OpManager Performance Monitors

A list of all the performance monitors used in OpManager along with the vendor details, description, protocol and category can be found in this list: 

Vendor Monitors Description Protocol Category
3Com CPU Temperature Monitors the CPU temperature SNMP Switch / Wireless
3Com CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU utilization SNMP Switch / Wireless
A10 Networks Active Connections Monitors the count of current connections. SNMP Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator
A10 Networks CPU Utilization Monitors the average CPU usage in last 5 seconds. SNMP Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator
A10 Networks Disk Utilization Monitors the usage of the disk in MB. SNMP Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator
A10 Networks Fan Status Monitors the fan status: 0: Failed, 4: OK-fixed/high, 5: OK-low/med, 6: OK-med/med, 7: OK-med/high, -2: not ready, 1: unknown. SNMP Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator
A10 Networks Free disk Space Monitors the Free space of the disk in MB. SNMP Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator
A10 Networks Lower Power Supply Status Monitors the lower power supply status. Power supply status : off(0),on(1),unknown(-1). SNMP Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator
A10 Networks Memory Utilization Monitors the memory utilization(%). SNMP Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator
A10 Networks Server Count The total count of axServer entries in the table. SNMP Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator
A10 Networks System Temperature Monitors the physical system temperature in Celsius. SNMP Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator
A10 Networks Upper Power Supply Status Monitors the Upper power supply status. Power Supply status: off(0),on(1),unknown(-1). SNMP Load Balancer/WAN Accelerator
Alcatel Chassis Temperature Maximum one-minute chassis temperature over the last hour (percent) SNMP Switch / Router
Alcatel CMM CPU Temperature Maximum one-minute CMM CPU temperature over the last hour (percent) SNMP Switch / Router
Alcatel Device CPU Utilization Maximum one-minute device-level CPU utilization over the last hour (percent) SNMP Switch / Router
Alcatel Device Memory Utilization Maximum one-minute device-level memory utilization over the last hour (percent) SNMP Switch / Router
Alcatel Module CPU Utilization Maximum one-minute module-level CPU utilization over the last hour (percent) SNMP Switch / Router
Alcatel Moduler Memory Utilization Maximum one-minute module-level memory utilization over the last hour (percent) SNMP Switch / Router
Amaranten Amaranten-Connections Monitors the Connections of Amaranten Firewall SNMP Firewall
Amaranten CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Amaranten Firewall SNMP Firewall
Amaranten Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Amaranten Firewall SNMP Firewall
American Power Conversion Corp. Number of PDU Outlets Monitors the OID will return the number of outlets contained in the device. SNMP UPS / PDU
American Power Conversion Corp. PDU Bank Load Monitors the OID will return the phase/bank load measured in tenths of Amps. SNMP UPS / PDU
American Power Conversion Corp. PDU Phase Load Monitors the current draw, in tenths of Amps, of the load on the Rack PDU phase being queried SNMP UPS / PDU
American Power Conversion Corp. PDU Phase Load status Monitors the present load status of the Rack PDU phase being queried { lowLoad ( 1 ) , normal ( 2 ) , nearOverload ( 3 ) , overload ( 4 ) } SNMP UPS / PDU
American Power Conversion Corp. PDU Phases Monitors the OID will return the number of phases supported by the device. SNMP UPS / PDU
American Power Conversion Corp. PDU Power Load Monitors the load power, in hundredths of kiloWatts, consumed on the Rack PDU phase being queried SNMP UPS / PDU
American Power Conversion Corp. PDU Voltage Monitors the Voltage, in Volts, of the Rack PDU phase being queried SNMP UPS / PDU
American Power Conversion Corp. UPS Charge Monitors UPS Charge SNMP UPS
American Power Conversion Corp. UPS Input Line Voltage The current utility line voltage in VAC SNMP UPS
American Power Conversion Corp. UPS Load Monitors UPS Load SNMP UPS
American Power Conversion Corp. UPS Output Current The current in ampres drawn by the load on the UPS SNMP UPS
American Power Conversion Corp. UPS Output Voltage The output voltage of the UPS system in VAC SNMP UPS
APC CPU Utilization CPU Utilization SNMP UPS
APC Total Active Sessions Total Active Sessions SNMP UPS
Array Connection Monitors the Connections of Array-APV LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
Array CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Array-APV LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
Array Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Array-APV LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
Autelan CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Autelan-AS3200 Switch SNMP Switch
Autelan Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Autelan-AS3200 Switch SNMP Switch
Barracuda Bounced Mail Queues Monitors the Bounced mail queues SNMP Networking Device
Barracuda Buffer Memory Monitors the system Buffer Momory Utilization SNMP Networking Device
Barracuda CPU Utilization Monitors the system 15 minutes cpu Load SNMP Networking Device
Barracuda CPU Utilization (Last 1 min) Monitors the system last 1 minute cpu load SNMP Networking Device
Barracuda CPU Utilization (Last 5 min) Monitors the system last 5 minutes cpu Load SNMP Networking Device
Barracuda InBound Mail Queues Monitors the InBound mail queues SNMP Networking Device
Barracuda Mail Input Monitors the system Mail Input counts SNMP Networking Device
Barracuda Mail Output Monitors the systems Mail output counts SNMP Networking Device
Barracuda Memory Utilization Monitors the system MemoryUtilization SNMP Networking Device
Barracuda OutBound Mail Queues Monitors the OutBound Mail queues SNMP Networking Device
Barracuda Used Disk Space Monitors the systems used disk space SNMP Networking Device
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Client HTTP Errors Monitors the number of HTTP errors caused by client connections. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Client HTTP Hit(s) Monitors the number of HTTP hits that the proxy clients have produced. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Client HTTP In Traffic Monitors the number of kilobits recieved from the clients by the proxy. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Client HTTP Out Traffic Monitors the number of kilobits delivered to clients from the proxy. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Client HTTP Request(s) Monitors the number of HTTP requests recieved from clients. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Bluecoat Switches SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors the Percent of resource in use. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Disk Utilization Monitors the Percent of resource in use. When the resource is disk, it is the amount of disk used by the cache subsytem. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Bluecoat Switches SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Memory Utilization Monitors the MemoryUtilization. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Objects In Cache Monitors the number of objects currently held by the proxy. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Server HTTP Errors Monitors the number of HTTP errors while fetching objects. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Server HTTP In Traffic Monitors the number of Kbs recieved by the proxy from remote servers. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Server HTTP Out Traffic Monitors the number of kbs transmitted by the proxy to remote servers. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Server HTTP Requests Monitors the number of Http requests that the proxy has issued. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd FW Dropped Packets Monitors the number of dropped packets SNMP Firewall
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd FW Logged Packets Monitors the number of logged packets SNMP Firewall
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd FW Rejected Packets Monitors the number of rejected packets SNMP Firewall
Cisco Aborted Interface In Packets Monitors the aborted interfaces in packets SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Active Session Count Active Session Count SNMP Firewall
Cisco Associated Mobile Stations Monitors the number of Mobile Stations currently associated with the WLAN. SNMP Wireless
Cisco Associated Mobile User(s) Monitors associated Mobile User(s) for Cisco devices SNMP Wireless
Cisco Backplane Utilization Monitors the Backplane Utilization SNMP Switch
Cisco BGP PEER STATE idle2, connect3, active4, opensent5, openconfirm6, established SNMP Router
Cisco Big Buffer Hits Monitors the Total big buffer hits SNMP Router
Cisco Big Buffer Misses Monitors the Total big buffer misses SNMP Router
Cisco Buffer Create Failures Monitors the buffer create failures SNMP Router
Cisco Buffer Failures Monitors the Buffer Failures SNMP Router
Cisco CardOperstatus 1 : not-specified2 : up3 : down4 : standby SNMP Switch
Cisco Chassis Input Power Monitors the Chassis Input Power UCS UCS
Cisco Chassis Output Power Monitors the Chassis Output Power UCS UCS
Cisco Cisco Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory Utilization SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Cisco Temperature Monitors temperature at the testpoint maintained by the environmental monitor SNMP Networking Device
Cisco CPU Usage (1 min avg) Monitors the one-minute moving average of the CPU busy percentage SNMP Networking Device
Cisco CPU Usage (5 mins avg) Monitors the five-minute moving average of the CPU busy percentage SNMP Networking Device
Cisco CPU Usage (5 secs avg) Monitors the CPU busy percentage in the last 5 seconds SNMP Networking Device
Cisco CPU Utilization Monitors the average utilization of CPU on the active supervisor. SNMP Switch
Cisco CPU Utilization Monitors the device CPU Utilization. SNMP Networking Device
Cisco CPU Utilization(WLC) Monitors the Current CPU Load of the switch (Cisco WLC device) in percentage. SNMP Wireless
Cisco devCellularstatus Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devClientCount Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devContactedat Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devLanIP Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devMac Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devMeshstatus Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devName Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devNetworkname Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devProductcode Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devProductdescription Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devpublicIP Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devSerial Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devStatu Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devSubnet Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco Disk Utilization Monitors the disk I/O utilization. SNMP Firewall
Cisco Fabric Interconnect CPU Utilization Monitors the Fabric Interconnect CPU Utilization UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet1 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet1 UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet2 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet2 UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet3 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet3 UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet4 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet4 UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect MainBoardOutlet1 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect MainBoardOutlet1 UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect MainBoardOutlet2 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect MainBoardOutlet2 UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect MemAvailable Monitors the Fabric Interconnect Memory Available UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect MemCached Monitors the Fabric Interconnect MemCached UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect PsuCtrlrInlet1 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect PsuCtrlrInlet1 UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect PsuCtrlrInlet2 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect PsuCtrlrInlet2 UCS UCS
Cisco Fan Speed Monitors the Fan Speed UCS UCS
Cisco FanModule Exhaust Temperature Monitors the FanModule Exhaust Temperature UCS UCS
Cisco Firewall CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU utilization of the Firewall SNMP Firewall
Cisco Free 1550K Buffers Monitors the number of free 1550K blocks SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Free 256K Buffers Monitors the number of free 256K blocks SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Free 4K Buffers Monitors the number of free 4K blocks SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Free 80K Buffers Monitors the number of free 80K blocks SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Free Memory Monitors the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Ignored Interface In Packets Monitors the ignored interfaces in packets SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Input Packet Drops Monitors the input packets drops after the input queue was full SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Interface Collisions Monitors the interface collisions SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Interface In CRC Errors Monitors the number of input packets which had cyclic redundancy checksum errors SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Interface In Giants Monitors the number of input packets larger than the physical media permitted SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Interface In Runts Monitors the interface in runts SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Interface Input Bits Monitors the five-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Interface Output Bits Monitors the five-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Interface Reset Count Monitors the number of times the interface has internally reset SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Interface Restart Count Monitors the number of times the interface needed to be completely restarted SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Ironport Temperature Monitors the Temperature in degrees Celsius. SNMP Firewall
Cisco Largest Free Memory Monitors the largest number of contiguous bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused SNMP Networking Device
Cisco MailTransfer Threads Monitors the number of threads that perform some task related to transferring mail. SNMP Firewall
Cisco Medium Buffer Hits Monitors the Total medium buffer hits SNMP Router
Cisco Medium Buffer Misses Monitors the Total medium buffer misses SNMP Router
Cisco Memory Utilization Monitors the average utilization of memory on the active supervisor. SNMP Switch
Cisco Memory Utilization Monitors the device memory utilization. SNMP Firewall
Cisco Memory Utilization Monitors the device Memory Utilization SNMP Switch
Cisco Memory Utilization(WLC) Monitors the current Memory Utilization of the Cisco WLC device. SNMP Wireless
Cisco Modems in Use Custom Monitor SNMP Router
Cisco Motherboard Consumed Power Monitors the Monitors the Motherboard Consumed Power UCS UCS
Cisco Motherboard Input Current Monitors the Motherboard Input Current UCS UCS
Cisco Motherboard Input Voltage Monitors the Motherboard Input Voltage UCS UCS
Cisco OpenFilesOrSockets Monitors the number of open files or sockets. SNMP Firewall
Cisco OSPF IF State down2, loopback3, waiting4, pointToPoint5, designatedRouter6, backupDesignatedRouter7, otherDesignatedRouter SNMP Router
Cisco Output Packet Drops Monitors the output packets drop SNMP Router
Cisco Outstanding DNS Requests Monitors the number of DNS requests that have been sent but for which no reply has been received. SNMP Firewall
Cisco Pending DNS Requests Monitors the number of DNS requests waiting to be sent. SNMP Firewall
Cisco PSUs Input Voltage Monitors the PSUs Input Voltage UCS UCS
Cisco PSUs Internal Temperature Monitors the PSUs Internal Temperature UCS UCS
Cisco PSUs Output Current Monitors the PSUs Output Current UCS UCS
Cisco PSUs Output Power Monitors the PSUs Output Power UCS UCS
Cisco PSUs Output12v Monitors the PSUs Output12v UCS UCS
Cisco PSUs Output3v3 Monitors the PSUs Output3v3 UCS UCS
Cisco Router Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory utilization of the router SNMP Router
Cisco Small Buffer Hits Monitors the Total small buffer hits SNMP Networking Device
Cisco Small Buffer Misses Monitors the Total small buffer misses SNMP Router
Cisco Switch CPU Utilization(5 mins avg) Monitors the five-minute moving average of the CPU busy percentage SNMP Switch
Cisco Switch Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory utilization of the switch SNMP Networking Device
Cisco sysUpTimeAtLastChassisChange "Time in seconds/100 from the last coldstart to the last change in the chassis configuration. This value will be updatedwhenever the chassis experiences a changein the count, type, or slot position ofa card in cardTable." SNMP Switch
Cisco Temperature(WLC) Monitors the current Internal Temperature of the unit in Centigrade(Cisco WLC). SNMP Wireless
Cisco Total Huge Buffer Hits Monitors the huge buffer hits SNMP Router
Cisco Total Huge Buffer Misses Monitors the total huge buffer misses SNMP Router
Cisco Total Large Buffer Hits Monitors the Total large buffer hits SNMP Router
Cisco Total Large Buffer Misses Monitors the total large buffer misses SNMP Router
Cisco Tunnel In-Drop Packets VPN Tunnel In-Drop Packets SNMP Firewall
Cisco Tunnel In-Octet VPN Tunnel In-Octet SNMP Firewall
Cisco Tunnel In-Packets VPN Tunnel In-Packets SNMP Firewall
Cisco Tunnel Out-Drop Packets VPN Tunnel Out-Drop Packets SNMP Firewall
Cisco Tunnel Out-Octet VPN Tunnel Out-Octet SNMP Firewall
Cisco Tunnel Out-Packets VPN Tunnel Out-Packets SNMP Firewall
Cisco Used Memory Monitors the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use SNMP Networking Device
Citrix Systems, Inc. Active Server Connection(s) Monitors the number of connections currently serving requests. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Client Connection(s) in ClosingState Monitors the number of client connections in NetScaler in closing states. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Client Connection(s) in OpeningState Monitors the number of client connections in NetScaler in opening states. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU utilization percentage. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. CPU Utilization Average physical cpu usage XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. CPU Utilization Average of VM VCPUs Utilization XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. Current Client Connection(s) Monitors the number of client connections in NetScaler. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Current Server Connection(s) Monitors the number of server connections in NetScaler. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Disk I/O Usage Virtual Disk I/O Usage of VM XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. Disk Utilization Monitors the Percentage of the disk space used. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Domain0 Average Load Load for Domain0 in XenServer XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. Established Client Connection(s) Monitors the number of client connections in NetScaler in established state. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Established Server Connection(s) Monitors the number of server connections in NetScaler in established state. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Http Total Gets Monitors the number of HTTP GET requests received. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Http Total Others(non-GET/POST) Monitors the number of non-GET/POST HTTP methods received. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Http Total Posts Monitors the number of HTTP POST requests received. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Memory Allocation By XAPI Memory allocation done by the xapi daemon XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory utilization percentage. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Memory Utilization Memory Utilization of host XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. Memory Utilization Memory Utilization of VM XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. Network Received Rate Bytes per second received on all physical interfaces XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. Network Transmitted Rate Bytes per second sent on all physical interfaces XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. Network Usage Network Usage of host XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. Network Usage Network I/O Usage by XenServer VM XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. scPolicy Url Hits This counter gives the number of times netscaler matched an incoming request with a Configured sureconnect policy. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. scSession Requests This counter gives the number of requests which came in a SureConnect session. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. SSL CardsUP Monitors the number of ssl cards UP. If number of cards UP is lower than a threshold, a failover will be initiated. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. SSL session(s) Monitors the number of SSL sessions. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. TCP Total ClientConnection Opened Monitors the total number of opened client connections. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. TCP TotalSyn Monitors the number of SYN packets received. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. TCPSurgeQueueLength Monitors the number of connections in surge queue. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Total Hit(s) Monitors the total hits for the policy. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. Total Policy Hits Monitors the Total policy hits count. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. TTFB between Netscaler to server Monitors the average TTFB between the netscaler and the server. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. VCPUs Concurrency Hazard Fraction of time that some VCPUs are running and some are runnable XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. VCPUs Full Contention Fraction of time that all VCPUs are runnable (i.e., waiting for CPU) XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. VCPUs Full Run Fraction of time that all VCPUs are running XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. VCPUs Idle Fraction of time that all VCPUs are blocked or offline XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. VCPUs Partial Contention Fraction of time that some VCPUs are runnable and some are blocked XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. VCPUs Partial Run Fraction of time that some VCPUs are running, and some are blocked XenService Server
Citrix Systems, Inc. VServer Current ClientConnections Monitors the number of current client connections. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. VServer Current OutOfService(s) Monitors the current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'outOfService'. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. VServer Current ServerConnections Monitors the number of current connections to the real servers behind the vserver. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. VServer Current ServicesDown Monitors the current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'down'. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. VServer Current ServicesUp Monitors the current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'up'. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. VServer Total Hits Monitors the Total vserver hits. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. VServer Total RequestBytes Monitors the total number of request bytes received on this service/vserver. SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. VServer Total Requests Monitors the total number of requests received on this service/vserver(This is applicable for HTTP/SSL servicetype). SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. VServer Total ResponseBytes Monitors the number of response bytes received on this service/vserver. SNMP Load Balancer
MGE UPS Charge Monitors UPS Charge SNMP UPS
Citrix Systems, Inc. VServer TotalResponses Monitors the number of responses received on this service/vserver(This is applicable for HTTP/SSL servicetype). SNMP Load Balancer
Citrix Systems, Inc. XAPI Memory Usage XenAPI Memory Utilization XenService Server
Compaq CpqHe Server Temperature Monitors the server temprature SNMP Server
Compaq CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU Utilization SNMP Server
Compaq CPU Utilization (30 Min Avg) Monitors the CPU Utilization SNMP Server
Compaq CPU Utilization (5 Min Avg) Monitors the CPU Utilization SNMP Server
Compaq CPU Utilization (Hr. Avg) Monitors the CPU Utilization SNMP Server
Compaq Deferred Transmission Monitors the interfaces deffered transmission SNMP Server
Compaq Excessive Collisions Monitors the interface excessive collisions SNMP Server
Compaq File System Usage Percentage Monitors the percetage space used in File System SNMP Server
Compaq File System Usage Size Monitors the space used by file system SNMP Server
Compaq Free Physical Memory Monitors the free physical memory SNMP Server
Compaq Free Virtual Memory Monitors the free virtual memory SNMP Server
Compaq Input Voltage Monitors the input voltage of power supply SNMP Server
Compaq Interface Rx Errors Monitors the interface receive errors SNMP Server
Compaq Interface Rx Traffic Monitors the interface received traffic SNMP Server
Compaq Interface Tx Errors Monitors the interface transmit error SNMP Server
Compaq Interface Tx Traffic Interface Transmit Traffic SNMP Server
Compaq Internal MAC Transmit Errors Monitors the internal MAC transmit errors SNMP Server
Compaq Late Collisions Monitors the interface Late Collisions SNMP Server
Compaq Multiple Collision Packets Multiple Collision Frames SNMP Server
Compaq Power Capacity Monitors the utilized power in Watts SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Corrected Read Errors Monitors the SCSI corrected read errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Drive Spin Up Time Monitors the SCSI drive spin up time SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Hard Read Errors Monitors the SCSI hard read errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Hard Write Errors Monitors the hard write errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI High Read Sectors Monitors the SCSI high speed sector SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI High Write Sectors Monitors the SCSI high write sectors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Low Read Sectors Monitors the SCSI low read sector SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Low Write Sectors Monitors the SCSI low write sectors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Recovered Read Errors Monitors the SCSI recovered read errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Recovered Write Errors Monitors the SCSI recovered write errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Seek Errors Monitors the SCSI seek errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Service Time Monitors the SCSI service time SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Timeout Errors Monitors the SCSI timeout errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Trap Packets Monitors the number of SCSI trap packets SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Used Reallocation Sectors Monitors the SCSI used reallocation sectors SNMP Server
Compaq Single Collision Packets Single Collision packets SNMP Server
Compaq SNMP Trap Log Size Monitors the SNMP trap log size SNMP Server
Compaq Traffic Trap Count Monitors the number of trap count in traffic SNMP Server
Cyberoam CPU Utilization Monitors the cpu usage. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam Disk Utilization Monitors the used disk percentage. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam FTP Hits Monitors the count of Ftp Hits. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam HTTP Hits Monitors the count of Http Hits. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam IMAP Hits Monitors the count of imapHits. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam Live Users Monitors the count of Live Users. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam Memory Utilization Monitors the Momory utilization. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam POP3 Hits Monitors the count of pop3Hits. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam SMTP Hits Monitors the count of Smtp Hit. SNMP Firewall
DCN CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for DCN SNMP Switch
DCN Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for DCN SNMP Switch
Dell Alert Custom Monitor SNMP Networking Device
Dell CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for Dell SNMP Switch
Dell CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of DELL_Force10_S25N switch SNMP Switch
Dell Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of DELL_Force10_S25N switch SNMP Switch
Dell Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for Dell SNMP Switch
DPtech Connections Monitors the Connections of DPtech Firewall SNMP Firewall
DPtech CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for DPtech SNMP Firewall
DPtech CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for DPtech devices SNMP Firewall / Router
DPtech Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for DPtech SNMP Firewall
DPtech Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of DPTECH Switches SNMP Firewall
DPtech Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for DPtech devices SNMP Firewall / Router
Eaton Online Custom Monitor SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Battery Current Battery Current as reported by the UPS metering. Current is positive when discharging, negative when recharging the battery. SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Charge Battery percent charge. SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Input Line Voltage The measured input voltage from the UPS meters in volts. SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Input Source The present external source of input power. SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Load Powerware UPS Load SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Output Current The measured UPS output current in amps. SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Output Voltage The measured output voltage from the UPS metering in volts. SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Time Remaining Battery run time in seconds before UPS turns off due to low battery. SNMP UPS
Emerson LiebertUPS Charge Monitors UPS Charge SNMP UPS
Emerson LiebertUPS Load Monitors UPS Load SNMP UPS
Extreme Extreme CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU Utilization for Extreme Devices SNMP Switch
Extreme Extreme Temperature Monitors the Temperature for Extreme Devices SNMP Switch
Extreme XOS CPU Utilization Monitors the XOS CPU Utilization for Extreme Devices SNMP Switch
Extreme XOS Memory Utilization Monitors the XOS Memory Utilization for Extreme Devices SNMP Switch
F5 Networks, Inc. Active Client Connection(s) Monitors F5 LoadBalancer Client Active Connections. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Active connections(server-PoolMember) Monitors the current connections from server-side to the pool member. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Active connections(ServerToSystem) Monitors the current connections from server-side to the system. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. ActiveClientConnections Monitors the ActiveClientConnections of F5-BIG-IP-1600 LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. ClusterMember State Monitors the state indicating whether the specified member is enabled or not {false(0), true(1)}. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. CPU FanSpeed Monitors the fan speed (in RPM) of the indexed CPU on the system., This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. CPU Temperature Monitors the temperature of the indexed CPU on the system. This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of F5-BIG-IP-1600 LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of F5 LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors F5 LoadBalancer CPUUtilization. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Dropped Packet(s) Monitors the total dropped packets. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Global TM PoolMember State Monitors the state indicating whether the specified pool member is enabled or not {disable(0), enable(1)}. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Global TM VirtualServer Status Monitors the activity status of the specified virtual server, as specified by the user {none(0), enabled(1), disabled(2), disabledbyparent(3)}. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. HTTP Request(s) Monitors the total number of HTTP requests to the LoadBalancer system. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Incoming Packet Error(s) Monitors the total incoming packet errors for the system. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Local TM PoolMember state Monitors the activity status of the specified pool, as specified by the user{none(0), enabled(1), disabled(2), disabledbyparent(3)}. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of F5-BIG-IP-1600 LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of F5 LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Memory Utilization Monitors F5 LoadBalancer MemoryUtilization. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Inc. Outgoing Packet Error(s) Monitors the total outgoing packet errors for the system. SNMP Load Balancer
FiberHome CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of FiberHome-EPON-5516 Switch SNMP Switch
FiberHome CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of FiberHome-S2200ME-PAF Switch SNMP Switch
FiberHome Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of FiberHome-EPON-5516 Switch SNMP Switch
FiberHome Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of FiberHome-S2200ME-PAF Switch SNMP Switch
Fortigate Connections Monitors the Connections of Fortigate Firewall 200B SNMP Firewall
Fortigate Connections Monitors the Connections of Fortigate devices SNMP Router
Fortigate CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Fortigate Firewall 200B SNMP Firewall
Fortigate CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Fortigate devices SNMP Router
Fortigate Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Fortigate Firewall 200B SNMP Firewall
Fortigate Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Fortigate devices SNMP Router
Fortinet, Inc. Active Session Count Active Session Count SNMP Router
Fortinet, Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU utilization SNMP Firewall
Fortinet, Inc. Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory Utilization SNMP Firewall
Foundry Networks, Inc. CPU Utilization The statistics collection of utilization of the CPU in the device SNMP Switch
Foundry Networks, Inc. Foundry Temperature Temperature of the chassis. Each unit is 0.5 degrees Celcius. Only management module built with temperature sensor hardware is applicable. For those non-applicable management module, it returns no-such-name SNMP Switch
Foundry Networks, Inc. PowerSupply The power supply operation status SNMP Switch
Foundry Networks, Inc. QosProfileCalculatedBandwidth Qos Profile Calculated Bandwidth SNMP Switch
Foundry Networks, Inc. QosProfileRequestedBandwidth Qos Profile Requested Bandwidth SNMP Switch
Foundry Networks, Inc. ViolatorPortNumber The port number of the switch or router that received a violator packet. It is included in the locked address violation trap SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of H3C-S10508 Switch SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of H3C-S2108-E0004 switch SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of H3C-S3610-PWR-EI Switch SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of H3C-S5120-52SC-HI Switch SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of H3C-S5800-32C Switch SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of H3C-S7506E-S Switches SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of H3C-S9505E Switch SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Firewall
H3C CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of H3C-WX3008 Switches SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of H3C Devices SNMP Networking Device
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Router
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Networking Device
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Router / Firewall
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S10508 Switch SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S3610-PWR-EI Switch SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S5120-52SC-HI Switch SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S5800-32C Switch SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S7506E-S Switches SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S9505E Switch SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Firewall
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-WX3008 Switches SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C Devices SNMP Networking Device
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Router
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Networking Device
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization of H3C devices SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C devices SNMP Router / Firewall
Hewlett-Packard Associated Mobile User(s) Monitors associated Mobile User(s) for HP devices SNMP Wireless
Hewlett-Packard CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU Utilization for HP ProCurve Devices SNMP Switch
Hewlett-Packard Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory Utilization for HP ProCurve Devices SNMP Switch
Hillstone ActiveClientConnections Monitors the ActiveClientConnections of Hillstone-SG-6000-G5150 Firewall SNMP Firewall
Hillstone CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Hillstone-SG-6000-G5150 Firewall SNMP Firewall
Hillstone Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Hillstone-SG-6000-G5150 Firewall SNMP Firewall
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Eudemon1000E Firewall SNMP Firewall
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei-Symantec-USG9310 Router SNMP Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei-AR1220 Routers SNMP Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei-AR2240 Routers SNMP Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei Devices SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei-epon-MA5600T Switch SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei-epon-olt Switch SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for Huawei SNMP Firewall
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei NE20E Router SNMP Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei-NE40-4 Router SNMP Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei-Quidway-Router-R2621 Router SNMP Router
Huawei CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei devices SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for Huawei devices SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei S3352 Switches SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei-S7703 switch SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for Huawei devices SNMP Switch / Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei S9303 Switches SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei S9312 Switches SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei USG9520 Switches SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei_AR3260 Switch SNMP Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei devices SNMP Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for Huawei devices SNMP Switch / Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for Huawei devices SNMP Switch / Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Eudemon1000E Firewall SNMP Firewall
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-Symantec-USG9310 Router SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-AR1220 Routers SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-AR2240 Routers SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-epon-MA5600T Switch SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-epon-olt Switch SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for Huawei SNMP Firewall
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei devices SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei NE20E Router SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-NE40-4 Router SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for Huawei SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-Quidway-Router-R2621 Router SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei devices SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for Huawei devices SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei S3352 Switches SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-S7703 switch SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-S8505 Switch SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for Huawei devices SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei S9303 Switches SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei S9312 Switches SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-USG9300 Router SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei USG9520 Switches SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei_AR3260 Switch SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei devices SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei_SRG1220 Routers SNMP Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for Huawei devices SNMP Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for Huawei devices SNMP Switch / Router
IBM IBM Interface Rx Traffic Monitors the total number of octets received on the interface SNMP Server
IBM IBM Interface Tx Traffic Monitors the total number of octets transmitted out of the interface SNMP Server
IBM IBM InterfaceRx Utilization Monitors the utilization of the interface based on the incoming traffic SNMP Server
IBM IBM InterfaceTx Utilization Monitors the utilization of the interface based on the outgoing traffic SNMP Server
IBM iBMPSGPhysicalMemoryDataWidth Monitoring the data width used in this Physical Memory SNMP Server
IBM iBMPSGPhysicalMemoryTotalWidth Monitoring the total width used in this Physical Memory SNMP Server
IBM IBMPSGProcessorCurrentClockSpeed Current clock speed of this Processor SNMP Server
IBM IBMPSGTachometerCurrentReading Monitors the fan speed SNMP Server
IBM IBMPSGTemperatureSensorCurrentReading Monitors the Current Reading of this Temperature Sensor SNMP Server
IBM IBMPSGVoltageSensorCurrentReading Monitors the Current Reading of this Voltage Sensor SNMP Server
IBM Total Memory Width Utilization Monitoring the total used width utilization of this Physical Memory SNMP Server
Juniper Active Session Count Description SNMP Firewall
Juniper Average delay Average round-trip time (in milliseconds) between two measurement points. SNMP Switch / Router
Juniper Buffer Utilization Operating Buffer Utilization SNMP Switch / Firewall
Juniper Component operating status Operational status of a router hardware component SNMP Switch / Router
Juniper Component operating temperature Operational temperature of a hardware component, in Celsius SNMP Networking Device
Juniper CPU load Average utilization over the past minute of a CPU. SNMP Networking Device
Juniper CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Firewall SNMP Firewall
Juniper CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Juniper-EX Switch SNMP Switch
Juniper CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Juniper-SRX650 Firewall SNMP Firewall
Juniper CPU Utilization(Last 1 min) Monitors the Last one minute CPU utilization in percentage. SNMP Firewall
Juniper CPU Utilization(Last 15 min) Monitors the Last fifteen minutes CPU utilization in percentage. SNMP Firewall
Juniper CPU Utilization(Last 5 min) Monitors the Last five minutes CPU utilization in percentage. SNMP Firewall
Juniper DRAM size DRAM size SNMP Networking Device
Juniper FRU state Operational status of each field-replaceable unit (FRU) SNMP Switch / Router
Juniper Juniper Connections Monitors the Connections of Firewall SNMP Firewall
Juniper Juniper Temperature Temperature Measurement SNMP Swich / Router
Juniper Label Switched Path state Operational state of an MPLS label-switched path SNMP Router
Juniper LSP utilization Utilization of the MPLS label-switched path SNMP Switch / Router
Juniper Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Juniper-EX Switch SNMP Switch
Juniper Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Juniper Switches SNMP Switch
Juniper Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Juniper-SRX650 Firewall SNMP Firewall
Juniper Memory utilization Utilization of memory on the Routing Engine and FPC. SNMP Swich / Router
Juniper Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory Utilization SNMP Switch / Firewall
Juniper Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Firewall SNMP Firewall
Juniper Outbound Counters Number of bytes belonging to the specified forwarding class that were transmitted on the specified virtual circuit SNMP Switch / Router
Juniper Outbound Counters for non-ATM Number of transmitted bytes or packets per interface per forwarding class SNMP Router
Juniper Output queue size Size, in packets, of each output queue per forwarding class, per interface SNMP Switch / Router
Juniper Rate of tail dropped packets Rate of tail-dropped packets per output queue, per forwarding class, per interface SNMP Router
Juniper Redundancy switchover Total number of redundancy switchovers reported by this entity SNMP Swich / Router
Juniper Rss Session FailureCount Monitors the rss session failure count. SNMP Firewall
Juniper RSS SessionCount Monitor the allocate rss session number SNMP Firewall
KYLAND CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for KYLAND SNMP Switch
KYLAND Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for KYLAND SNMP Switch
leadsec CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of leadsec Firewall SNMP Firewall
leadsec Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of leadsec Firewall SNMP Firewall
MAIPU CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for MAIPU SNMP Swich / Router
MAIPU CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of MAIPU S4126E Switch SNMP Switch
MAIPU CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of MAIPU S4128E Switch SNMP Switch
MAIPU Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for MAIPU SNMP Swich / Router
MAIPU Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of MAIPU S4126E Switch SNMP Switch
MAIPU Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of MAIPU S4128E Switch SNMP Switch
MAIPU Temperature Monitors the Temperature of MAIPU Router SNMP Router
MGE Battery Installed Battery Installed SNMP UPS
MGE Battery sys Shutdown Battery sys Shutdown Duration SNMP UPS
MGE UPS Load Monitors UPS Load SNMP UPS
Microsoft Bytes Received Number of bytes the server has received from the network. This property indicates how busy the server is WMI Server
Microsoft Bytes Total Number of bytes the server has sent to and received from the network, an overall indication of how busy the server is WMI Server
Microsoft Bytes Transmitted Number of bytes the server has received from the network. This property indicates how busy the server is WMI Server
Microsoft Cache Hit Ratio Monitors the cache hit ratio SNMP Server
Microsoft ContextSwitches Rate of switches from one thread to another. Thread switches can occur either inside of a single process or across processes WMI Server
Microsoft CPU Idle Time Monitors the CPU Idle ( MilliSecond ) of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft CPU Ready Monitors the CPU Ready ( MilliSecond ) of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft CPU Usage MHz per core Monitors the CPU Usage MHz per core of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft CPU Used Monitors the CPU Used ( MilliSecond ) of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft CPU Used Time Monitors the CPU Used ( MilliSecond ) of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft CPU Utilization Monitors the Overall CPU Utilization of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU Utilization of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU Utilization using WMI WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft CPU Utilization Per Core Monitors the CPU Utilization per Core of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft CPU Wait Monitors the CPU Wait ( MilliSecond ) of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Data Space of DB Monitors the total data size in Database SNMP Server
Microsoft Data Transaction LogSpace Monitors the data transaction logspace SNMP Server
Microsoft Delivered Outbound Messages Monitors the delivered outbound messages SNMP Server
Microsoft Disk I/O Usage Monitors Disk I/O Usage of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Queue Length Number of requests outstanding on the disk WMI Server
Microsoft Disk Read Latency Monitors Disk Read Latency of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Read Requests Monitors Disk Read Requests of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Read Requests Monitors Disk Read Requests of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Read Speed Monitors Disk Read Speed of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Read Speed Monitors Disk Read Speed of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Reads Rate of read operations on the disk per Second WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Disk Space Usage Monitors Disk Space Usage Latency of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Utilization Monitors the Disk Utilization using WMI WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Disk Write Latency Monitors Disk Write Latency of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Write Requests Monitors Disk Write Requests of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Write Requests Monitors Disk Write Requests of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Write Speed Monitors Disk Write Speed of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Write Speed Monitors Disk Write Speed of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Disk Writes Rate of write operations on the disk WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft File Read Bytes Overall rate at which bytes are read to satisfy file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including read requests from the file system cache WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft File Read Operations Combined rate of file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to read from the file system cache WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft File Write Bytes Overall rate at which bytes are written to satisfy file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including write requests to the file system cache WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft File Write Operations Combined rate of the file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to write to data in the file system cache WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Free Disk Space in GB Monitors the Free disk space in GB using WMI WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Free Disk Space in MB Monitors the Free disk space in MB using WMI WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Free Physical Memory Physical memory currently unused and available, in Mega Bytes WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Idle Time Percentage of time during the sample interval that the processor was idle. Not applicable for Windows XP and Windows 2000 devices. WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Inbound Connection Rate Monitors the inbound connection rate SNMP Server
Microsoft IO Batch Writes Monitors the IO batch writes SNMP Server
Microsoft IO Outstanding Reads Monitors the IO outstanding reads SNMP Server
Microsoft IO Outstanding Writes Monitors the IO outstanding writes SNMP Server
Microsoft IO Page Reads Monitors the IO page reads SNMP Server
Microsoft Memory Active Monitors Memory Active in KB of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Memory Consumed Monitors Memory Consumed in KB of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Memory Overhead Monitors Memory OverHead in KB of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Memory Used Monitors Memory Used in KB of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Memory Utilization Monitors Memory Usage of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Memory Utilization Monitors Memory Usage of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory Utilization using WMI WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Network Packets Received Monitors Network Packets Received of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Network Packets Received Monitors Network Packets Received of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Network Packets Transmitted Monitors Network Packets Transmitted of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Network Packets Transmitted Monitors Network Packets Transmitted of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Network Received Speed Monitors Network Received Speed of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Network Received Speed Monitors Network Received Speed of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Network Transmitted Speed Monitors Network Transmitted Speed of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Network Transmitted Speed Monitors Network Transmitted Speed of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Network Usage Monitors Network Usage of HyperV Host using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Network Usage Monitors Network Usage of HyperV Guest using WMI VIWMI Server
Microsoft Non-delivery Reports (Total Inbound) Monitors the total inbound non-delivery report SNMP Server
Microsoft Non-delivery Reports (Total Outbound) Monitors the total outbound non-delivery report SNMP Server
Microsoft Outbound Connection Rate Monitors the outbound connection rate SNMP Server
Microsoft Page Faults Overall rate at which faulted pages are handled by the processor WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Page Reads Number of times the disk was read to resolve hard page faults WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Page Writes Overall rate at which faulted pages are handled by the processor WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Pages Per Second Number of pages read from or written to the disk to resolve hard page faults WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Partition Details of the Device(%) Monitoring the usage in each partition of the Device using WMI. WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Privileged Time Percentage of non-idle processor time spent in privileged mode WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Processor Queue Length Number of threads in the processor queue WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Processor Time Percentage of time that the processor is executing a non-idle thread WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Total Active Locks Monitors the total active locks SNMP Server
Microsoft Total Blocking Locks Monitors the total blocking locks SNMP Server
Microsoft Total IO Transactions Monitors the total IO transactions SNMP Server
Microsoft Total Messages Received (from internet) Monitors the total messages received from internet SNMP Server
Microsoft Total Msgs (awaiting final delivery) Monitors the total awaiting messages for delivery SNMP Server
Microsoft Total Msgs Queued for delivery (to internet) Monitors the to total messages queued for delivery to internet SNMP Server
Microsoft Total Open User Connections Monitors the total open user connections SNMP Server
Microsoft Total Size of DB Monitors the total database size SNMP Server
Microsoft Total Size of the Msgs (awaiting final delivery) Monitors the total size of the awaiting messages for delivery SNMP Server
Microsoft Unused Space of DB Monitors the unused space in database SNMP Server
Microsoft Used Disk Space in GB Monitors the used disk space in GB using WMI WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Used Disk Space in MB Monitors the used disk space in MB using WMI WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Used LogSpace Monitors the used logspace SNMP Server
Microsoft User Time Percentage of non-idle processor time spent in user mode WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Memory Used in MB Memory that is currently being used WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Available Memory in % Amount of memory available WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Average Disk Latency Average time taken in milliseconds for a complete disk (read + write + transfer) operaton WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Average Disk Read Latency Average time taken in milliseconds for a read operation from the disk WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Average Disk Write Latency Average time taken in milliseconds for a write operation from the disk WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Cached Memory in MB Amount of memory that contains cached data and code for rapid access by processes, drivers, and the operating system WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Committed Memory in MB This counter indicates the total amount of memory that has been committed for the exclusive use of any of the services or processes on Windows NT WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft CPU Interrupts per second The numbers of interrupts the processor needs to respond to in a second WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Disk Active Time in % Percentage of time the disk is not idle WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Disk Read Speed in KB/s The rate of data transfer from the disk during read operations, in kilobytes per second WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Disk Speed in KB/s The rate of data transfer from the disk during read or write operations, in kilobytes per second WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Disk Transfer Rate The number of read and write operations completed on the disk in a second WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Disk Write Speed in KB/s The rate of data transfer from the disk during write operations, in kilobytes per second WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Disk Free Space in MB Amount of free space available in the disk drive WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Free Physical Memory in GB Memory that does not contain any valuable data and that will be used first when processes, drivers, or the operating system need more memory WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Handle count The number of handles in the computer WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft IO Read and Write Rate The rate of IO Read and Write operations performed on the server WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft IO Read and Write Speed in KB/s The rate at which the process is reading and writing bytes for I/O operations. This property counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network, and device I/Os WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft IO Read Rate The rate of IO Read operations performed on the server WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft IO Read Speed in KB/s The rate at which the process is reading bytes from I/O operations. This property counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network, and device I/Os WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft IO Write Rate The rate of IO Write operations performed on the server WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft IO Write Speed in KB/s The rate at which the process is writing bytes to I/O operations. This property counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network, and device I/Os WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Number of Processes Number of processes in the computer WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Percent DPC Time Percentage of time that the processor spent receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls during the sample interval WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft CPU Interrupts % Percentage of time that the processor is spending on handling Interrupts WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Nonpageable Pool Memory in MB This provides an indication of how NT has divided up the physical memory resource. An uncontrolled increase in this value would be indicative of a memory leak in a Kernel-level service or driver WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Pageable Pool Memory in MB An uncontrolled increase in this counter, with the corresponding decrease in the available memory, would be indicative of a process taking more memory than it should and not giving it back WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Run Queue Length of CPU The Run Queue length of the CPU WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft System Calls per second The rate of calls to Windows system service routines by all processes running on the computer WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft System UpTime in minutes Number of minutes the computer has been running after it was last started WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Thread Count The number of threads in the computer WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Total Virtual Memory in GB Total Virtual memory Size in GB WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Used Mounted Partition Space in GB Monitoring the Used Mounted partitions space in GB using WMI WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Mounted Partition of the Device(%) Monitoring the usage in each Mounted Partition of the device using WMI WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Free Mounted Partition Space in GB Monitoring the Free Mounted partitions space in GB using WMI WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Used Virtual Memory in GB Amount of Virtual memory currently used in GB WMI Server / Desktop
Microsoft Used Virtual Memory in % Percent of Virtual memory currently used WMI Server / Desktop
NetApp, Inc. Active Disk Count Monitors the number of disks which are currently active, including parity disks. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Active snapvault destinations. Monitors the number of active snapvault destinations SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Active snapvault sources Monitors the number of active snapvault sources. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Aggregate Available Monitors the aggregate available in bytes SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Aggregate State Monitors the current state of the aggregates SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Aggregate Used Monitors the aggregate used in bytes SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Aggregate Used Percentage Monitors the aggregate used percentage SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Battery Status Monitors the indication of the current status of the NVRAM batteries. { ok ( 1 ) , partiallyDischarged ( 2 ) , fullyDischarged ( 3 ) , notPresent ( 4 ) , nearEndOfLife ( 5 ) , atEndOfLife ( 6 ) , unknown ( 7 ) , overCharged ( 8 ) , fullyCharged ( 9 ) } SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Cache Age Age in minutes of the oldest read-only blocks in the buffer cache. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors the percent of time that the CPU has been doing useful work since the last time a client requested the cpuBusyTimePerCent. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Disk Read Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes read from disk since the last boot. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Disk State Monitors the current state of the disks SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Disk Write Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes written to disk since the last boot. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Failed Disk count Monitors the number of disks which are currently broken. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Fan Status Monitors the Count of the number of chassis fans which are not operating within the recommended RPM range. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. FCP Operations Monitors the total number of FCP ops handled since the last boot SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. FCP Read Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes read via fcp since the last boot. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. FCP Write Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes written via fcp since the last boot. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Global Status Monitors the overall status of the appliance.{ other ( 1 ) , unknown ( 2 ) , ok ( 3 ) , nonCritical ( 4 ) , critical ( 5 ) , nonRecoverable ( 6 ) } SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. ISCSI Operations Monitors the total number of iSCSI ops handled since the last boot SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. ISCSI Read Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes read via iscsi since the last boot. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. ISCSI Write Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes written via iscsi since the last boot. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. LUN State Monitors the current state of the lun's SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. NetApp Temperature Monitors the indication of whether the hardware is currently operating outside of its recommended temperature range. { no ( 1 ) , yes ( 2 ) }. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Power Supply Status Monitors Count of the number of power supplies which are in degraded mode. { no ( 1 ) , yes ( 2 ) } SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. qrV Files Used Monitors the current number of files used for this qrVEntry. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. qrVEntry Used bytes Monitors the current number of KBytes used for this qrVEntry. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Quota State Status Monitors whether quotas are ON, OFF or initializing. quotaStateOff {( 1 ) , quotaStateOn ( 2 ) , quotaStateInit ( 3 ) } SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Snapvault Status Monitors the current transfer status of the snapvault relationship. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Snapvault Total Primary Failures Monitors the total number of failed snapvault transfers on the snapvault primary. Persistent across reboot. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Snapvault Total Primary Successes Monitors the total number of successful snapvault transfers from the snapvault primary. Persistent across reboot. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Snapvault Total Secondary Failures Monitors total number of failed snapvault transfers on the snapvault secondary. Persistent across reboot. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Snapvault Total Secondary Successes Monitors the total number of successful snapvault transfers from the snapvault secondary. Persistent across reboot. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Total DiskCount Monitors the total number of disks on the system. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Volume Available Monitors the volume available in bytes SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. volume available bytes monitors the total disk space in kbytes that is free for use on the referenced file system. SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Volume State Monitors the current state of the volumes SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Volume Used Monitors the volume used in bytes SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Volume Used Percentage Monitors the volume used percentage SNMP Storage
NetScreen Technologies, Inc. Active Session Count Active Session Count Desc SNMP Firewall
NetScreen Technologies, Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU utilization SNMP Firewall
NetScreen Technologies, Inc. Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory Utilization SNMP Firewall
Novell Cache maximum size Cache maximum size in Kbytes, this is hard limit parameter SNMP Server
Novell Contact failures The number of failures since the last time an attempt to contact the peer eDirectory Server was successful SNMP Server
Novell Cumulative failures Cumulative failures in contacting the peer eDirectory Server since the creation of this entry SNMP Server
Novell Cumulative successes Cumulative successes in contacting the peer eDirectory Server since the creation of this entry SNMP Server
Novell Database Size Current size of the eDirectory Database SNMP Server
Novell Dynamic Cache Memory Dynamic Cache Adjust percentage SNMP Server
Novell Entries in cache Number of Entries in cache SNMP Server
Novell Entry hits Number of Entry hits SNMP Server
Novell Entry misses Number of Entries examined to determine misses SNMP Server
Novell Fetched replication updates Number of replication updates fetched or received from eDirectory Servers SNMP Server
Novell Incoming traffic Incoming traffic on the interface SNMP Server
Novell Operations forwarded Number of operations forwarded by this eDirectory Server to other eDirectory Servers SNMP Server
Novell Outgoing traffic Outgoing traffic on the interface SNMP Server
Novell Received add Entry requests Number of addEntry requests received SNMP Server
Novell Received read requests Number of read requests received SNMP Server
Novell Rejected bind requests Number of bind requests that have been rejected due to inappropriate authentication or invalid credentials SNMP Server
Novell Sent replication updates Number of replication updates sent to or taken by eDirectory Servers SNMP Server
Novell Unauthenticated requests received Number of unauthenticated/anonymous bind requests received SNMP Server
Nsfocus CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Nsfocus Firewall SNMP Firewall
Nsfocus Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Nsfocus Firewall SNMP Firewall
Nutanix (Cluster) IO Bandwidth Data transferred from Cluster (in KB/second) Prism API Server
Nutanix (Cluster) CPU Utilization CPU Usage (%) of cluster as reported by hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Cluster) Memory Utilization Memory Usage (%) of cluster as reported by hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Cluster) Read IO Bandwidth Read data transferred from cluster (in KB/second) Prism API Server
Nutanix (Cluster) Write IO Bandwidth Write data transferred from cluster (in KB/second) Prism API Server
Nutanix (Cluster) Number Of IOPS Number of I/O operations per second from cluster Prism API Server
Nutanix (Cluster) IO Latency Average latency of cluster in microseconds Prism API Server
Nutanix (Cluster) Content cache physical memory usage Real memory (in Megabytes) used to cache data by the content cache for cluster Prism API Server
Nutanix (Cluster) Content cache logical memory Usage Logical memory (in Megabytes) used to cache data without deduplication by the cluster Prism API Server
Nutanix (Cluster) Storage usage Percent of storage used by the cluster Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) IO Bandwidth Data transferred per second in KB/second from hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) CPU Utilization Percent of CPU used by the hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) Memory Utilization Percent of memory used by the hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) Content cache physical memory Usage Real memory (in Megabytes) used to cache data by the content cache for hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) Content cache logical memory Usage Logical memory (in Megabytes) used to cache data without deduplication by the hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) Write IO Bandwidth Write data transferred per second in KB/second from hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) Read IO Bandwidth Read data transferred per second in KB/second from hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) Storage Used Percent of storage used by the hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) Read IOPS Input/Output read operations per second from hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) Write IOPS Input/Output write operations per second from hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) Number Of IOPS Input/Output operations per second from hypervisor Prism API Server
Nutanix (Host) Average IO Latency Average latency of host in microseconds Prism API Server
Nutanix (VM) IO Bandwidth I/O bandwidth in Kbps used by Controller VM Prism API Server
Nutanix (VM) CPU Utilization Percent of allocated CPU capacity currently being used by VM Prism API Server
Nutanix (VM) Memory Utilization Percent of allocated memory capacity currently being used by VM Prism API Server
Nutanix (VM) Read IO Bandwidth Read I/O speed in terms of Kbps Prism API Server
Nutanix (VM) Write IO Bandwidth Write I/O speed in terms of Kbps Prism API Server
Nutanix (VM) Read IOPS Number of Read I/O operations per second for Controller VM Prism API Server
Nutanix (VM) Write IOPS Number of Write I/O operations per second for Controller VM Prism API Server
Nutanix (VM) Average Controller IO Latency Average I/O latency of controller VM in microseconds Prism API Server
OpZoon CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of OpZoon Switch SNMP Switch
OpZoon CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of OpZoon PE-3810 Router SNMP Switch
OpZoon CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of OpZoon Switch SNMP Switch
OpZoon Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of OpZoon Switch SNMP Switch
OpZoon Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of OpZoon PE-3810 Router SNMP Switch
OpZoon Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of OpZoon Switch SNMP Switch
Oracle DataFile DiskReads Monitors the number of disk reads in data file SNMP Server
Oracle DataFile DiskWrites Monitors the number of disk writes in data file SNMP Server
Oracle DataFileSize Allocated Monitors the allocated data file size SNMP Server
Oracle Library CacheGets Monitors the number of request for Library CacheGets SNMP Server
Oracle Library CacheInvalidations Monitors the number of CacheInvalidations SNMP Server
Oracle Library CacheReloads Monitors the number of reloads SNMP Server
Oracle Number of UserCommits Monitors the number of commits SNMP Server
Oracle OraDbSysUserRollbacks Monitors the number of rollbacks SNMP Server
Oracle TableScan Blocks Monitors the number of blocks SNMP Server
Oracle Tablespace Allocated Monitors the total table space allocated SNMP Server
Oracle Tablespace Largest Available Monitors the largest available tablespace SNMP Server
Oracle Tablespace Used Monitors the total tablespace used SNMP Server
Radware CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for Radware SNMP Switch
Radware Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Radware AD-508 Switches SNMP Switch
Radware Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Radware DP-502 Switches SNMP Switch
Research In Motion Average Response Time Monitors the average response time (in milliseconds) for operations for users on this mail server in the last 10 minutes. Applies to BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino only. SNMP Server
Research In Motion Failed Connections Monitors the number of failed connection attempts to this mail server in the last 10 minutes. Applies to BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino only. SNMP Server
Research In Motion MDS Connection Failure Monitors the number of failed connections initiated by MDS to another address/service. SNMP Server
Research In Motion MDS Connection Success Monitors the number of successful connections initiated by MDS to another address/service. SNMP Server
Research In Motion MDS Push Connections Monitors the number of push server connections. SNMP Server
Research In Motion Messages received per min Monitors the total number of messages delivered to handhelds per min. SNMP Server
Research In Motion Messages sent per min Monitors the total number of messages sent from handhelds per min. SNMP Server
Research In Motion Total License Configured Monitors the total number of licenses installed on the server. SNMP Server
Research In Motion Total License Used Monitors the total number of licenses in use currently. SNMP Server
Research In Motion Total messages pending Monitors the total number of messages delivered to handhelds per min. SNMP Server
Research In Motion Total messages received Monitors the total number of messages delivered to handhelds. SNMP Server
Research In Motion Total messages sent Monitors the total number of messages sent from handhelds. SNMP Server
Research In Motion Total Users Monitors the number of users who are homed on this mail server. Applies to BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino only. SNMP Server
Riverbed Technology, Inc. Active Connection(s) Monitors the current number of active (optimized) connections. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. BW aggregate in LAN Monitors the total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. BW aggregate in WAN Monitors the total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the WAN to LAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. BW aggregate out LAN Monitors the total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the LAN side. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. BW aggregate out WAN Monitors the total optimized bytes across all application ports, in the LAN to WAN direction since the last restart of service, as measured on the WAN side. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. BW Passthrough In Monitors the Passthrough bytes in WAN to LAN direction. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. BW Passthrough Out Monitors the Passthrough bytes in LAN to WAN direction. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. BW Passthrough total Monitors the total passthrough bytes. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. CPU Usage(5 mins avg) Monitors the Five-minute CPU load in hundreths. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors the percentage CPU utilization, aggregated across all CPUs, rolling average over the past minute. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. dsCostPerSegment Monitors the Cost per segment expressed in microseconds. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. dsHits Total Monitors the total number of datastore hits since last restart of service. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. dsMiss Total Monitors the total number of datastore misses since last restart of service. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. Established Connection(s) Monitors the current number of established (optimized) connections. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. Half Closed Connection(s) Monitors the Current total number of half-closed (optimized) connections. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. Half Opened Connection(s) Monitors the current total number of half-opened (optimized) connections. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. Optimization Service Status Monitors the Current status of the optimization service. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. Optimized Connection(s) Monitors the current total number of optimized connections. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. Pass-Through Connection(s) Monitors the current total number of pass-through connections. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. Steelhead Temperature Monitors the temperature of the system(C). SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. System Health Status Monitors the current health of the system. The value is one amongst Healthy, Admission Control, Degraded, Critical. SNMP WAN Accelerator
Riverbed Technology, Inc. Total Connection(s) Monitors the total number of connections. SNMP WAN Accelerator
RuiJie CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for RuiJie SNMP Switch
RuiJie Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for RuiJie SNMP Switch
SecGate CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of SecGate Firewall SNMP Firewall
SecGate Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of SecGate Firewall SNMP Firewall
SOCOMEC UPS Battery Capacity Estimate of the battery charge remaining expressed as a percent of full charge. SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Battery Capacity Estimate of the battery charge remaining expressed in percent SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Battery Capacity Estimate of the battery charge remaining expressed in percent SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Battery Capacity Estimate of the battery charge remaining expressed in percent SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Battery Negative Voltage Battery negative voltage in volts SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Battery Positive Voltage Battery positive voltage in volts SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Battery Voltage Battery Voltage in volts. SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Battery Voltage Battery Voltage in volts SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Battery Voltage Battery Voltage in volts SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Output Load Phase 1 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 1 expressed in percent SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Output Load Phase 2 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 2 expressed in percent SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Output Load Phase 3 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 3 expressed in percent SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Output Load Rate Phase 1 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 1 expressed in percent SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Output Load Rate Phase 1 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 1 expressed in percent SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Output Load Rate Phase 2 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 2 expressed in percent SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS Output Load Rate Phase 3 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 3 expressed in percent SNMP UPS
SOCOMEC UPS UPS Output Load Rate UPS Output Load Rate in %. SNMP UPS
Symbol UPS Battery current Custom Monitor SNMP UPS
Tainet CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Tainet_Venus_2816 Switch SNMP Switch
Tainet Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Tainet_Venus_2816 Switch SNMP Switch
Topsec CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of TopSec Firewall SNMP Firewall
Topsec Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of TopSec Firewall SNMP Firewall
Topsec VPN-Connections Monitors the VPN-Connections of TopSec Firewall SNMP Firewall
Trango SU Count SU Count SNMP Wireless
TrippLite UPS Charge Monitors UPS Charge SNMP UPS
TrippLite UPS Load Monitors UPS Load SNMP UPS
VENUS Connections Monitors the Connections of VENUS-VSOS-V2.6 Firewall SNMP Firewall
VENUS Connections Monitors the Connections of VENUS_FW Firewall SNMP Firewall
VENUS CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of VENUS-VSOS-V2.6 Firewall SNMP Firewall
VENUS CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of VENUS_FW Firewall SNMP Firewall
VENUS Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of VENUS-VSOS-V2.6 Firewall SNMP Firewall
VENUS Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of VENUS_FW Firewall SNMP Firewall
VMware Active Memory Amount of guest physical memory actively used. VIWebService Server
VMware Balloon Memory Amount of guest physical memory that is currently reclaimed from the VM through ballooning. VIWebService Server
VMware Compressed Memory Amount of memory compressed by ESX for VM VIWebService Server
VMware Consumed Memory Amount of memory consumed by a virtual machine, VIWebService Server
VMware CPU Idle Time Total time that the CPU spent in an idle state VIWebService Server
VMware CPU Ready Time that the virtual machine was ready, but could not get scheduled to run on the physical CPU VIWebService Server
VMware CPU Usage Sum of the actively used CPU of all powered on virtual machines on a host. VIWebService Server
VMware CPU Used Total CPU usage By HostSystem VIWebService Server
VMware CPU Used Time accounted to the virtual machine VIWebService Server
VMware CPU Utilization Actively used CPU of the host, as a percentage of the total available CPU VIWebService Server
VMware CPU Utilization Actively used VCPU, as percentage of total available CPU. This is the host view of the CPU usage VIWebService Server
VMware CPU Wait CPU time spent in wait state VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Free Space VMware Datastore Freespace Monitor VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Read IOPs Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval. VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Read Latency Average amount of time for a read operation from the datastore VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Read Latency Average amount of time for a read operation from the datastore VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Read Rate Rate of reading data from the datastore VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Read Requests Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval. VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Read Requests Rate Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Read Speed Rate of reading data from the datastore. VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Throughput Usage The current bandwidth usage for the datastore or LUN. VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Write IOPs Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Write Latency Average amount of time for a write operation to the datastore VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Write Latency Average amount of time for a write operation to the datastore VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Write Rate Rate of reading data to the datastore VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Write Requests Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval. VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Write Requests Rate Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore VIWebService Server
VMware Datastore Write Speed Rate of reading data to the datastore. VIWebService Server
VMware Disk Bus Resets Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued during the collection interval. VIWebService Server
VMware Disk I/O Usage Aggregated diskI/O rate for HostSystem over VMs VIWebService Server
VMware Disk I/O Usage Aggregated disk I/O rate VIWebService Server
VMware Disk Max Total Latency Highest latency value across all disks used by the host. VIWebService Server
VMware Disk Read Rate Rate at which data is read from each disk on the vm VIWebService Server
VMware Disk Read Requests Number of times data was read from each disk on the vm VIWebService Server
VMware Disk Read Speed Rate at which data is Read from each LUN on the host VIWebService Server
VMware Disk Reads Number of times data was read from each LUN on the host. VIWebService Server
VMware Disk Write Rate Rate at which data is written to each disk on the vm VIWebService Server
VMware Disk Write Requests Number of times data written to each disk on the vm VIWebService Server
VMware Disk Write Speed Rate at which data is written to each LUN on the host VIWebService Server
VMware Disk Writes Number of times data written to each LUN on the host VIWebService Server
VMware Dropped Received Packets Number of received packets dropped during the collection interval. VIWebService Server
VMware Dropped Transmitted Packets Number of transmitted packets dropped during the collection interval. VIWebService Server
VMware Memory Active Sum of all active metrics for all powered-on virtual machines plus vSphere services VIWebService Server
VMware Memory Compression Rate Rate of memory compression for the VM VIWebService Server
VMware Memory Consumed Amount of machine memory used on the host VIWebService Server
VMware Memory Decompression Rate Rate of memory decompression for the virtual machine VIWebService Server
VMware Memory Granted Amount of Granted to Entities by HostSystem VIWebService Server
VMware Memory Overhead Total of all overhead metrics for powered-on virtual machines, the overhead of running vSphere services on the host. VIWebService Server
VMware Memory SwapIn Rate Rate at which memory is swapped from disk into active memory VIWebService Server
VMware Memory SwapOut Rate Rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to disk VIWebService Server
VMware Memory Usage Percentage of available machine memory Used VIWebService Server
VMware Memory Usage Amount of machine memory used by the VMkernel to run the VM VIWebService Server
VMware Network Packets Received The number of packets received by each vNIC on the VM VIWebService Server
VMware Network Packets Transmitted Number of packets transmitted by each vNIC on the virtual machine VIWebService Server
VMware Network Received Packets Number of packets Received during the collection interval. VIWebService Server
VMware Network Received Rate The rate at which data is received across each physical NIC instance on the host. VIWebService Server
VMware Network Received Rate The rate at which data is received across the VMs vNIC VIWebService Server
VMware Network Transmitted Packets Number of packets Transmitted during the collection interval. VIWebService Server
VMware Network Transmitted Rate The rate at which data is transmitted across each physical NIC instance on the host. VIWebService Server
VMware Network Transmitted Rate The rate at which data is transmitted across the VMs vNIC VIWebService Server
VMware Network Usage Sum of data transmitted and received across all physical NIC instances connected to the host. VIWebService Server
VMware Network Usage Sum of data transmitted and received across all vNIC instances connected to the VM VIWebService Server
VMware Overhead Memory Amount of machine memory used by the VMkernel to run the VM VIWebService Server
VMware Shared Memory Sum of all shared metrics for all powered-on virtual machines, plus amount for vSphere services on the host. VIWebService Server
VMware Shared Memory Amount of guest physical memory shared with other VMs VIWebService Server
VMware Swapped Memory Current amount of guest physical memory swappedout to the VMs swap file by the VMkernel. VIWebService Server
VMware Swapped Used Memory Amount of memory that is used by swap. Sum of memory swapped of all powered on VMs and vSphere services on the host. VIWebService Server
VMware Total Disk Latency Average amount of time taken to process a SCSI command issued from/by the Guest OS to the VM VIWebService Server
VMware Total Disk Read Latency Average amount of time takento process a SCSI read command issued from GuestOS to the VM VIWebService Server
VMware Total Disk Write Latency Average amount of time taken to process a SCSI read command issued by GuestOS to the VM VIWebService Server
YAMAHA NVR500_CPU Utilization (1 Min) Custom Monitor SNMP Switch
YAMAHA NVR500_CPU Utilization (5 Min) Custom Monitor SNMP Switch
YAMAHA NVR500_CPU Utilization (5 Sec) Custom Monitor SNMP Switch
YAMAHA NVR500_Memory Utilization Custom Monitor SNMP Switch
YAMAHA RTX1200_CPU Utlization (1 Min) Custom Monitor SNMP Router
YAMAHA RTX1200_CPU Utlization (5 Min) Custom Monitor SNMP Router
YAMAHA RTX1200_CPU Utlization (5 Sec) Custom Monitor SNMP Router
YAMAHA RTX1200_Inbox Temperature Custom Monitor SNMP Router
YAMAHA RTX1200_Memory Utlization Custom Monitor SNMP Router
YAMAHA RTX810_CPU Utilization (1 Min) Custom Monitor SNMP Router
YAMAHA RTX810_CPU Utilization (5 Min) Custom Monitor SNMP Router
YAMAHA RTX810_CPU Utilization (5 Sec) Custom Monitor SNMP Router
YAMAHA RTX810_Memory Utlization Custom Monitor SNMP Router
ZhongXing CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for ZhongXing SNMP Switch
ZhongXing CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for ZhongXing SNMP Switch
ZhongXing CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for ZhongXing SNMP Switch
ZhongXing CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for ZhongXing SNMP Switch
ZhongXing Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for ZhongXing SNMP Switch
ZhongXing Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for ZhongXing SNMP Switch
ZhongXing Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for ZhongXing SNMP Switch
ZhongXing Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for ZhongXing SNMP Switch
ZTE CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of ZTE-2850-26TM Switch SNMP Switch
ZTE CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for ZTE SNMP Switch
ZTE CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of ZTE-ZXPON-EPON-ONU Switch SNMP Switch
ZTE CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of ZTE-ZXR10-2826E Switch SNMP Switch
ZTE CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of ZTE-ZXR10-2826S-LE Switch SNMP Switch
ZTE Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of ZTE-2850-26TM Switch SNMP Switch
ZTE Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of ZTE-ZXPON-C220 Switch SNMP Switch
ZTE Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of ZTE-ZXR10-2826E Switch SNMP Switch
ZTE Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of ZTE-ZXR10-2826S-LE Switch SNMP Switch
ZTE Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for ZTE SNMP Switch
- CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU utilization using CLI CLI Servers
- Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory utilization using CLI CLI Servers
- Disk Utilization Monitors the Disk utilization using CLI CLI Servers
- Free Disk Space in MB Monitors the Free disk space in MB using CLI CLI Servers
- Free Disk Space in GB Monitors the Free disk space in GB using CLI CLI Servers
- Used Disk Space in MB Monitors the Used disk space in MB using CLI CLI Servers
- Used Disk Space in GB Monitors the Used disk space in MB using CLI CLI Servers
- Partition Details of the Device(%) Monitors the usage in each partition of the device using CLI CLI Servers
IBM Swap Memory Utilization Monitors the swap memory utilization of the device using CLI CLI Servers
IBM Paging Utilization(%) Monitors the paging utilization using CLI CLI Servers
IBM Disk Read Rate Monitors the disk read rate using CLI CLI Servers
IBM Disk Write Rate Monitors the disk write rate using CLI CLI Servers
IBM Disk Service Queue Full Monitors the Disk Service Queue Full using CLI CLI Servers
net-snmp Memory Utilization in GB Monitors the memory utilization in GB using CLI CLI Servers
net-snmp Swap Memory Utilization Monitors the swap memory utilization of the device using CLI CLI Servers
- Inode Utilization Monitors the Inode Utilization using CLI CLI Servers
net-snmp System Reboot Time Monitors the system reboot time using CLI CLI Servers
- Run Queue Length of CPU Monitors the run queue using CLI CLI Servers
- CPU Idle(%) Monitors the System CPU Idle(%) using CLI CLI Servers
Sun Microsystems System Reboot Time Monitors the system reboot time using CLI CLI Servers
Total Disk Monitors the number of disks using CLI Memory Utilization for ZTE CLI Servers
Sun Microsystems File System Utilization(%) Monitors the file system utilization using CLI CLI Servers
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