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Storage reports

Storage Reports provide insights on file server disk space usage. You can use these reports to identify and eliminate files occupying disk space unnecessarily. DataSecurity Plus enables administrators to delete the files from the server via reports. However, this cannot be done from the summary reports. The available Storage Reports are:

  • All Files and Folders: Provides cumulative information on all files and folders.
  • Old Files: Lists files older than N days. N can be changed on the report page.
  • Stale Files: Lists files that have not been accessed in N days. N can be changed on the report page.
  • Duplicate Files: Lists the detected copies of duplicate files in the analyzed drives based on file name, file size and last modification time. However, 0 KB files are excluded in this category and not considered as duplicate files.
  • Unmodified Files: Lists files that have not been modified in N days. N is set to 365 by default, but can be changed on the report page.
  • Large Files: Lists files larger than the configured size N. N can be changed on the report page.
  • Hidden Files: Lists files with the “hidden” attribute.
  • Non-Business Files: Lists the files that have been defined as non-business file types. By default, audio-visual files are configured as non-business files. You can modify the non-business file types in the Report Configuration page.
  • Files with No Extensions: Provides information on files with no extensions.
  • File Type Summary: Provides information on the number and total size of files based on the file type. Examples include .pdf, .jpg, .xml, .css, and .html.
  • File Ownership Summary: Provides information on the number and total size of files owned by each user.
  • File Category Summary: Provides information on the number and total size of files in each file category. Examples include office documents, web files, image files, system files, and executables.
  • Share Size: Lists shares by size and provides information on the number of files and folders within them.
  • Disk Usage: Provides a graphical summary of a drive's consumed and free space along with usage trends for all servers.
  • Files and Folders Created: Provides information on the number of files and folders created.

Note: Files and folders deleted directly from the reports cannot be retrieved.

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