
Asana is a project management tool that helps teams organize, track, and manage their work efficiently. With features like task assignments, project timelines, and real-time collaboration, Asana keeps teams aligned and boosts productivity.

Stored Asana information


  • Email
  • Name

Audit Log (users login):

  • User email
  • Created at

Required permissions for Asana


Asana authentication method

The required authentication method is OAuth (OAuth 2.0).

Required Asana credentials

The following credentials are required:

  • Username
  • Password

To create a client ID and client secret

To manually integrate Asana with SaaS Manager Plus:

  1. Click App Integrations available in the left pane and click Asana from the applications list.
  2. Provide the connection name, client ID, and client secret.
  3. Click Authorize, and you will be redirected to the Asana sign in page.
  4. On the Asana sign in page, enter your admin username and password.
  5. Click Authorize.

Required scopes

  • default
  • openid
  • email
  • profile

Asana API endpoints


Audit log for user login activity:{workspace_gid}/audit_log_events?event_type=user_login_succeeded

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