Setting up Two-Factor Authentication - Okta Verify6 minutes to read
Okta Verify is a software-based authentication token that provides a six-digit number that users must enter as the second factor of authentication. You need to install the Okta Verify app on your smart phone or tablet devices. It generates a six-digit number, which changes every 30 seconds. With the app, you don’t have to wait a few seconds to receive a text message. Here's the sequence of events involved in using Okta Verify as the second level of authentication to login to Password Manager Pro:
Summary of Steps
1. Configuring Two-factor authentication in Password Manager Pro
2. Enforcing Two-factor authentication for the required users
3. How to connect to Password Manager Pro web interface when TFA via Okta Verify is enabled?3.1 Pre-requisiteTo use Okta Verify as the second factor of authentication, you should first install the app in your smart phone or tablet. 3.2 Connecting to Password Manager Pro web interfaceThe users for whom two-factor authentication is enabled will have to authenticate twice successively. The first level of authentication will be through the usual authentication, i.e., the users have to authenticate through Password Manager Pro's local authentication or AD/LDAP authentication, whichever is enabled.
Troubleshooting TipAs mentioned earlier, the Okta Verify is associated with your Password Manager Pro account. If you ever lose your mobile device/tablet OR if you accidentally delete the Okta Verify app on your device, you will still be able to get tokens to log in to Password Manager Pro. In such scenarios, just click the link "Have trouble using Okta Verify?" in the Password Manager Pro login screen. You will be prompted to enter your Password Manager Pro username and the email address associated with Password Manager Pro. Once done, you will receive instructions to get Okta Verify again. If you have configured High AvailabilityWhenever you enable TFA or when you change the TFA type (PhoneFactor, RSA SecurID, One-time password, RADIUS, or Duo) AND if you have configured high availability, you need to restart the Password Manager Pro secondary server once. ©2025, ZOHO Corp. All Rights Reserved. | |