Using Azure PostgreSQL as the Backend Database

3 minutes to read

Password Manager Pro allows you to use the fully managed Azure PostgreSQL as the backend database.

This document explains in detail the process of using Azure PostgreSQL database as a backend database in Password Manager Pro.

Steps Required

  1. Creating Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  2. Configuring SSL Certificates in Database
  3. Creating a Password Manager Pro Database
  4. Changes in Password Manager Pro Build

1. Creating Azure Database for PostgreSQL

To know about creating an Azure Database for PostgreSQL, click here.

2. Configuring SSL Certificates in Database

To configure the SSL Certificates,

  1. Open your Azure portal and navigate to Azure Database for PostgreSQL server and click Connection Security.
  2. Use the toggle button to enable or disable the Enforce SSL connection setting. Then, click Save.
  3. For the applications that require certificate verification for SSL connectivity download the certificate file from the Certificate Authority (CA) and decode your certificate file using this command:

    openssl x509 -inform DER -in BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot.crt -text -out root.crt

  4. While connecting to Azure Database for PostgreSQL with SSL certificate authentication, the certificate must be placed in the file ~/.postgresql/root.crt in the user's home directory to allow server certificate verification.
  5. Note: On Microsoft Windows the file is named %APPDATA%\postgresql\root.crt.  C:\Users\prasad-0500\AppData\Roaming\postgresql

  6. Connect to the PostgreSQL server using the below psql command-line utility:

    psql "sslmode=verify-ca sslrootcert=root.crt dbname=postgres user=mylogin@mydemoserver"

To know more about SSL connection security, click here.

3. Creating a Password Manager Pro Database

To create a Password Manager Pro database,

  1. Connect Azure PGSQL with pgAdmin GUI tool with the following details:
    • Hostname/address:
    • Port: 5432
    • Username: pmpuser@pmpdbserver
  2. Copy the Client certificate and Root certificate.
  3. Create a database Passtrix.

4. Changes in Password Manager Pro Build

  1. Create an Azure Windows VM instance and install the Password Manager Pro build.
  2. Start and stop the Password Manager Pro server.
  3. Edit the database_params.conf present under the <PMP_Installation_Folder>\conf directory and replace the username and URL with created azure pgsql.
    • username=pmpuser@pmpdbserver
    • url=jdbc:postgresql://
    • db.password.encryped=true
  4. Edit the customer-config.xml present under the <PMP_Installation_Folder>\conf directory and change StartDBServer's value to false.
  5. Import decoded root certificate (root.crt) into keystore via importcert.bat file
  6. Start the Password Manager Pro server.

You have successfully configured Azure PgSQL database as a backend database for Password Manager Pro.

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