Setting up Two-Factor Authentication5 minutes to read
Password Manager Pro stores sensitive administrative passwords of enterprise resources in encrypted form in the database. Access to the data was earlier restricted by a single level of authentication - local authentication of Password Manager Pro or the authentication of third party identity stores like ActiveDirectory or LDAP. To introduce an extra level of security, Password Manager Pro provides two-factor authentication. Users will have to authenticate through two successive stages to access the Password Manager Pro web-interface. While the first authentication will be through the usual native authentication or AD / LDAP, the second level of authentication could be one of the following:
This document explains about the following topics:
1. Two-Factor Authentication - Various OptionsBefore enabling the Two-Factor Authentication, decide on the technology you wish to use. At present Password Manager Pro supports TFA through the following options:
Click the respective links to know more and proceed setting up the required TFA technology. 2. Enabling Two-Factor AuthenticationEnabling Two-Factor Authentication in Password Manager Pro consists of two steps:
3. Reset Two-Factor Authentication
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