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Steps to install Gateway Server

In Log360 Cloud, you can install a gateway server with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud account.
  2. Go to Settings → Configuration → Cloud Protection Settings.
  3. Under Server, click on Gateway Servers.
  4. Click on Install Gateway Server.
  5. Configuring Gateway Server
  6. Download the MSI installer by clicking the Download Cloud Protection Gateway button.
  7. Configuring Gateway Server
  8. Once downloaded, double-click the Log360Cloud-CP-Gateway.msi file.
  9. Follow the steps in the gateway installation wizard. If your environment requires a proxy, enter the proxy details in the appropriate field. If not, proceed with a direct connection.
  10. Copy the Access Key, paste it into the installation wizard, and click OK.
  11. Once the installation process is complete, the gateway server will communicate with Log360 Cloud to sync the configuration details.
  12. Click the button to close the Install Gateway Server pop-up, then click the Refresh button in the top right corner to update the status.
  13. If DPI is disabled, the CA Certificate does not need to be installed. However, if DPI is enabled or set to mixed mode, users are required to install the CA Certificate on their endpoint machines to ensure secure communication between the gateway server and other endpoint devices.
  14. Configure proxy settings, in endpoint machines, for network traffic routing. For more details, refer to this page.

Steps to update Gateway Server

  1. Open your system's Control Panel.
  2. Uninstall ManageEngine Log360Cloud - Cloud Protection Gateway program.
  3. Download the new gateway server and install using the steps given above.

Steps to update Proxy Settings

  1. In the machine running the gateway server, go to Services.msc and stop the ManageEngine Log360Cloud - Cloud Protection Gateway Service.
  2. Run the Command Prompt as administrator at <Gateway Server installation location>\bin (The default location is C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ManageEngine Log360 Cloud - Cloud Protection Gateway\bin), and execute the EditProxySettings.bat file.
  3. This will open Proxy Settings popup. In the window, update your proxy settings and click Save.
  4. Now go to Services.msc and restart the ManageEngine Log360Cloud - Cloud Protection Gateway service.