Search and Sort apps

1 minutes to read
  1. Searching for a vendors
  2. Sorting apps

Searching for a vendor

To filter a specific vendor

Use the filter option available in the top-left corner to filter apps by selecting either All vendors or a specific app from the list.

To search for a specific app

App Name: Search by App Name, Owner Name, or Source from the drop-down box, and enter the app, owner, or source name to search for specific records.

Sorting apps

To sort the app list

You can sort the app list based on different criteria:

  • App Name can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the ↑↓ icon.
  • Renews On can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the ↑↓ icon.
  • Source can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the ↑↓ icon.

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