OpManager Plus primarily relies on Cisco's IP-SLA for monitoring the WAN and the prerequisite therefore is that the device should be a Cisco router and must have IPSLA agent enabled on it. Almost all the routers from Cisco were enabled with IPSLA agent and we support from IOS version 12.3 or later. OpManager Plus uses SNMP to query the Cisco routers for the links' performance data. IPSLA familiarity is not a prerequisite. You just need to tell OpManager Plus which links you want to monitor. OpManager Plus provides an intuitive configuration wizard to help you configure all the IPSLA parameters for monitoring the WAN health.
Steps to set up the WAN Monitor
Using OpManager Plus, you can now monitor the availability and latency of a WAN link / path. A WAN link mentioned here is the path between the router in your main office and the one in the branch office that you wish to monitor.
Step 1 : Add ( / discover) the router in your LAN to OpManager Plus. And make sure the snmp read and write community are configured properly, for that router.
Step 2: Configuring the Router to send traps
Configure the cisco router to send traps to OpManager Plus. Alerts are shown based on the traps received in OpManager Plus. To configure OpManager Plus server as the SNMP Server receiving traps for the routers, telnet the router and type the following command:
snmp-server host <opmanagerPlus server IP> traps <host community string> rtr
For instance, if the OpManager Plus host IP Address is, and the community string is private, the command would be:
snmp-server host traps private rtr
Step 3: Creating the WAN Monitor
To edit any of the configuration details, go to the respective template, make the changes and save the details. When you create a new monitor, the updated values take effect. When the configuration is complete, the router starts collecting the data at the specified frequency 60 seconds ( default value). OpManager Plus updates this statistics (collected data) every hour and the reports are generated after one hour of configuration.
Define a template with the required WAN monitoring settings to be used for monitoring performance. The RTT template comes with pre-populated default values. OpManager Plus uses the configured values to simulate traffic. Incase you would like to effect some changes to the values before initiating monitoring, make the changes as follows
Configuring Test Parameters
OpManager Plus uses the default settings specified here,
Defining Threshold for Round Trip Time
You can define a threshold template so that you are alerted with the WAN monitor violates a specified value. Here are the steps to define a threshold template:
Go to Inventory-> Select IPSLA from three line menu ->Select VoIP (Select any monitor)-> Alarms (present at the end of the page) to view the alerts raised by WAN Monitor. All the alarms are listed with the Source name, Alarm Message, Status of the Device, Technician, Device category, date and time. Click the alarm message to view the alarm history.