Click the particular Adobe app from the list of available apps.
Licenses tab is available next to Overview in the top right corner.
A list of Products is available with details like Name, Assigned, and Subscribed.
Click Profiles to the left to get details of available profiles. Choose a particular product from the drop-down if required.
Users tab provides the list of users and their associated Email addresses. Choose a particular product and/or profile using the two drop-down boxes available if required.
To check Licenses in Microsoft365
Click the particular Adobe app from the list of available apps.
Click the particular Microsoft365 app from the list of available apps.
Licenses tab is available next to Sub Apps in the top right corner.
Licenses Details provides details of License Name, Assigned, Available, Status, and Services.
Licensed Users provides details such as Name, Email, Licenses, and Services. Choose a particular license from the drop-down if required.
Stale Licenses provides the details such as Name, Email, last login data of each service based on the pre-defined days from the drop-down. The available days are 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, and 365 days. This is used to identify the inactive users.