Publishing Options
Analytics Plus offers a wide range of publishing options to enable easy distribution and collaboration. You can publish the reports and dashboards as live embedded reports on your websites, as interactive visualizations, or as slideshows.
The embedded and permalinks/ URLs can be made accessible with both private access and public access.
Salient Features
Publish any table, report or dashboard that you create in Analytics Plus.
Embed live reports and dashboards across websites, blogs and applications for wider consumption.
Generate easy to access standalone URLs (Permalinks), that can even be bookmarked, to access reports and dashboards.
Specify fine-grained permissions while publishing reports to users, such that they would be allowed to perform only the permitted operations, like read, write, export etc., when they access the published reports.
Users can always view the latest live version when accessing published tables, reports and dashboards.
In this section we will discuss the various publishing options offered by Analytics Plus: