Password Manager Pro - Frequently Asked Questions117 minutes to read
1. General
2. Web Interface and Authentication
3. Browser Extension
4. Security
5. Password Synchronization
6. Backup and Disaster Recovery
7. Licensing
8. SSH Key Management
9. SSL Certificate Management
10. High Availability
11. Remote Sessions
1. General1. Do I need to install any prerequisite software before using Password Manager Pro?Apart from the standard system requirements (both hardware and software), the following elements are essential for the proper functioning of the Password Manager Pro server. These are especially required if you are planning to make use of Password Manager Pro's account discovery and password reset provisions.
To check if these software requirements are configured:
In the pop-up box that opens, the configuration status will be displayed. 2. What are the operating systems supported by Password Manager Pro?Password Manager Pro supports the following flavors of Windows and Linux operating systems:
3. Can others see the resources added by me?Except for super administrators (if configured in your Password Manager Pro set up), no one including admin users, will be able to see the resources added by you. However, if you share your resources with other administrators, they will be able to see them. 4. Can I add my own attributes to Password Manager Pro resources?Yes, you can extend the attributes of the Password Manager Pro resource and user account to include details that are specific to your needs. Refer this document for more details. 5. What happens if a user leaves the organization without sharing their sensitive passwords with anyone?If an administrative user leaves the organization, they can transfer the resources they own to other administrators. By doing so, they'll have no access to those resources themselves, unless they transfer the resources to themselves. Refer this document for more details. 6. How do I troubleshoot if importing users/resources from AD fails?
If the above verifications fail, please contact 7. How to make the Password Manager Pro application work with a MySQL database server installed in a separate machine (other than the one in which Password Manager Pro server is running)?It is always recommended to run the Password Manager Pro application (built over Tomcat web server) and the MySQL database in the same machine for better security. We have configured the bundled MySQL database so as it is not visible outside the machine in which it is installed (it will accept connections requested only from localhost) and you will lose this aspect when you separate them. If there is a pressing need to run MySQL elsewhere, follow the procedure detailed below:
8. Can I run custom queries to generate results for integration with other reporting systems?Yes, you can. Please contact us at with your specific request and we will help you with the relevant SQL query to generate XML output. 9. Does domain SSO work across firewalls / VPNs?The domain Single Sign On (Windows-integrated authentication) is achieved in the Windows environment by setting non-standard parameters in the HTTP header, which are usually stripped off by devices like firewalls / VPNs. Password Manager Pro is designed for use within the network. So, if you have users connecting from outside the network, you cannot have SSO enabled. 10. Can I rebrand Password Manager Pro with my own logo and organizational information?Yes. Password Manager Pro provides you with the following options for customization and rebranding:
To carry out the above functionalities:
Note that at any point, this configuration can be disabled. Click here for more details. 11. How to fix the "Password Manager Pro detected harmful content in the data entered by the user and aborted the operation" error occurred while importing resources through csv/tsv file?As a security measure, Password Manager Pro restricts certain characters such as HTML tags (< , >), "URL: HTTPS://" or "URL: HTTP://", security mark (?), end line and multiple spaces in the notes or any other fields in Password Manager Pro as it causes security violations in the product. If any of these characters are used in any other fields except password field then, then is causes a violation and the import fails. Note: It is advisable to ensure that the resource & account descriptions do not exceed the max limit of 2000 characters. 12. Does Password Manager Pro record Password viewing attempts and retrievals by users?Yes, Password Manager Pro records all operations that can be possibly performed by an user- including password viewing and copying operations. From audit trails, you can get a comprehensive list of all the actions and attempts by the users with password retrieval. Click here for more details. 13. Why does the size of PostgreSQL wal_archive file increase at a rapid pace?This issue occurs when the backup location specified in Password Manager Pro is no longer accessible to save the backup file. In simple terms, whenever the PostgreSQL database backup fails, wal_archive folder size will start increasing. Solution:
This will trigger an instant backup and automatically purge the wal_archive directory. 14. What are the various Syslog formats followed by Password Manager Pro?The following are three different types of syslog formats that Password Manager Pro uses to send syslog messages to your syslog collector host: i. Resource Audit operatedName+":"+operatedIp operationType operatedDate statusMess resourceName+":"+accName+":"+reason ii. User Audit operatedName+":"+operatedIp operationType operatedDate statusMess auditUserName+":"+reason SSL: <190> Parent_Domain: Included_Domain: Days_to_Expire: 100 Expire_Date: 5.08.2020 15. How do I run the Password Manager Pro service using a group Managed Service Account (gMSA)?To know in detail about running the Password Manager Pro service using a group Managed Service Account, click here. 16. Does Password Manager Pro alter the number of Windows CAL licenses?Generally, RDP sessions are invoked from the Password Manager Pro server and relayed to the end user's browser through a third-party component called Spark Gateway. This component comes bundled with Password Manager Pro and does not have any relation to Windows CAL licenses. Hence, Password Manager Pro does not affect the number of Windows CAL licenses in any way. Users need to purchase as many CAL licenses, as suggested by Microsoft. 17. How do I troubleshoot when the PostgreSQL server fails to start?Error Scenarios:
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