DigiCert SSL Integration with Password Manager Pro10 minutes to read
Password Manager Pro integrates with DigiCert certificate signing authority, allowing enterprises to automate the end-to-end management of web server certificates signed and issued by DigiCert, from a centralized platform. This document discusses the steps to manage the life cycle operations of SSL/TLS certificates issued by DigiCert, directly from Password Manager Pro's web interface; these operations include importing existing orders, certificate requests, provisioning, deployment, and renewal of certificates. Before you proceed with the integration, complete the following step as a prerequisite: Prerequisite Add the following base URL and port as an exception in your firewall or proxy to ensure Password Manager Pro is able to connect to DigiCert's CA Services. Follow the step-by-step procedure below to integrate DigiCert with Password Manager Pro:
1. Configuring DigiCert CertCentral API Key DetailsTo request and manage DigiCert certificates from Password Manager Pro, you need to link your Password Manager Pro account with your DigiCert CertCentral account. To achieve this, you must apply your CertCentral API key details in Password Manager Pro. Case 1: You do not have a DigiCert account If you do not have a DigiCert account already, follow the steps below to sign up for a new account:
Now the key is saved and your CertCentral account is successfully linked to your Password Manager Pro account. Case 2: You have a DigiCert account If you have an account with DigiCert CertCentral already, all you have to do is generate your API key from the CertCentral portal and provide it in Password Manager Pro.
To delete an API key, select the key(s) you wish to delete and click Delete from the top pane. In the pop-up that appears, click OK. 2. Pre-validating Organizations/Domains in DigiCert CertCentral
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