Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What is Analytics Plus?
  2. What type of reports can be created in Analytics Plus?
  3. Does Analytics Plus support creating Dashboards?
  4. What are the recommended browsers to access Analytics Plus?
  5. What are the languages that the Analytics Plus user interface is available?
  6. How do I change the language of my Analytics Plus user interface?
  7. How secure is my data in the Analytics Plus service?

1. What is Analytics Plus?

Analytics Plus is a self-service business intelligent and analytics software that empowers you to transform complex IT data into actionable insights without the data scientists. It allows you to create intuitive reports and dashboards and collaborate with the team for informed decision-making.

Analytics Plus offers the following important capabilities:

  • Import data from local filesweb feedslocal and cloud databases.
  • Displays data in an easy-to-view excel format.
  • Build custom reports and dashboards easily, with the drag-and-drop report builder.
  • Visualize the reports in the form of chartspivot tables , summary views, and tabular views.
  • Organize and showcase the reports on dashboards along with KPIs.
  • Bring out the hidden insights in your data in seconds with Zia, Analytics Plus' intelligent analytics assistant powered by Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Create custom formulas using the built in formula engine that contains a wide range of mathematical, statistical and logical functions.
  • Share reports and dashboards with your colleagues easily, through a wide range of collaboration features.
  • Export and publish reports and dashboards in various formats, and configure permissions and filters for the views.
  • Supports out-of-the-box integrations with a wide number of applications, to give you pre-built reports and dashboards on your application's data within minutes.

2. What type of reports can be created in Analytics Plus?

Analytics Plus supports a variety of report creation options, which include:

  • Charts: Allows you to create reports in 25+ chart types. It includes Line, Multi-Line, Smooth line, Area, Bar, Stacked bar, Stacked Area, Combination, Pie, Funnel, Web, Scatter, etc.
  • Pivot Tables: Allows you to create a view with data summarized in a grid both in horizontal and vertical columns (also known as Matrix Views).
  • Tabular Views: Allows you to create simple table views with column grouping and sub-totals (aggregation).
  • Summary Views: Allows you to create a view with summarized values and grouping.

3. Does Analytics Plus support creating Dashboards?

Yes, Analytics Plus does support dashboard creation. It offers an easy to use drag-and-drop interface for creating dashboards in minutes. Using the dashboard, you can display a collection of reports on a single page, providing a quick at-a-glance view of your key business information for easy analysis and visualization.

4. What are the recommended browsers to access Analytics Plus?

It is recommended to use the following browsers to access Analytics Plus:

  • Google Chrome - Latest 3 versions
  • Firefox - Latest 3 versions
  • Safari - Latest 3 versions
  • Microsoft Edge - Latest version

5. What are the languages that the Analytics Plus user interface is available?

Analytics Plus' user interface is available in the following languages:

  • English
  • Spanish[es]
  • Swedish[sv]
  • Portuguese[pt]
  • Danish[da]
  • Vietnamies[vi]
  • Bulgarian
  • Czech
  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • French[fr]
  • Dutch[nl]
  • Turkish[tr]
  • Italian[it]
  • Polish[pl]
  • Arabic
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Hebrew
  • Thai
  • Malay
  • German[de]
  • Portuguese[br]
  • Russian[ru]
  • Korean[ko]
  • Ukranian[uk]
  • Hungarian[hu]
  • Croatian
  • Hindi[hi]
  • Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
  • Khmer

6. How do I change the language of my Analytics Plus user interface?

Analytics Plus allows you to change the user interface language from the My Accounts page. Click here to learn about the steps to change Analytics Plus' language. You may have to wait for some time or log out and log in again for the language change to take effect in Analytics Plus.

7. How secure is my data in the Analytics Plus service?

In ManageEngine, we give utmost importance to keep our customer's data safe and secure. To know more about our security policies, please check the below links:

Licensing and Pricing

  1. How much does Analytics Plus cost?
  2. Do you offer a free version of Analytics Plus?
  3. What are the benefits of using the priced plan?
  4. Who is considered a User in Analytics Plus?
  5. Do I need a regular user account to read or access reports?
  6. Who is considered as Viewer in Analytics Plus?
  7. Is it possible to use the User License for Viewers?
  8. How is the number of rows stored in Analytics Plus arrived at?
  9. Who is defined as the Account Administrator?
  10. Will I get Technical Support as part of my subscription?
  11. Do you offer bulk pricing packages (with users and rows)?

1. How much does Analytics Plus cost?

Click here to get the pricing details and request an official price quote.

2. Do you offer a free version of Analytics Plus?

Yes. Analytics Plus offers a forever free plan for small-end reporting requirements. Click here to get more details about the various plans offered by Analytics Plus.

3. What are the benefits of using the priced plan?

Analytics Plus offers a wide range of value-added features based on your plan. Click here for a detailed comparison.

4. Who is considered a User in Analytics Plus?

A user can create or share reports and dashboards with others. A User is identified by his/her unique email address with which their Analytics Plus account was created/registered.

5. Do I need a regular user account to read or access reports?

If a view has been shared publicly on the web, then you do not need a regular user account to access the shared report. Users should have an Analytics Plus account when the views are shared privately or the user needs to do any specific action in Analytics Plus.

6. Who is considered as Viewer in Analytics Plus?

Viewers can be anyone who can access the views shared with them in read-only mode.

7. Is it possible to use the User License for Viewers?

Yes. Analytics Plus lets you use the unused User licenses in your account as viewers. For this, check your User license usage from the Settings > Current Plan tab, and then create a viewer in Analytics Plus. Please note that if you have exhausted all the User licenses and utilized them to add viewers, you will not be able to add any new users. In such situations, you should either purchase additional user licenses or disable/delete any of the existing viewers to free-up user licenses.

8. How is the number of rows stored in Analytics Plus arrived at?

The number of rows in your Analytics Plus account is the sum of all the rows across all the tables and workspaces.

For example, if you have 2 workspaces with 3 tables each and have 1000 rows stored on each table, then the total number of rows in your Analytics Plus account is 6,000 (1000 * 6).

Please note that the data rows in the query table or tabular view will not get counted.

9. Who is defined as the Account Administrator?

An Account Administrator is the one who subscribes to the Analytics Plus account and can perform all possible operations available. Click here to learn about the various user roles available in Analytics Plus.

10. Will I get Technical Support as part of my subscription?

Yes. We offer technical support to all our paid customers without any additional charges. You can avail our technical support through any of the following means:

11. Do you offer bulk pricing packages (with users and rows)?

Yes. Please write to with your requirements.

Sign up and Account set up

  1. How to sign up for an Analytics Plus account?
  2. How to modify my account settings?
  3. How to change or reset my password?
  4. Can I add multiple Email IDs to my account?
  5. Is it possible to change my primary Email ID?
  6. Where can I get more details about My Account setup?

1. How to sign up for an Analytics Plus account?

You can create an Analytics Plus account in less than sixty seconds by just filling up the Sign up form. Click here to learn more about the steps to sign up and sign in to Analytics Plus.

2. How to modify my account settings?

Analytics plus allows you to modify your account settings from the My Accounts page. Refer this documentation to know about the various actions you can perform from the My Accounts page.

3. How to change or reset my password?

Analytics Plus allows you to change or reset your password either from the Application Login or from the My Accounts pages.

From the application login page:

  • From the login page, click the Forgot Password link.
  • Enter the registered email address, and click Next.
  • Provide the Captcha phrase when prompted, and click Next.
  • In the dialog that appears, click the Continue to reset password link at the bottom.
  • Verify your account using the one-time password shared with your registered email address.
  • On successful verification, enter the new password when prompted, and click Change Password.

From the My Accounts page:

  • Open your Analytics Plus application, click the profile icon at the top right corner, and click the My Account link.
  • In the new tab that opens, head to the Security tab, and click the Change Password button.
  • Enter the current and new password, and click Change Password.

4. Can I add multiple Email IDs to my account?

Yes. Analytics Plus allows you to add multiple email IDs to your Analytics Plus account. Click here to know the steps to add multiple emails.

5. Is it possible to change my primary Email ID?

Yes. Refer this documentation to change the primary email id associated with your Analytics Plus account.

6. Where can I get more details about My Account setup?

Please refer this documentation to know more about the My Account setup.

Data Import/Synchronization

  1. What are the supported file formats from which you can import data into Analytics Plus?
  2. Is there any restriction on the size of data files that can be imported into the application?
  3. How to upload large data files into Analytics Plus?
  4. What are the supported databases from which data can be uploaded into Analytics Plus?
  5. How to upload/push/import data periodically into Analytics Plus?
  6. Why does data not appear immediately after importing from Source?
  7. Can I enter data directly into Analytics Plus?

1. What are the supported file formats from which you can import data into Analytics Plus?

Analytics Plus allows you to import data in the following file formats:

  • Excel Spreadsheets (.xls)
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)
  • Tab Separated Values (.tsv)
  • Any tabular data in text file format (.txt)
  • HTML files MS Access (.mdb)
  • JSON (.json)
  • XML (.xml)
  • Statistical file (.sav, .sas7bdat, .rdata)
  • Spatial file
  • Web URLs that generate data in CSV or Excel format
  • Google Spreadsheets from Google Drive

You can also copy-paste data from all the above file formats as well as from spreadsheets (Microsoft Office Excel, Open Office Calc, and StarOffice) files to import the data into Analytics Plus.

If the CSV, TSV, Text, XLS, HTML, JSON, XML, and Spatial files are larger, you can compress the files in ZIP format and import them into Analytics Plus. Please note that the ZIP should contain only one file in any of the above-mentioned file formats.

2. Is there any restriction on the size of data files that can be imported into the application?

Analytics Plus allows you to import files (CSV, TSV, XLS, HTML) with a maximum of 100,000 rows or a file size limit of 100 MB. If you need to upload large data files, you can use the ManageEngine Databridge, as it would be more efficient to handle such loads.

3. How to upload large data files into Analytics Plus?

If you have a large amount of data (greater than 100 MB or 100,000 rows) to be uploaded into Analytics Plus, we recommend you zip the file and then import it.

You can also use ManageEngine Databridge, a lightweight independent utility that helps you to bridge your data source directly with Analytics Plus cloud for hassle-free data import. Click here to learn more about importing large CSV files.

4. What are the supported databases from which data can be uploaded into Analytics Plus?

Analytics Plus allows you to import data from various in-house and hosted databases. Click here to learn more.

5. How to upload/push/import data periodically into Analytics Plus?

Analytics Plus allows you to set periodic import of your data from web URLs, applications, local databases, and cloud databases. Refer this documentation to learn the steps to import data at scheduled intervals.

6. Why does data not appear immediately after importing from Source?

After setting up the data import, you might have to wait some time for the initial fetch to complete. Depending on the amount of data in your source, the table might take up to 5 minutes to display all the data. If you access the workspace before the initial fetch, it will display an empty table with the schema provided in the data preview page.

7. Can I enter data directly into Analytics Plus?

Yes. Analytics Plus enables you to enter data directly into the table as you enter data in an excel sheet. Refer this documentation to create and add data to your tables effortlessly.

Data Modeling

  1. Does Analytics Plus support relational modeling?
  2. Can I join tables/datasets to create reports in Analytics Plus?
  3. Does Analytics Plus support SQL (Structured Query Language) Querying?

1. Does Analytics Plus support relational modeling?

Yes. Analytics Plus supports relational modeling using lookup columns. It allows you to create tables with parent-child relationships, which enables you to join different data tables for efficient analysis.

Analytics Plus also supports cascade-on-delete, i.e., when you delete a row in the parent table, it will automatically delete the corresponding row in the child table(s). This setting is optional.

2. Can I join tables/datasets to create reports in Analytics Plus?

Yes. Analytics Plus enables you to join tables in the following ways for efficient analysis.

  • Lookup columns let you auto-join tables and create reports over the same.
  • Query tables allow you to join data from multiple tables in a workspace using JOIN construct in SQL SELECT query.

3. Does Analytics Plus support SQL (Structured Query Language) Querying?

Yes. Analytics Plus supports full-fledged SQL-based querying. You can use SQL queries written in any of the well-known database dialects, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Sybase, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Informix, and ANSI SQL.

Sharing, Publishing, and Export

  1. Can I share my data and reports created in Analytics Plus with other users?
  2. How can I publish the views created in Analytics Plus?
  3. Is it possible to allow other users to edit, create reports and upload the data to my workspace?
  4. Can I export my reports created in Analytics Plus?
  5. Can I email reports and dashboards?

1. Can I share my data and reports created in Analytics Plus with other users?

Yes. Analytics Plus lets you share the tables, reports, dashboards, and workspaces with other users. Use the share option, add the user's email address, and set the necessary permission to share the views. Click here to learn more.

You can also efficiently collaborate with your users by setting up real-time conversation access for the shared views. Click here to learn more.

2. How can I publish the views created in Analytics Plus?

Analytics Plus allows you to publish the views as live embedded reports on your websites, as easy-to-access URLs (either as private or public URLs), or as slideshows. Click the corresponding links to learn about each option in detail.

3. Is it possible to allow other users to edit, create reports and upload the data to my workspace?

Yes. Analytics Plus allows you to let other users do any permitted actions in your workspace. You can provide the required permission while sharing the view to allow users to edit the view or upload data or perform any other action. Click here to learn about the various permissions offered by Analytics Plus.

4. Can I export my reports created in Analytics Plus?

Yes. You can export the reports and dashboards created in Analytics Plus into various file formats. Analytics Plus supports the following file formats:

  • CSV - Exports the underlying data of a report as a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file.
  • PDF - Exports the report and dashboard in a printer-friendly Portable Document Format (PDF).
  • HTML - Exports the report and dashboard as an HTML document.
  • Excel (XLS) - Exports the underlying data of a report as an Excel file.
  • Image - Exports charts as a GIF or PNG image.

Click here to get more details about exporting views.

5. Can I email reports and dashboards?

Yes. Analytics Plus lets you email the reports and dashboards as attachments to your users. You can also schedule the email to deliver automatically at specific intervals. Refer this documentation to learn more.

Integration with other applications

  1. What are the applications Analytics Plus integrates with?

1. What are the applications Analytics Plus integrates with?

Analytics Plus integrates with various in-house products like ServiceDesk Plus, Applications Manager, Endpoint Central, AlarmsOne, Zoho SalesIQ, and several third-party applications like ServiceNow, Jira Software, Salesforce CRM, Teamwork, and more. Click here to learn more.


  1. Does Analytics Plus offer re-branding?

1. Does Analytics Plus offer re-branding?

Yes. Analytics Plus supports logo re-branding. It enables you to customize the Analytics Plus product logo displayed in the application and the powered by logo displayed at the footer of the reports when you export them (as PDF or images) or embed them in other web pages.

Follow the steps given below to change the logo:

  • Navigate to the Logo Rebranding tab from the Analytics Plus' Settings page.
  • Click the Change Logo button to browse and upload your custom product logo to be displayed in the application.
  • Provide the URL to be linked from your logo in the Logo URL field.
  • Choose one of the following options from the Powered by "Logo" field:
    • None - This option removes the powered by logo.
    • Display Analytics Plus Logo - This option displays the actual Analytics Plus logo. This option is selected by default.
    • Display Your Own Logo – This option lets you display your own organization's logo.
  • Click Save to update the new logo.

Help & Support

  1. How to know more about the product?
  2. How do I get technical support?
  3. Do you offer chat support?

1. How to know more about the product?

Refer to the following links to know more about Analytics Plus:

You can also talk to our experts to learn more about Analytics Plus.

2. How do I get technical support?

Technical support is free for all the users, even during the trial period. You can contact technical support through:

3. Do you offer chat support?

Yes. Analytics Plus does offer chat support during business hours. Account Administrator of enterprise edition and trial account users can avail the chat support.

Follow the steps below to contact support through chat:

  • In the Analytics Plus application, click the chat icon at the bottom right corner. You can also click the Help icon > Live Chat from the drop-down.
  • Enter your name, email address, and the query, and click Start Chat. One of our agents will get in touch with you.


  1. Does Analytics Plus use real-time data for reporting and analysis?
  2. What is ManageEngine Databridge?
  3. Where do I check my current license information?
  4. How do I upgrade my license?
  5. How can I request new reports/features/integrations with Analytics Plus?
  6. Can I get a personalized demo of the software?

1. Does Analytics Plus use real-time data for reporting and analysis?

Analytics Plus offers live connect with databases that facilitates analysis of real time data. For the data imported from local sources and applications, it updates the data based on the synchronization frequency configured with your data source. For example, if the synchronization interval between Analytics Plus and ServiceDesk Plus is 1 hour, the data gets updated every 1 hour.

2. What is ManageEngine Databridge?

ManageEngine Databridge is a lightweight independent utility that connects your local database and Analytics Plus Cloud for hassle-free data import. With Databridge, you can easily import your data from local databases such as MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and more. Click here to learn more.

3. Where do I check my current license information?

You can check about your present license information from the Current Plan tab of the application Settings page. It gives you a list of all the features available for the plan, quota limit, number of used essentials, and more.

4.How do I upgrade my license?

To upgrade your Analytics Plus license, click the SUBSCRIPTION link at the top banner or click Manage Plan in the Settings > Current Plan tab.

5. How can I request new reports/features/integrations with Analytics Plus?

Please click the Help icon > Contact Support option on the Analytics Plus application to send your requests or write to us at

6. Can I get a personalized demo of the software?

Yes. Please register for a demo using the form on this page.

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