Scheduled reports
Follow the steps below to schedule the delivery of reports to administrators' mailboxes.
- Select File Analysis from the application drop-down menu at the top.
- Go to Configuration > Settings > Scheduled reports.
- Click Schedule New Reports at the top right corner.
- Provide a suitable Schedule Name for the schedule.
- Specify the Schedule Duration and Starting Date.
- Specify the format (PDF, HTML, CSV, XLSX) in which you want to receive the reports, and where the reports are to be stored. Verify the default storage path to retain or change it to another preferred location.
- Specify the email addresses to which the reports are to be sent.
- Then, click on + Add New Reports at the bottom right corner.
- Select the desired server and proceed to select the reports you wish to schedule.
- Click Save Reports.
- Click Save to run the schedule at the configured time, or click Save & Run to run the schedule once immediately, and then again at the configured time.