App Integrations9 minutes to read
Available app integrationsCurrently, there are 26 apps available for integration with SaaS Manager Plus. These apps can enhance your workflow and provide seamless integration within the platform. Also, the subscribed apps are sourced from vendor integrations. You can choose from the apps that are added manually or through invoice upload. The availability of these integrations expands the functionality and versatility of SaaS Manager Plus. Connecting with applicationsTo connect with the following applications, follow these steps:
To integrate with ServiceNow
To integrate with Mailchimp
To integrate with Zoho BooksZoho Books can be integrated as a service or as a third-party source. When integrating Zoho Books as a service, it is treated as a normal app integration, allowing for synchronizing users' data and license information. However, when integrating Zoho Books as a third-party application, it functions specifically as a finance integration, pulling only invoices without integrating user data. To integrate as a service
To access invoices from Zoho Books as a third-party source
To add or select tags in Zoho Books
To integrate with QuickBooks or Zoho Expense
By following these steps, you can connect with the desired applications and leverage their functionalities within SaaS Manager Plus. To fetch necessary information from Okta
To add or select tags in QuickBooks
To sync QuickBooks data with SaaS Manager Plus
To integrate with Adobe
To integrate with Salesforce
Connecting with applications manuallyAuthorize your developer app by creating your client ID and client secret, follow these steps:
Note: Once you establish the manual connection, the client id and client secret will be reused for subsequent integrations with the same service provider. Learn more about creating client ID and client secret here. ©2023, Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. |