utilization | Monitors the average utilization of memory on the active supervisor. | SNMP | Switch |
Cisco | Memory Utilization | Monitors the device memory utilization. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Memory Utilization | Monitors the device Memory Utilization | SNMP | Switch |
Cisco | Memory Utilization(WLC) | Monitors the current Memory Utilization of the Cisco WLC device. | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | Modems in Use | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Motherboard Consumed Power | Monitors the Monitors the Motherboard Consumed Power | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Motherboard Input Current | Monitors the Motherboard Input Current | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Motherboard Input Voltage | Monitors the Motherboard Input Voltage | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | OpenFilesOrSockets | Monitors the number of open files or sockets. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | OSPF IF State | down2, loopback3, waiting4, pointToPoint5, designatedRouter6, backupDesignatedRouter7, otherDesignatedRouter | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Output Packet Drops | Monitors the output packets drop | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Outstanding DNS Requests | Monitors the number of DNS requests that have been sent but for which no reply has been received. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Pending DNS Requests | Monitors the number of DNS requests waiting to be sent. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | PSUs Input Voltage | Monitors the PSUs Input Voltage | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | PSUs Internal Temperature | Monitors the PSUs Internal Temperature | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | PSUs Output Current | Monitors the PSUs Output Current | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | PSUs Output Power | Monitors the PSUs Output Power | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | PSUs Output12v | Monitors the PSUs Output12v | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | PSUs Output3v3 | Monitors the PSUs Output3v3 | UCS | UCS |
Cisco | Router Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory utilization of the router | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Small Buffer Hits | Monitors the Total small buffer hits | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | Small Buffer Misses | Monitors the Total small buffer misses | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Switch CPU Utilization(5 mins avg) | Monitors the five-minute moving average of the CPU busy percentage | SNMP | Switch |
Cisco | Switch Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory utilization of the switch | SNMP | Networking Device |
Cisco | sysUpTimeAtLastChassisChange | "Time in seconds/100 from the last coldstart to the last change in the chassis configuration. This value will be updatedwhenever the chassis experiences a changein the count, type, or slot position ofa card in cardTable." | SNMP | Switch |
Cisco | Temperature(WLC) | Monitors the current Internal Temperature of the unit in Centigrade(Cisco WLC). | SNMP | Wireless |
Cisco | Total Huge Buffer Hits | Monitors the huge buffer hits | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Total Huge Buffer Misses | Monitors the total huge buffer misses | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Total Large Buffer Hits | Monitors the Total large buffer hits | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Total Large Buffer Misses | Monitors the total large buffer misses | SNMP | Router |
Cisco | Tunnel In-Drop Packets | VPN Tunnel In-Drop Packets | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Tunnel In-Octet | VPN Tunnel In-Octet | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Tunnel In-Packets | VPN Tunnel In-Packets | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Tunnel Out-Drop Packets | VPN Tunnel Out-Drop Packets | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Tunnel Out-Octet | VPN Tunnel Out-Octet | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Tunnel Out-Packets | VPN Tunnel Out-Packets | SNMP | Firewall |
Cisco | Used Memory | Monitors the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use | SNMP | Networking Device |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Active Server Connection(s) | Monitors the number of connections currently serving requests. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Client Connection(s) in ClosingState | Monitors the number of client connections in NetScaler in closing states. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Client Connection(s) in OpeningState | Monitors the number of client connections in NetScaler in opening states. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU utilization percentage. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Average physical cpu usage | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Average of VM VCPUs Utilization | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Current Client Connection(s) | Monitors the number of client connections in NetScaler. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Current Server Connection(s) | Monitors the number of server connections in NetScaler. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Disk I/O Usage | Virtual Disk I/O Usage of VM | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Disk Utilization | Monitors the Percentage of the disk space used. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Domain0 Average Load | Load for Domain0 in XenServer | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Established Client Connection(s) | Monitors the number of client connections in NetScaler in established state. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Established Server Connection(s) | Monitors the number of server connections in NetScaler in established state. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Http Total Gets | Monitors the number of HTTP GET requests received. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Http Total Others(non-GET/POST) | Monitors the number of non-GET/POST HTTP methods received. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Http Total Posts | Monitors the number of HTTP POST requests received. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Memory Allocation By XAPI | Memory allocation done by the xapi daemon | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory utilization percentage. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization of host | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization of VM | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Network Received Rate | Bytes per second received on all physical interfaces | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Network Transmitted Rate | Bytes per second sent on all physical interfaces | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Network Usage | Network Usage of host | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Network Usage | Network I/O Usage by XenServer VM | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | scPolicy Url Hits | This counter gives the number of times netscaler matched an incoming request with a Configured sureconnect policy. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | scSession Requests | This counter gives the number of requests which came in a SureConnect session. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | SSL CardsUP | Monitors the number of ssl cards UP. If number of cards UP is lower than a threshold, a failover will be initiated. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | SSL session(s) | Monitors the number of SSL sessions. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | TCP Total ClientConnection Opened | Monitors the total number of opened client connections. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | TCP TotalSyn | Monitors the number of SYN packets received. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | TCPSurgeQueueLength | Monitors the number of connections in surge queue. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Total Hit(s) | Monitors the total hits for the policy. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | Total Policy Hits | Monitors the Total policy hits count. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | TTFB between Netscaler to server | Monitors the average TTFB between the netscaler and the server. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VCPUs Concurrency Hazard | Fraction of time that some VCPUs are running and some are runnable | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VCPUs Full Contention | Fraction of time that all VCPUs are runnable (i.e., waiting for CPU) | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VCPUs Full Run | Fraction of time that all VCPUs are running | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VCPUs Idle | Fraction of time that all VCPUs are blocked or offline | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VCPUs Partial Contention | Fraction of time that some VCPUs are runnable and some are blocked | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VCPUs Partial Run | Fraction of time that some VCPUs are running, and some are blocked | XenService | Server |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VServer Current ClientConnections | Monitors the number of current client connections. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VServer Current OutOfService(s) | Monitors the current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'outOfService'. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VServer Current ServerConnections | Monitors the number of current connections to the real servers behind the vserver. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VServer Current ServicesDown | Monitors the current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'down'. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VServer Current ServicesUp | Monitors the current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'up'. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VServer Total Hits | Monitors the Total vserver hits. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VServer Total RequestBytes | Monitors the total number of request bytes received on this service/vserver. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VServer Total Requests | Monitors the total number of requests received on this service/vserver(This is applicable for HTTP/SSL servicetype). | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VServer Total ResponseBytes | Monitors the number of response bytes received on this service/vserver. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
MGE | UPS Charge | Monitors UPS Charge | SNMP | UPS |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | VServer TotalResponses | Monitors the number of responses received on this service/vserver(This is applicable for HTTP/SSL servicetype). | SNMP | Load Balancer |
Citrix Systems, Inc. | XAPI Memory Usage | XenAPI Memory Utilization | XenService | Server |
Compaq | CpqHe Server Temperature | Monitors the server temprature | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU Utilization | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | CPU Utilization (30 Min Avg) | Monitors the CPU Utilization | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | CPU Utilization (5 Min Avg) | Monitors the CPU Utilization | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | CPU Utilization (Hr. Avg) | Monitors the CPU Utilization | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Deferred Transmission | Monitors the interfaces deffered transmission | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Excessive Collisions | Monitors the interface excessive collisions | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | File System Usage Percentage | Monitors the percetage space used in File System | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | File System Usage Size | Monitors the space used by file system | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Free Physical Memory | Monitors the free physical memory | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Free Virtual Memory | Monitors the free virtual memory | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Input Voltage | Monitors the input voltage of power supply | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Interface Rx Errors | Monitors the interface receive errors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Interface Rx Traffic | Monitors the interface received traffic | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Interface Tx Errors | Monitors the interface transmit error | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Interface Tx Traffic | Interface Transmit Traffic | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Internal MAC Transmit Errors | Monitors the internal MAC transmit errors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Late Collisions | Monitors the interface Late Collisions | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Multiple Collision Packets | Multiple Collision Frames | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Power Capacity | Monitors the utilized power in Watts | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Corrected Read Errors | Monitors the SCSI corrected read errors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Drive Spin Up Time | Monitors the SCSI drive spin up time | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Hard Read Errors | Monitors the SCSI hard read errors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Hard Write Errors | Monitors the hard write errors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI High Read Sectors | Monitors the SCSI high speed sector | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI High Write Sectors | Monitors the SCSI high write sectors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Low Read Sectors | Monitors the SCSI low read sector | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Low Write Sectors | Monitors the SCSI low write sectors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Recovered Read Errors | Monitors the SCSI recovered read errors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Recovered Write Errors | Monitors the SCSI recovered write errors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Seek Errors | Monitors the SCSI seek errors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Service Time | Monitors the SCSI service time | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Timeout Errors | Monitors the SCSI timeout errors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Trap Packets | Monitors the number of SCSI trap packets | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SCSI Used Reallocation Sectors | Monitors the SCSI used reallocation sectors | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Single Collision Packets | Single Collision packets | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | SNMP Trap Log Size | Monitors the SNMP trap log size | SNMP | Server |
Compaq | Traffic Trap Count | Monitors the number of trap count in traffic | SNMP | Server |
Cyberoam | CPU Utilization | Monitors the cpu usage. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cyberoam | Disk Utilization | Monitors the used disk percentage. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cyberoam | FTP Hits | Monitors the count of Ftp Hits. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cyberoam | HTTP Hits | Monitors the count of Http Hits. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cyberoam | IMAP Hits | Monitors the count of imapHits. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cyberoam | Live Users | Monitors the count of Live Users. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cyberoam | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Momory utilization. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cyberoam | POP3 Hits | Monitors the count of pop3Hits. | SNMP | Firewall |
Cyberoam | SMTP Hits | Monitors the count of Smtp Hit. | SNMP | Firewall |
DCN | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for DCN | SNMP | Switch |
DCN | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for DCN | SNMP | Switch |
Dell | Alert | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Networking Device |
Dell | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for Dell | SNMP | Switch |
Dell | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of DELL_Force10_S25N switch | SNMP | Switch |
Dell | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of DELL_Force10_S25N switch | SNMP | Switch |
Dell | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for Dell | SNMP | Switch |
DPtech | Connections | Monitors the Connections of DPtech Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
DPtech | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for DPtech | SNMP | Firewall |
DPtech | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for DPtech devices | SNMP | Firewall / Router |
DPtech | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for DPtech | SNMP | Firewall |
DPtech | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of DPTECH Switches | SNMP | Firewall |
DPtech | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for DPtech devices | SNMP | Firewall / Router |
Eaton | Online | Custom Monitor | SNMP | UPS |
Eaton | UPS Battery Current | Battery Current as reported by the UPS metering. Current is positive when discharging, negative when recharging the battery. | SNMP | UPS |
Eaton | UPS Charge | Battery percent charge. | SNMP | UPS |
Eaton | UPS Input Line Voltage | The measured input voltage from the UPS meters in volts. | SNMP | UPS |
Eaton | UPS Input Source | The present external source of input power. | SNMP | UPS |
Eaton | UPS Load | Powerware UPS Load | SNMP | UPS |
Eaton | UPS Output Current | The measured UPS output current in amps. | SNMP | UPS |
Eaton | UPS Output Voltage | The measured output voltage from the UPS metering in volts. | SNMP | UPS |
Eaton | UPS Time Remaining | Battery run time in seconds before UPS turns off due to low battery. | SNMP | UPS |
Emerson | LiebertUPS Charge | Monitors UPS Charge | SNMP | UPS |
Emerson | LiebertUPS Load | Monitors UPS Load | SNMP | UPS |
Extreme | Extreme CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU Utilization for Extreme Devices | SNMP | Switch |
Extreme | Extreme Temperature | Monitors the Temperature for Extreme Devices | SNMP | Switch |
Extreme | XOS CPU Utilization | Monitors the XOS CPU Utilization for Extreme Devices | SNMP | Switch |
Extreme | XOS Memory Utilization | Monitors the XOS Memory Utilization for Extreme Devices | SNMP | Switch |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Active Client Connection(s) | Monitors F5 LoadBalancer Client Active Connections. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Active connections(server-PoolMember) | Monitors the current connections from server-side to the pool member. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Active connections(ServerToSystem) | Monitors the current connections from server-side to the system. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | ActiveClientConnections | Monitors the ActiveClientConnections of F5-BIG-IP-1600 LoadBalancer | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | ClusterMember State | Monitors the state indicating whether the specified member is enabled or not {false(0), true(1)}. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | CPU FanSpeed | Monitors the fan speed (in RPM) of the indexed CPU on the system., This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | CPU Temperature | Monitors the temperature of the indexed CPU on the system. This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of F5-BIG-IP-1600 LoadBalancer | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of F5 LoadBalancer | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Monitors F5 LoadBalancer CPUUtilization. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Dropped Packet(s) | Monitors the total dropped packets. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Global TM PoolMember State | Monitors the state indicating whether the specified pool member is enabled or not {disable(0), enable(1)}. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Global TM VirtualServer Status | Monitors the activity status of the specified virtual server, as specified by the user {none(0), enabled(1), disabled(2), disabledbyparent(3)}. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | HTTP Request(s) | Monitors the total number of HTTP requests to the LoadBalancer system. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Incoming Packet Error(s) | Monitors the total incoming packet errors for the system. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Local TM PoolMember state | Monitors the activity status of the specified pool, as specified by the user{none(0), enabled(1), disabled(2), disabledbyparent(3)}. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of F5-BIG-IP-1600 LoadBalancer | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of F5 LoadBalancer | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Memory Utilization | Monitors F5 LoadBalancer MemoryUtilization. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
F5 Networks, Inc. | Outgoing Packet Error(s) | Monitors the total outgoing packet errors for the system. | SNMP | Load Balancer |
FiberHome | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of FiberHome-EPON-5516 Switch | SNMP | Switch |
FiberHome | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of FiberHome-S2200ME-PAF Switch | SNMP | Switch |
FiberHome | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of FiberHome-EPON-5516 Switch | SNMP | Switch |
FiberHome | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of FiberHome-S2200ME-PAF Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Fortigate | Connections | Monitors the Connections of Fortigate Firewall 200B | SNMP | Firewall |
Fortigate | Connections | Monitors the Connections of Fortigate devices | SNMP | Router |
Fortigate | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Fortigate Firewall 200B | SNMP | Firewall |
Fortigate | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Fortigate devices | SNMP | Router |
Fortigate | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Fortigate Firewall 200B | SNMP | Firewall |
Fortigate | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Fortigate devices | SNMP | Router |
Fortinet, Inc. | Active Session Count | Active Session Count | SNMP | Router |
Fortinet, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU utilization | SNMP | Firewall |
Fortinet, Inc. | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory Utilization | SNMP | Firewall |
Foundry Networks, Inc. | CPU Utilization | The statistics collection of utilization of the CPU in the device | SNMP | Switch |
Foundry Networks, Inc. | Foundry Temperature | Temperature of the chassis. Each unit is 0.5 degrees Celcius. Only management module built with temperature sensor hardware is applicable. For those non-applicable management module, it returns no-such-name | SNMP | Switch |
Foundry Networks, Inc. | PowerSupply | The power supply operation status | SNMP | Switch |
Foundry Networks, Inc. | QosProfileCalculatedBandwidth | Qos Profile Calculated Bandwidth | SNMP | Switch |
Foundry Networks, Inc. | QosProfileRequestedBandwidth | Qos Profile Requested Bandwidth | SNMP | Switch |
Foundry Networks, Inc. | ViolatorPortNumber | The port number of the switch or router that received a violator packet. It is included in the locked address violation trap | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of H3C-S10508 Switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of H3C-S2108-E0004 switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of H3C-S3610-PWR-EI Switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of H3C-S5120-52SC-HI Switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for H3C | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for H3C | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of H3C-S5800-32C Switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of H3C-S7506E-S Switches | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of H3C-S9505E Switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for H3C | SNMP | Firewall |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of H3C-WX3008 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of H3C Devices | SNMP | Networking Device |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Router |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Networking Device |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Router / Firewall |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of H3C-S10508 Switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of H3C-S3610-PWR-EI Switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of H3C-S5120-52SC-HI Switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for H3C | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for H3C | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of H3C-S5800-32C Switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of H3C-S7506E-S Switches | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of H3C-S9505E Switch | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for H3C | SNMP | Firewall |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of H3C-WX3008 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of H3C Devices | SNMP | Networking Device |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Router |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Networking Device |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization of H3C devices | SNMP | Switch |
H3C | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices | SNMP | Router / Firewall |
Hewlett-Packard | Associated Mobile User(s) | Monitors associated Mobile User(s) for HP devices | SNMP | Wireless |
Hewlett-Packard | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU Utilization for HP ProCurve Devices | SNMP | Switch |
Hewlett-Packard | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory Utilization for HP ProCurve Devices | SNMP | Switch |
Hillstone | ActiveClientConnections | Monitors the ActiveClientConnections of Hillstone-SG-6000-G5150 Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Hillstone | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Hillstone-SG-6000-G5150 Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Hillstone | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Hillstone-SG-6000-G5150 Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Eudemon1000E Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei-Symantec-USG9310 Router | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei-AR1220 Routers | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei-AR2240 Routers | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei Devices | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei-epon-MA5600T Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei-epon-olt Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Firewall |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei NE20E Router | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei-NE40-4 Router | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei-Quidway-Router-R2621 Router | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei S3352 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei-S7703 switch | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei S9303 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei S9312 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei USG9520 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei_AR3260 Switch | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Huawei devices | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Huawei | CPU Utilization | Monitor the CPU Utilization for Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Eudemon1000E Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei-Symantec-USG9310 Router | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei-AR1220 Routers | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei-AR2240 Routers | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei-epon-MA5600T Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei-epon-olt Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Firewall |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei NE20E Router | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei-NE40-4 Router | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei-Quidway-Router-R2621 Router | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei S3352 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei-S7703 switch | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for Huawei | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei-S8505 Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei S9303 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei S9312 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei-USG9300 Router | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei USG9520 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei_AR3260 Switch | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei devices | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Huawei_SRG1220 Routers | SNMP | Router |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch |
Huawei | Memory Utilization | Monitor the Memory Utilization for Huawei devices | SNMP | Switch / Router |
IBM | IBM Interface Rx Traffic | Monitors the total number of octets received on the interface | SNMP | Server |
IBM | IBM Interface Tx Traffic | Monitors the total number of octets transmitted out of the interface | SNMP | Server |
IBM | IBM InterfaceRx Utilization | Monitors the utilization of the interface based on the incoming traffic | SNMP | Server |
IBM | IBM InterfaceTx Utilization | Monitors the utilization of the interface based on the outgoing traffic | SNMP | Server |
IBM | iBMPSGPhysicalMemoryDataWidth | Monitoring the data width used in this Physical Memory | SNMP | Server |
IBM | iBMPSGPhysicalMemoryTotalWidth | Monitoring the total width used in this Physical Memory | SNMP | Server |
IBM | IBMPSGProcessorCurrentClockSpeed | Current clock speed of this Processor | SNMP | Server |
IBM | IBMPSGTachometerCurrentReading | Monitors the fan speed | SNMP | Server |
IBM | IBMPSGTemperatureSensorCurrentReading | Monitors the Current Reading of this Temperature Sensor | SNMP | Server |
IBM | IBMPSGVoltageSensorCurrentReading | Monitors the Current Reading of this Voltage Sensor | SNMP | Server |
IBM | Total Memory Width Utilization | Monitoring the total used width utilization of this Physical Memory | SNMP | Server |
Juniper | Active Session Count | Description | SNMP | Firewall |
Juniper | Average delay | Average round-trip time (in milliseconds) between two measurement points. | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Juniper | Buffer Utilization | Operating Buffer Utilization | SNMP | Switch / Firewall |
Juniper | Component operating status | Operational status of a router hardware component | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Juniper | Component operating temperature | Operational temperature of a hardware component, in Celsius | SNMP | Networking Device |
Juniper | CPU load | Average utilization over the past minute of a CPU. | SNMP | Networking Device |
Juniper | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Juniper | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Juniper-EX Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Juniper | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Juniper-SRX650 Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Juniper | CPU Utilization(Last 1 min) | Monitors the Last one minute CPU utilization in percentage. | SNMP | Firewall |
Juniper | CPU Utilization(Last 15 min) | Monitors the Last fifteen minutes CPU utilization in percentage. | SNMP | Firewall |
Juniper | CPU Utilization(Last 5 min) | Monitors the Last five minutes CPU utilization in percentage. | SNMP | Firewall |
Juniper | DRAM size | DRAM size | SNMP | Networking Device |
Juniper | FRU state | Operational status of each field-replaceable unit (FRU) | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Juniper | Juniper Connections | Monitors the Connections of Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Juniper | Juniper Temperature | Temperature Measurement | SNMP | Swich / Router |
Juniper | Label Switched Path state | Operational state of an MPLS label-switched path | SNMP | Router |
Juniper | LSP utilization | Utilization of the MPLS label-switched path | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Juniper | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Juniper-EX Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Juniper | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Juniper Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Juniper | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Juniper-SRX650 Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Juniper | Memory utilization | Utilization of memory on the Routing Engine and FPC. | SNMP | Swich / Router |
Juniper | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory Utilization | SNMP | Switch / Firewall |
Juniper | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Juniper | Outbound Counters | Number of bytes belonging to the specified forwarding class that were transmitted on the specified virtual circuit | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Juniper | Outbound Counters for non-ATM | Number of transmitted bytes or packets per interface per forwarding class | SNMP | Router |
Juniper | Output queue size | Size, in packets, of each output queue per forwarding class, per interface | SNMP | Switch / Router |
Juniper | Rate of tail dropped packets | Rate of tail-dropped packets per output queue, per forwarding class, per interface | SNMP | Router |
Juniper | Redundancy switchover | Total number of redundancy switchovers reported by this entity | SNMP | Swich / Router |
Juniper | Rss Session FailureCount | Monitors the rss session failure count. | SNMP | Firewall |
Juniper | RSS SessionCount | Monitor the allocate rss session number | SNMP | Firewall |
KYLAND | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for KYLAND | SNMP | Switch |
KYLAND | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for KYLAND | SNMP | Switch |
leadsec | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of leadsec Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
leadsec | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of leadsec Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
MAIPU | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for MAIPU | SNMP | Swich / Router |
MAIPU | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of MAIPU S4126E Switch | SNMP | Switch |
MAIPU | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of MAIPU S4128E Switch | SNMP | Switch |
MAIPU | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for MAIPU | SNMP | Swich / Router |
MAIPU | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of MAIPU S4126E Switch | SNMP | Switch |
MAIPU | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of MAIPU S4128E Switch | SNMP | Switch |
MAIPU | Temperature | Monitors the Temperature of MAIPU Router | SNMP | Router |
MGE | Battery Installed | Battery Installed | SNMP | UPS |
MGE | Battery sys Shutdown | Battery sys Shutdown Duration | SNMP | UPS |
MGE | UPS Load | Monitors UPS Load | SNMP | UPS |
Microsoft | Bytes Received | Number of bytes the server has received from the network. This property indicates how busy the server is | WMI | Server |
Microsoft | Bytes Total | Number of bytes the server has sent to and received from the network, an overall indication of how busy the server is | WMI | Server |
Microsoft | Bytes Transmitted | Number of bytes the server has received from the network. This property indicates how busy the server is | WMI | Server |
Microsoft | Cache Hit Ratio | Monitors the cache hit ratio | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | ContextSwitches | Rate of switches from one thread to another. Thread switches can occur either inside of a single process or across processes | WMI | Server |
Microsoft | CPU Idle Time | Monitors the CPU Idle ( MilliSecond ) of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | CPU Ready | Monitors the CPU Ready ( MilliSecond ) of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | CPU Usage MHz per core | Monitors the CPU Usage MHz per core of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | CPU Used | Monitors the CPU Used ( MilliSecond ) of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | CPU Used Time | Monitors the CPU Used ( MilliSecond ) of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | CPU Utilization | Monitors the Overall CPU Utilization of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU Utilization of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU Utilization using WMI | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | CPU Utilization Per Core | Monitors the CPU Utilization per Core of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | CPU Wait | Monitors the CPU Wait ( MilliSecond ) of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Data Space of DB | Monitors the total data size in Database | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Data Transaction LogSpace | Monitors the data transaction logspace | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Delivered Outbound Messages | Monitors the delivered outbound messages | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Disk I/O Usage | Monitors Disk I/O Usage of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Queue Length | Number of requests outstanding on the disk | WMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Read Latency | Monitors Disk Read Latency of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Read Requests | Monitors Disk Read Requests of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Read Requests | Monitors Disk Read Requests of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Read Speed | Monitors Disk Read Speed of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Read Speed | Monitors Disk Read Speed of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Reads | Rate of read operations on the disk per Second | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Disk Space Usage | Monitors Disk Space Usage Latency of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Utilization | Monitors the Disk Utilization using WMI | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Disk Write Latency | Monitors Disk Write Latency of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Write Requests | Monitors Disk Write Requests of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Write Requests | Monitors Disk Write Requests of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Write Speed | Monitors Disk Write Speed of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Write Speed | Monitors Disk Write Speed of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Disk Writes | Rate of write operations on the disk | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | File Read Bytes | Overall rate at which bytes are read to satisfy file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including read requests from the file system cache | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | File Read Operations | Combined rate of file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to read from the file system cache | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | File Write Bytes | Overall rate at which bytes are written to satisfy file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including write requests to the file system cache | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | File Write Operations | Combined rate of the file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to write to data in the file system cache | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Free Disk Space in GB | Monitors the Free disk space in GB using WMI | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Free Disk Space in MB | Monitors the Free disk space in MB using WMI | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Free Physical Memory | Physical memory currently unused and available, in Mega Bytes | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Idle Time | Percentage of time during the sample interval that the processor was idle. Not applicable for Windows XP and Windows 2000 devices. | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Inbound Connection Rate | Monitors the inbound connection rate | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | IO Batch Writes | Monitors the IO batch writes | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | IO Outstanding Reads | Monitors the IO outstanding reads | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | IO Outstanding Writes | Monitors the IO outstanding writes | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | IO Page Reads | Monitors the IO page reads | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Memory Active | Monitors Memory Active in KB of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Memory Consumed | Monitors Memory Consumed in KB of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Memory Overhead | Monitors Memory OverHead in KB of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Memory Used | Monitors Memory Used in KB of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Memory Utilization | Monitors Memory Usage of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Memory Utilization | Monitors Memory Usage of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory Utilization using WMI | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Network Packets Received | Monitors Network Packets Received of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Network Packets Received | Monitors Network Packets Received of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Network Packets Transmitted | Monitors Network Packets Transmitted of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Network Packets Transmitted | Monitors Network Packets Transmitted of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Network Received Speed | Monitors Network Received Speed of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Network Received Speed | Monitors Network Received Speed of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Network Transmitted Speed | Monitors Network Transmitted Speed of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Network Transmitted Speed | Monitors Network Transmitted Speed of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Network Usage | Monitors Network Usage of HyperV Host using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Network Usage | Monitors Network Usage of HyperV Guest using WMI | VIWMI | Server |
Microsoft | Non-delivery Reports (Total Inbound) | Monitors the total inbound non-delivery report | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Non-delivery Reports (Total Outbound) | Monitors the total outbound non-delivery report | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Outbound Connection Rate | Monitors the outbound connection rate | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Page Faults | Overall rate at which faulted pages are handled by the processor | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Page Reads | Number of times the disk was read to resolve hard page faults | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Page Writes | Overall rate at which faulted pages are handled by the processor | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Pages Per Second | Number of pages read from or written to the disk to resolve hard page faults | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Partition Details of the Device(%) | Monitoring the usage in each partition of the Device using WMI. | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Privileged Time | Percentage of non-idle processor time spent in privileged mode | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Processor Queue Length | Number of threads in the processor queue | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Processor Time | Percentage of time that the processor is executing a non-idle thread | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Total Active Locks | Monitors the total active locks | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Total Blocking Locks | Monitors the total blocking locks | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Total IO Transactions | Monitors the total IO transactions | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Total Messages Received (from internet) | Monitors the total messages received from internet | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Total Msgs (awaiting final delivery) | Monitors the total awaiting messages for delivery | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Total Msgs Queued for delivery (to internet) | Monitors the to total messages queued for delivery to internet | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Total Open User Connections | Monitors the total open user connections | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Total Size of DB | Monitors the total database size | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Total Size of the Msgs (awaiting final delivery) | Monitors the total size of the awaiting messages for delivery | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Unused Space of DB | Monitors the unused space in database | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | Used Disk Space in GB | Monitors the used disk space in GB using WMI | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Used Disk Space in MB | Monitors the used disk space in MB using WMI | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Used LogSpace | Monitors the used logspace | SNMP | Server |
Microsoft | User Time | Percentage of non-idle processor time spent in user mode | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Memory Used in MB | Memory that is currently being used | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Available Memory in % | Amount of memory available | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Average Disk Latency | Average time taken in milliseconds for a complete disk (read + write + transfer) operaton | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Average Disk Read Latency | Average time taken in milliseconds for a read operation from the disk | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Average Disk Write Latency | Average time taken in milliseconds for a write operation from the disk | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Cached Memory in MB | Amount of memory that contains cached data and code for rapid access by processes, drivers, and the operating system | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Committed Memory in MB | This counter indicates the total amount of memory that has been committed for the exclusive use of any of the services or processes on Windows NT | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | CPU Interrupts per second | The numbers of interrupts the processor needs to respond to in a second | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Disk Active Time in % | Percentage of time the disk is not idle | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Disk Read Speed in KB/s | The rate of data transfer from the disk during read operations, in kilobytes per second | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Disk Speed in KB/s | The rate of data transfer from the disk during read or write operations, in kilobytes per second | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Disk Transfer Rate | The number of read and write operations completed on the disk in a second | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Disk Write Speed in KB/s | The rate of data transfer from the disk during write operations, in kilobytes per second | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Disk Free Space in MB | Amount of free space available in the disk drive | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Free Physical Memory in GB | Memory that does not contain any valuable data and that will be used first when processes, drivers, or the operating system need more memory | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Handle count | The number of handles in the computer | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | IO Read and Write Rate | The rate of IO Read and Write operations performed on the server | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | IO Read and Write Speed in KB/s | The rate at which the process is reading and writing bytes for I/O operations. This property counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network, and device I/Os | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | IO Read Rate | The rate of IO Read operations performed on the server | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | IO Read Speed in KB/s | The rate at which the process is reading bytes from I/O operations. This property counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network, and device I/Os | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | IO Write Rate | The rate of IO Write operations performed on the server | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | IO Write Speed in KB/s | The rate at which the process is writing bytes to I/O operations. This property counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network, and device I/Os | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Number of Processes | Number of processes in the computer | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Percent DPC Time | Percentage of time that the processor spent receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls during the sample interval | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | CPU Interrupts % | Percentage of time that the processor is spending on handling Interrupts | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Nonpageable Pool Memory in MB | This provides an indication of how NT has divided up the physical memory resource. An uncontrolled increase in this value would be indicative of a memory leak in a Kernel-level service or driver | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Pageable Pool Memory in MB | An uncontrolled increase in this counter, with the corresponding decrease in the available memory, would be indicative of a process taking more memory than it should and not giving it back | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Run Queue Length of CPU | The Run Queue length of the CPU | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | System Calls per second | The rate of calls to Windows system service routines by all processes running on the computer | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | System UpTime in minutes | Number of minutes the computer has been running after it was last started | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Thread Count | The number of threads in the computer | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Total Virtual Memory in GB | Total Virtual memory Size in GB | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Used Mounted Partition Space in GB | Monitoring the Used Mounted partitions space in GB using WMI | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Mounted Partition of the Device(%) | Monitoring the usage in each Mounted Partition of the device using WMI | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Free Mounted Partition Space in GB | Monitoring the Free Mounted partitions space in GB using WMI | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Used Virtual Memory in GB | Amount of Virtual memory currently used in GB | WMI | Server / Desktop |
Microsoft | Used Virtual Memory in % | Percent of Virtual memory currently used | WMI | Server / Desktop |
NetApp, Inc. | Active Disk Count | Monitors the number of disks which are currently active, including parity disks. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Active snapvault destinations. | Monitors the number of active snapvault destinations | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Active snapvault sources | Monitors the number of active snapvault sources. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Aggregate Available | Monitors the aggregate available in bytes | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Aggregate State | Monitors the current state of the aggregates | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Aggregate Used | Monitors the aggregate used in bytes | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Aggregate Used Percentage | Monitors the aggregate used percentage | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Battery Status | Monitors the indication of the current status of the NVRAM batteries. { ok ( 1 ) , partiallyDischarged ( 2 ) , fullyDischarged ( 3 ) , notPresent ( 4 ) , nearEndOfLife ( 5 ) , atEndOfLife ( 6 ) , unknown ( 7 ) , overCharged ( 8 ) , fullyCharged ( 9 ) } | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Cache Age | Age in minutes of the oldest read-only blocks in the buffer cache. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Monitors the percent of time that the CPU has been doing useful work since the last time a client requested the cpuBusyTimePerCent. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Disk Read Bytes | Monitors the total number of bytes read from disk since the last boot. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Disk State | Monitors the current state of the disks | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Disk Write Bytes | Monitors the total number of bytes written to disk since the last boot. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Failed Disk count | Monitors the number of disks which are currently broken. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Fan Status | Monitors the Count of the number of chassis fans which are not operating within the recommended RPM range. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | FCP Operations | Monitors the total number of FCP ops handled since the last boot | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | FCP Read Bytes | Monitors the total number of bytes read via fcp since the last boot. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | FCP Write Bytes | Monitors the total number of bytes written via fcp since the last boot. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Global Status | Monitors the overall status of the appliance.{ other ( 1 ) , unknown ( 2 ) , ok ( 3 ) , nonCritical ( 4 ) , critical ( 5 ) , nonRecoverable ( 6 ) } | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | ISCSI Operations | Monitors the total number of iSCSI ops handled since the last boot | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | ISCSI Read Bytes | Monitors the total number of bytes read via iscsi since the last boot. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | ISCSI Write Bytes | Monitors the total number of bytes written via iscsi since the last boot. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | LUN State | Monitors the current state of the lun's | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | NetApp Temperature | Monitors the indication of whether the hardware is currently operating outside of its recommended temperature range. { no ( 1 ) , yes ( 2 ) }. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Power Supply Status | Monitors Count of the number of power supplies which are in degraded mode. { no ( 1 ) , yes ( 2 ) } | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | qrV Files Used | Monitors the current number of files used for this qrVEntry. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | qrVEntry Used bytes | Monitors the current number of KBytes used for this qrVEntry. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Quota State Status | Monitors whether quotas are ON, OFF or initializing. quotaStateOff {( 1 ) , quotaStateOn ( 2 ) , quotaStateInit ( 3 ) } | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Snapvault Status | Monitors the current transfer status of the snapvault relationship. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Snapvault Total Primary Failures | Monitors the total number of failed snapvault transfers on the snapvault primary. Persistent across reboot. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Snapvault Total Primary Successes | Monitors the total number of successful snapvault transfers from the snapvault primary. Persistent across reboot. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Snapvault Total Secondary Failures | Monitors total number of failed snapvault transfers on the snapvault secondary. Persistent across reboot. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Snapvault Total Secondary Successes | Monitors the total number of successful snapvault transfers from the snapvault secondary. Persistent across reboot. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Total DiskCount | Monitors the total number of disks on the system. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Volume Available | Monitors the volume available in bytes | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | volume available bytes | monitors the total disk space in kbytes that is free for use on the referenced file system. | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Volume State | Monitors the current state of the volumes | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Volume Used | Monitors the volume used in bytes | SNMP | Storage |
NetApp, Inc. | Volume Used Percentage | Monitors the volume used percentage | SNMP | Storage |
NetScreen Technologies, Inc. | Active Session Count | Active Session Count Desc | SNMP | Firewall |
NetScreen Technologies, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU utilization | SNMP | Firewall |
NetScreen Technologies, Inc. | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory Utilization | SNMP | Firewall |
Novell | Cache maximum size | Cache maximum size in Kbytes, this is hard limit parameter | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Contact failures | The number of failures since the last time an attempt to contact the peer eDirectory Server was successful | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Cumulative failures | Cumulative failures in contacting the peer eDirectory Server since the creation of this entry | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Cumulative successes | Cumulative successes in contacting the peer eDirectory Server since the creation of this entry | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Database Size | Current size of the eDirectory Database | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Dynamic Cache Memory | Dynamic Cache Adjust percentage | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Entries in cache | Number of Entries in cache | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Entry hits | Number of Entry hits | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Entry misses | Number of Entries examined to determine misses | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Fetched replication updates | Number of replication updates fetched or received from eDirectory Servers | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Incoming traffic | Incoming traffic on the interface | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Operations forwarded | Number of operations forwarded by this eDirectory Server to other eDirectory Servers | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Outgoing traffic | Outgoing traffic on the interface | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Received add Entry requests | Number of addEntry requests received | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Received read requests | Number of read requests received | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Rejected bind requests | Number of bind requests that have been rejected due to inappropriate authentication or invalid credentials | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Sent replication updates | Number of replication updates sent to or taken by eDirectory Servers | SNMP | Server |
Novell | Unauthenticated requests received | Number of unauthenticated/anonymous bind requests received | SNMP | Server |
Nsfocus | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Nsfocus Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Nsfocus | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Nsfocus Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Nutanix (Cluster) | IO Bandwidth | Data transferred from Cluster (in KB/second) | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Cluster) | CPU Utilization | CPU Usage (%) of cluster as reported by hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Cluster) | Memory Utilization | Memory Usage (%) of cluster as reported by hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Cluster) | Read IO Bandwidth | Read data transferred from cluster (in KB/second) | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Cluster) | Write IO Bandwidth | Write data transferred from cluster (in KB/second) | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Cluster) | Number Of IOPS | Number of I/O operations per second from cluster | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Cluster) | IO Latency | Average latency of cluster in microseconds | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Cluster) | Content cache physical memory usage | Real memory (in Megabytes) used to cache data by the content cache for cluster | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Cluster) | Content cache logical memory Usage | Logical memory (in Megabytes) used to cache data without deduplication by the cluster | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Cluster) | Storage usage | Percent of storage used by the cluster | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | IO Bandwidth | Data transferred per second in KB/second from hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | CPU Utilization | Percent of CPU used by the hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | Memory Utilization | Percent of memory used by the hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | Content cache physical memory Usage | Real memory (in Megabytes) used to cache data by the content cache for hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | Content cache logical memory Usage | Logical memory (in Megabytes) used to cache data without deduplication by the hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | Write IO Bandwidth | Write data transferred per second in KB/second from hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | Read IO Bandwidth | Read data transferred per second in KB/second from hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | Storage Used | Percent of storage used by the hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | Read IOPS | Input/Output read operations per second from hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | Write IOPS | Input/Output write operations per second from hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | Number Of IOPS | Input/Output operations per second from hypervisor | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (Host) | Average IO Latency | Average latency of host in microseconds | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (VM) | IO Bandwidth | I/O bandwidth in Kbps used by Controller VM | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (VM) | CPU Utilization | Percent of allocated CPU capacity currently being used by VM | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (VM) | Memory Utilization | Percent of allocated memory capacity currently being used by VM | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (VM) | Read IO Bandwidth | Read I/O speed in terms of Kbps | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (VM) | Write IO Bandwidth | Write I/O speed in terms of Kbps | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (VM) | Read IOPS | Number of Read I/O operations per second for Controller VM | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (VM) | Write IOPS | Number of Write I/O operations per second for Controller VM | Prism API | Server |
Nutanix (VM) | Average Controller IO Latency | Average I/O latency of controller VM in microseconds | Prism API | Server |
OpZoon | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of OpZoon Switch | SNMP | Switch |
OpZoon | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of OpZoon PE-3810 Router | SNMP | Switch |
OpZoon | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of OpZoon Switch | SNMP | Switch |
OpZoon | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of OpZoon Switch | SNMP | Switch |
OpZoon | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of OpZoon PE-3810 Router | SNMP | Switch |
OpZoon | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of OpZoon Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Oracle | DataFile DiskReads | Monitors the number of disk reads in data file | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | DataFile DiskWrites | Monitors the number of disk writes in data file | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | DataFileSize Allocated | Monitors the allocated data file size | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | Library CacheGets | Monitors the number of request for Library CacheGets | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | Library CacheInvalidations | Monitors the number of CacheInvalidations | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | Library CacheReloads | Monitors the number of reloads | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | Number of UserCommits | Monitors the number of commits | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | OraDbSysUserRollbacks | Monitors the number of rollbacks | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | TableScan Blocks | Monitors the number of blocks | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | Tablespace Allocated | Monitors the total table space allocated | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | Tablespace Largest Available | Monitors the largest available tablespace | SNMP | Server |
Oracle | Tablespace Used | Monitors the total tablespace used | SNMP | Server |
Radware | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for Radware | SNMP | Switch |
Radware | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Radware AD-508 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Radware | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Radware DP-502 Switches | SNMP | Switch |
Research In Motion | Average Response Time | Monitors the average response time (in milliseconds) for operations for users on this mail server in the last 10 minutes. Applies to BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino only. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | Failed Connections | Monitors the number of failed connection attempts to this mail server in the last 10 minutes. Applies to BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino only. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | MDS Connection Failure | Monitors the number of failed connections initiated by MDS to another address/service. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | MDS Connection Success | Monitors the number of successful connections initiated by MDS to another address/service. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | MDS Push Connections | Monitors the number of push server connections. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | Messages received per min | Monitors the total number of messages delivered to handhelds per min. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | Messages sent per min | Monitors the total number of messages sent from handhelds per min. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | Total License Configured | Monitors the total number of licenses installed on the server. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | Total License Used | Monitors the total number of licenses in use currently. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | Total messages pending | Monitors the total number of messages delivered to handhelds per min. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | Total messages received | Monitors the total number of messages delivered to handhelds. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | Total messages sent | Monitors the total number of messages sent from handhelds. | SNMP | Server |
Research In Motion | Total Users | Monitors the number of users who are homed on this mail server. Applies to BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino only. | SNMP | Server |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | Active Connection(s) | Monitors the current number of active (optimized) connections. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | BW aggregate in LAN | Monitors the total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | BW aggregate in WAN | Monitors the total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | BW aggregate out LAN | Monitors the total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | BW aggregate out WAN | Monitors the total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | BW Passthrough In | Monitors the Passthrough bytes in WAN to LAN direction. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | BW Passthrough Out | Monitors the Passthrough bytes in LAN to WAN direction. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | BW Passthrough total | Monitors the total passthrough bytes. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | CPU Usage(5 mins avg) | Monitors the Five-minute CPU load in hundreths. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | CPU Utilization | Monitors the percentage CPU utilization, aggregated across all CPUs, rolling average over the past minute. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | dsCostPerSegment | Monitors the Cost per segment expressed in microseconds. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | dsHits Total | Monitors the total number of datastore hits since last restart of service. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | dsMiss Total | Monitors the total number of datastore misses since last restart of service. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | Established Connection(s) | Monitors the current number of established (optimized) connections. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | Half Closed Connection(s) | Monitors the Current total number of half-closed (optimized) connections. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | Half Opened Connection(s) | Monitors the current total number of half-opened (optimized) connections. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | Optimization Service Status | Monitors the Current status of the optimization service. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | Optimized Connection(s) | Monitors the current total number of optimized connections. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | Pass-Through Connection(s) | Monitors the current total number of pass-through connections. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | Steelhead Temperature | Monitors the temperature of the system(C). | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | System Health Status | Monitors the current health of the system. The value is one amongst Healthy, Admission Control, Degraded, Critical. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | Total Connection(s) | Monitors the total number of connections. | SNMP | WAN Accelerator |
RuiJie | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for RuiJie | SNMP | Switch |
RuiJie | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for RuiJie | SNMP | Switch |
SecGate | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of SecGate Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
SecGate | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of SecGate Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
SOCOMEC UPS | Battery Capacity | Estimate of the battery charge remaining expressed as a percent of full charge. | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Battery Capacity | Estimate of the battery charge remaining expressed in percent | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Battery Capacity | Estimate of the battery charge remaining expressed in percent | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Battery Capacity | Estimate of the battery charge remaining expressed in percent | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Battery Negative Voltage | Battery negative voltage in volts | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Battery Positive Voltage | Battery positive voltage in volts | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Battery Voltage | Battery Voltage in volts. | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Battery Voltage | Battery Voltage in volts | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Battery Voltage | Battery Voltage in volts | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Output Load Phase 1 | Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 1 expressed in percent | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Output Load Phase 2 | Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 2 expressed in percent | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Output Load Phase 3 | Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 3 expressed in percent | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Output Load Rate Phase 1 | Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 1 expressed in percent | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Output Load Rate Phase 1 | Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 1 expressed in percent | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Output Load Rate Phase 2 | Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 2 expressed in percent | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | Output Load Rate Phase 3 | Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 3 expressed in percent | SNMP | UPS |
SOCOMEC UPS | UPS Output Load Rate | UPS Output Load Rate in %. | SNMP | UPS |
Symbol | UPS Battery current | Custom Monitor | SNMP | UPS |
Tainet | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of Tainet_Venus_2816 Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Tainet | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of Tainet_Venus_2816 Switch | SNMP | Switch |
Topsec | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of TopSec Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Topsec | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of TopSec Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Topsec | VPN-Connections | Monitors the VPN-Connections of TopSec Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
Trango | SU Count | SU Count | SNMP | Wireless |
TrippLite | UPS Charge | Monitors UPS Charge | SNMP | UPS |
TrippLite | UPS Load | Monitors UPS Load | SNMP | UPS |
VENUS | Connections | Monitors the Connections of VENUS-VSOS-V2.6 Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
VENUS | Connections | Monitors the Connections of VENUS_FW Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
VENUS | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of VENUS-VSOS-V2.6 Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
VENUS | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of VENUS_FW Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
VENUS | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of VENUS-VSOS-V2.6 Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
VENUS | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of VENUS_FW Firewall | SNMP | Firewall |
VMware | Active Memory | Amount of guest physical memory actively used. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Balloon Memory | Amount of guest physical memory that is currently reclaimed from the VM through ballooning. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Compressed Memory | Amount of memory compressed by ESX for VM | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Consumed Memory | Amount of memory consumed by a virtual machine, | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | CPU Idle Time | Total time that the CPU spent in an idle state | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | CPU Ready | Time that the virtual machine was ready, but could not get scheduled to run on the physical CPU | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | CPU Usage | Sum of the actively used CPU of all powered on virtual machines on a host. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | CPU Used | Total CPU usage By HostSystem | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | CPU Used | Time accounted to the virtual machine | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | CPU Utilization | Actively used CPU of the host, as a percentage of the total available CPU | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | CPU Utilization | Actively used VCPU, as percentage of total available CPU. This is the host view of the CPU usage | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | CPU Wait | CPU time spent in wait state | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Free Space | VMware Datastore Freespace Monitor | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Read IOPs | Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Read Latency | Average amount of time for a read operation from the datastore | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Read Latency | Average amount of time for a read operation from the datastore | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Read Rate | Rate of reading data from the datastore | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Read Requests | Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Read Requests Rate | Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Read Speed | Rate of reading data from the datastore. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Throughput Usage | The current bandwidth usage for the datastore or LUN. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Write IOPs | Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Write Latency | Average amount of time for a write operation to the datastore | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Write Latency | Average amount of time for a write operation to the datastore | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Write Rate | Rate of reading data to the datastore | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Write Requests | Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Write Requests Rate | Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Datastore Write Speed | Rate of reading data to the datastore. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk Bus Resets | Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued during the collection interval. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk I/O Usage | Aggregated diskI/O rate for HostSystem over VMs | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk I/O Usage | Aggregated disk I/O rate | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk Max Total Latency | Highest latency value across all disks used by the host. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk Read Rate | Rate at which data is read from each disk on the vm | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk Read Requests | Number of times data was read from each disk on the vm | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk Read Speed | Rate at which data is Read from each LUN on the host | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk Reads | Number of times data was read from each LUN on the host. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk Write Rate | Rate at which data is written to each disk on the vm | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk Write Requests | Number of times data written to each disk on the vm | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk Write Speed | Rate at which data is written to each LUN on the host | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Disk Writes | Number of times data written to each LUN on the host | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Dropped Received Packets | Number of received packets dropped during the collection interval. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Dropped Transmitted Packets | Number of transmitted packets dropped during the collection interval. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Memory Active | Sum of all active metrics for all powered-on virtual machines plus vSphere services | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Memory Compression Rate | Rate of memory compression for the VM | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Memory Consumed | Amount of machine memory used on the host | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Memory Decompression Rate | Rate of memory decompression for the virtual machine | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Memory Granted | Amount of Granted to Entities by HostSystem | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Memory Overhead | Total of all overhead metrics for powered-on virtual machines, the overhead of running vSphere services on the host. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Memory SwapIn Rate | Rate at which memory is swapped from disk into active memory | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Memory SwapOut Rate | Rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to disk | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Memory Usage | Percentage of available machine memory Used | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Memory Usage | Amount of machine memory used by the VMkernel to run the VM | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Network Packets Received | The number of packets received by each vNIC on the VM | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Network Packets Transmitted | Number of packets transmitted by each vNIC on the virtual machine | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Network Received Packets | Number of packets Received during the collection interval. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Network Received Rate | The rate at which data is received across each physical NIC instance on the host. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Network Received Rate | The rate at which data is received across the VMs vNIC | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Network Transmitted Packets | Number of packets Transmitted during the collection interval. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Network Transmitted Rate | The rate at which data is transmitted across each physical NIC instance on the host. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Network Transmitted Rate | The rate at which data is transmitted across the VMs vNIC | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Network Usage | Sum of data transmitted and received across all physical NIC instances connected to the host. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Network Usage | Sum of data transmitted and received across all vNIC instances connected to the VM | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Overhead Memory | Amount of machine memory used by the VMkernel to run the VM | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Shared Memory | Sum of all shared metrics for all powered-on virtual machines, plus amount for vSphere services on the host. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Shared Memory | Amount of guest physical memory shared with other VMs | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Swapped Memory | Current amount of guest physical memory swappedout to the VMs swap file by the VMkernel. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Swapped Used Memory | Amount of memory that is used by swap. Sum of memory swapped of all powered on VMs and vSphere services on the host. | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Total Disk Latency | Average amount of time taken to process a SCSI command issued from/by the Guest OS to the VM | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Total Disk Read Latency | Average amount of time takento process a SCSI read command issued from GuestOS to the VM | VIWebService | Server |
VMware | Total Disk Write Latency | Average amount of time taken to process a SCSI read command issued by GuestOS to the VM | VIWebService | Server |
YAMAHA | NVR500_CPU Utilization (1 Min) | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Switch |
YAMAHA | NVR500_CPU Utilization (5 Min) | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Switch |
YAMAHA | NVR500_CPU Utilization (5 Sec) | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Switch |
YAMAHA | NVR500_Memory Utilization | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Switch |
YAMAHA | RTX1200_CPU Utlization (1 Min) | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Router |
YAMAHA | RTX1200_CPU Utlization (5 Min) | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Router |
YAMAHA | RTX1200_CPU Utlization (5 Sec) | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Router |
YAMAHA | RTX1200_Inbox Temperature | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Router |
YAMAHA | RTX1200_Memory Utlization | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Router |
YAMAHA | RTX810_CPU Utilization (1 Min) | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Router |
YAMAHA | RTX810_CPU Utilization (5 Min) | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Router |
YAMAHA | RTX810_CPU Utilization (5 Sec) | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Router |
YAMAHA | RTX810_Memory Utlization | Custom Monitor | SNMP | Router |
ZhongXing | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for ZhongXing | SNMP | Switch |
ZhongXing | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for ZhongXing | SNMP | Switch |
ZhongXing | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for ZhongXing | SNMP | Switch |
ZhongXing | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for ZhongXing | SNMP | Switch |
ZhongXing | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for ZhongXing | SNMP | Switch |
ZhongXing | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for ZhongXing | SNMP | Switch |
ZhongXing | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for ZhongXing | SNMP | Switch |
ZhongXing | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for ZhongXing | SNMP | Switch |
ZTE | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of ZTE-2850-26TM Switch | SNMP | Switch |
ZTE | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization for ZTE | SNMP | Switch |
ZTE | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of ZTE-ZXPON-EPON-ONU Switch | SNMP | Switch |
ZTE | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of ZTE-ZXR10-2826E Switch | SNMP | Switch |
ZTE | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU of ZTE-ZXR10-2826S-LE Switch | SNMP | Switch |
ZTE | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of ZTE-2850-26TM Switch | SNMP | Switch |
ZTE | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of ZTE-ZXPON-C220 Switch | SNMP | Switch |
ZTE | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of ZTE-ZXR10-2826E Switch | SNMP | Switch |
ZTE | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory of ZTE-ZXR10-2826S-LE Switch | SNMP | Switch |
ZTE | Memory Utilization | Memory Utilization for ZTE | SNMP | Switch |
- | CPU Utilization | Monitors the CPU utilization using CLI | CLI | Servers |
- | Memory Utilization | Monitors the Memory utilization using CLI | CLI | Servers |
- | Disk Utilization | Monitors the Disk utilization using CLI | CLI | Servers |
- | Free Disk Space in MB | Monitors the Free disk space in MB using CLI | CLI | Servers |
- | Free Disk Space in GB | Monitors the Free disk space in GB using CLI | CLI | Servers |
- | Used Disk Space in MB | Monitors the Used disk space in MB using CLI | CLI | Servers |
- | Used Disk Space in GB | Monitors the Used disk space in MB using CLI | CLI | Servers |
- | Partition Details of the Device(%) | Monitors the usage in each partition of the device using CLI | CLI | Servers |
IBM | Swap Memory Utilization | Monitors the swap memory utilization of the device using CLI | CLI | Servers |
IBM | Paging Utilization(%) | Monitors the paging utilization using CLI | CLI | Servers |
IBM | Disk Read Rate | Monitors the disk read rate using CLI | CLI | Servers |
IBM | Disk Write Rate | Monitors the disk write rate using CLI | CLI | Servers |
IBM | Disk Service Queue Full | Monitors the Disk Service Queue Full using CLI | CLI | Servers |
net-snmp | Memory Utilization in GB | Monitors the memory utilization in GB using CLI | CLI | Servers |
net-snmp | Swap Memory Utilization | Monitors the swap memory utilization of the device using CLI | CLI | Servers |
- | Inode Utilization | Monitors the Inode Utilization using CLI | CLI | Servers |
net-snmp | System Reboot Time | Monitors the system reboot time using CLI | CLI | Servers |
- | Run Queue Length of CPU | Monitors the run queue using CLI | CLI | Servers |
- | CPU Idle(%) | Monitors the System CPU Idle(%) using CLI | CLI | Servers |
Sun Microsystems | System Reboot Time | Monitors the system reboot time using CLI | CLI | Servers |
Total Disk | Monitors the number of disks using CLI | Memory Utilization for ZTE | CLI | Servers |
Sun Microsystems | File System Utilization(%) | Monitors the file system utilization using CLI | CLI | Servers |