Windows Scheduled Tasks Password Reset6 minutes to read
Password Manager Pro can be scheduled to reset passwords on windows for improved security. Steps Required
1. PrerequisitesThe following are mandatory:
2. Workflow2.1 Add domain controller as a resource with resource type WindowsDomain
2.2 Add domain admin account and scheduled tasks
2.3 Add domain member servers as new resources and create resource groupContinue adding the other member servers of the domain - Win1, Win2, Win3, and Win4 as new resources in the same way as explained above.
Alternate step: Automated discovery of resources and associated accountsInstead of manual addition explained in Step 3, you can also discover the required resources and groups in your domain by following the steps given below:
2.4 Configure Windows scheduled tasks remote password resetInstead of manual addition explained in Step 3, you can also discover the required resources and groups in your domain by following the steps given below:
2.5 Associate resource groups for the scheduled tasks and verify supported scheduled tasks
3. Viewing Scheduled Tasks StatusFor any windows domain account (for which you have enabled Windows scheduled tasks reset), you can view the list of associated scheduled tasks and information on Windows scheduled tasks password reset. To view this information,
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