Installing DataSecurity Plus
DataSecurity Plus can be installed on any machine in your network that satisfies the system requirements.
To download DataSecurity Plus, click the link below.
Installing DataSecurity Plus as an application
By default, DataSecurity Plus will be installed as an application. Once you've downloaded the .EXE file, run it and follow these instructions for installation:
- Once the InstallShield Wizard opens, click Next.
- Read the License Agreement, and click Yes.
Choose the destination folder for installation, and click Next. By default, DataSecurity Plus will be installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\DataSecurity Plus.
Troubleshooting: "Some files exist in the specified directory. Kindly provide a different location for installing DataSecurity Plus."
This error will occur if log files from a previous DataSecurity Plus instance are present in the destination folder. You can manually delete the DataSecurity Plus folder, or create a new folder called “DataSecurity Plus <Build number>” in C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\ and make it the destination folder.
- Enter the port number that you wish to use for DataSecurity Plus, and click Next.
- Sign up for technical support. All you have to do is enter your business email ID and click Next.
- Click Next again to allow DataSecurity Plus to begin copying files to the installation directory. This process will take a few minutes.
- Select Start DataSecurity Plus, and click Finish.
Note: The default port used by DataSecurity Plus is 8800.
Note: Antivirus scanners interfering with the database file may affect the normal functioning of the database. Ensure that the DataSecurity Plus installation folder is exempt from the scope of your antivirus scanners.
Installing DataSecurity Plus as a Windows service (Recommended)
To run DataSecurity Plus as a Windows service:
- Go to Windows > DataSecurity Plus.
- Click Install as a Service.
Alternatively, you can also:
- Open the Command Prompt.
- Navigate to <installation dir>\ManageEngine\DataSecurity Plus\bin.
- Type “InstallNTService.bat”.
Best practice: Install DataSecurity Plus as a service to ensure that event collection doesn't stop even after a user logs out.