Sharing Resources in Bulk

7 minutes to read

Password Manager Pro allows you to share your resources/resource groups in bulk with other users and user groups. When you share a selection of resources, all the passwords of all of the resources will also be shared. You can grant varying permissions to users and user groups for password usage by choosing one of the following levels.

Sharing Permissions Levels

View Passwords

Modify Passwords

Full Access

Users and User groups can access and use the passwords of the shared resources/ resource groups.

Users and User groups can both access and modify the passwords of the shared resources/resource groups. However, this privilege does not allow the users/user groups to change any other attribute of the resource.

Users and User groups can have the complete management of the shared resources/resource groups. They can even re-share the resources and the related account passwords with other users.

Note: The Default Group cannot be granted with Full Access permission.

How Precedence Works for Permission Levels

For password sharing permissions (View/Modify/Full Access), the lowest level of permission takes the highest precedence as explained below:

  1. Permissions set for individual accounts override the permissions set for a resource which the account is a part of.
    • For example, if a user account is granted with View permission for a password and the resource it is a part of gets Modify permission, this particular user account will still have only View permission to that password.
  2. Permissions set for a resource overrides the permissions set for a resource group which the resource is a part of.
    • For example, if a resource is granted with Modify permission for a password and the resource group it is a part of gets Full Access, then this particular resource will still have only Modify access to that password.
  3. Similarly, the share permission set for a user overrides that of a user group the user is a part of.
    • For example, if a particular user is granted with View only permission for a password and the user group it is a part of gets Full Access, then this particular user will still have only View access to that password.

Types of Sharing

  1. Sharing accounts in bulk with users/user groups
    1.1 Sharing accounts of a particular resource in bulk with users/user groups
  2. Sharing resources in bulk with users/user groups
  3. Sharing resource groups in bulk with user/user groups

1. Sharing Accounts in Bulk with Users/User Groups

Follow the below steps to share a set of accounts in bulk with user(s) or user group(s), with View or Modify permissions.

Note: Only two permission levels will be available while sharing accounts, as the Full Access permission is meant only for resources and resource groups.

  1. Navigate to Resources >> Passwords and select the accounts that you want to share.
  2. Click the Account Actions drop down at the top and go to Share >> With Users or With User Groups depending on whether you want to share the accounts with users or user groups.
  3. In the pop-up box that appears, click the Grant option beside that user/user group with whom the account is to be shared. Choose either View Passwords or Modify Passwords as the permission level and click Save.

1.1 Sharing Accounts of a Particular Resource in Bulk with Users/User Groups

Follow the below steps to share accounts of a particular resource in bulk with user(s) or user group(s), with View or Modify permissions.

  1. Navigate to the Resources tab and click on the particular resource whose accounts you want to share in bulk.
  2. Under Account Details, select the accounts to be shared and go to More Actions >> Share >> With Users or With User Groups depending on whether you want to share the accounts with users or user groups.

  3. In the pop-up box that appears, click the Grant option against that user/user group with whom the selected accounts are to be shared. Choose either View Passwords or Modify Passwords as the permission level and click Save.

2. Sharing Resources in Bulk with Users/User groups

Follow the below steps to share a set of resources in bulk with user(s) or user group(s) with any of the three permission levels - ViewModify, or Full Access.

  1. Navigate to the Resources tab and select the particular resources to be shared.
  2. Click the Resource Actions drop down at the top and go to Share >> With Users or With User Groups depending on whether you want to share the resources with users or user groups.
  3. In the pop-up box that appears, click the Grant option beside that user/user group with whom the resources are to be shared. Choose from the permission levels: View Passwords, Modify Passwords, or Full Access, and click Save.

3. Sharing Resource Groups in Bulk with Users/User Groups

Follow the below steps to share a set of resource groups with user(s) or user group(s), with any of the three permission levels - View, Modify, or Full Access.

  1. Navigate to the Groups tab and select the resource groups to be shared.
  2. Click the Bulk Configuration drop down at the top and go to Share >> With Users or With User Groups depending on whether you want to share the account with users or user groups.
  3. In the pop-up box that appears, click the Grant option beside that user/user group with whom the resource groups are to be shared. Choose from the permission levels: View Passwords, Modify Passwords, or Full Access, and click Save.

Note: When you share a particular set of resource groups with a user group, the resource groups will be visible to all members of that user group. That means, all the resources and the accounts that are part of those resource groups will be visible to all members of the user group. Also, the permissions granted to the user group (View, Modify or Full Access) will be applicable to all the members.

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