Password Manager Pro Mobile Application - Android

36 minutes to read

Password Manager Pro's Android mobile application allows users to manage and control their enterprise's privileged accounts and passwords through their mobile device. The Android application encrypts and stores all of your data with AES-256 encryption which makes accessing your corporate accounts from your Android device is just as safe as accessing Password Manager Pro's desktop application.


The Password Manager Pro Android application:

i) Requires a valid working instance of the ManageEngine Password Manager Pro web application.

ii) Comes with in-app browser support from v4.5.0 for URLs in both Enterprise and Personal passwords, wherein, for the Enterprise, only the resource URL is supported.

At the end of this document, you will have learned the following:

  1. Features
  2. Authentication Mechanism
  3. Getting Started

    3.1 Specifications

    3.2 Installing Password Manager Pro in Mobile Device

    3.3 Connecting to the Password Manager Pro Server

    3.4 Authentication

  4. Navigation Menu

    4.1 Choosing Client Organization as an MSP User

    4.2 Enterprise Filters

    4.3 Password Access Requests

    4.4 Advanced Search

    4.5 Resource Groups

    4.6 SSH Keys

    4.7 Certificates

    4.8 CSR

    4.9 Personal

    4.10 Settings

  5. Setting Up Secure Offline Mode
  6. Uninstalling the Mobile Application

1. Features

Password Manager Pro's Android application comes with a set of features which will allow users to take control of their privileged accounts without accessing the desktop application.

  • View and manage all passwords that are owned or managed by you.
  • Incorporate ticket ID validation through Password Manager Pro's ticketing system integration to secure your access approval workflow even further.
  • Store and manage your critical personal information such as credit card numbers for on-the-go access. Password Manager Pro's Android application encrypts your personal data using the advanced AES-256 encryption algorithm.
  • View and manage your SSH keys and SSL certificate details at any time.
  • Approve/reject password requests and monitor who checks out passwords directly from the Password Manager Pro Android application. Also, send password requests, and perform password check in and check out through the mobile application.
  • Save important passwords offline to access them even when you do not have access to the Internet.

2. Authentication Mechanism - Mobile Application

Password Manager Pro offers Two-Factor Authentication for better security. Here the users will have to successfully authenticate twice through the first level and the second level. The first level of authentication can be done in 5 different ways: Local authentication, Active Directory/LDAP/Azure AD credentials, or via SAML SSO. The second level of authentication can be done through any of the Two-Factor Authentication supported by Password Manager Pro. Now, after Two-Factor Authentication, the application prompts you to set a passphrase with a minimum of 8 characters used for mobile authentication. The application does not store the passphrase and it is mandatory to enter the passphrase during login. All your offline data is encrypted using the advanced AES-256 encryption algorithm.

Password Manager Pro allows administrators to allow or restrict certain users to access the mobile application. To do this, navigate to Admin >> Users >> More Actions and click Restrict Mobile Access. Administrators can also restrict users to cache passwords in mobile devices from General Settings using Allow password caching for offline access via mobile.

3. Getting Started with Password Manager Pro - Android

3.1 Specifications

Supported Devices

All Android devices


Requires Android 5.0 or later versions



Languages Supported

English, French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, and Russian.
Note: Please do select your desired language on the Password Manager Pro desktop installation and the mobile device.

3.2 Installing Password Manager Pro in Mobile Device

  1. Open Play Store and search for Password Manager Pro or click here.
  2. Click Install to install the application on your device.

3.3 Connecting to the Password Manager Pro Server

After successfully installing the mobile application, enter the following details to get started with Password Manager Pro.

  1. Enter the Server Name or IP address in which Password Manager Pro is running, along with the Port. Ensure that the Password Manager Pro server and the mobile application are connected to the same network. However, if your Password Manager Pro server is hosted in the cloud, your mobile application will work from a different network as well.
  2. In case of MSP users, please select your organization name in the drop down list. The mobile interface will display only the resources specific to that particular organization.

3.4 Authentication

  1. Open Password Manager Pro, enter the Username and Password of your Password Manager Pro account.
  2. The mobile application also supports AD, LDAP, Azure AD authentication, and via SAML SSO. To login using Active Directory/LDAP credentials, select your domain name from the drop-down list.
  3. If SAML Single Sign On is enabled in your Password Manager Pro server, a browser window opens within the application.
  4. Here, enter your SAML SSO credentials to login. To skip the SAML SSO login, close the browser window and you will be redirected to the application's login page.
  5. Set up a Passphrase (mandatory) and click Save.
  6. Notes:

    1. The application does not store your passphrase, and it is mandatory to enter the passphrase each time you access the mobile application. You have a total of five attempts to enter the correct passphrase, after which you will be logged out of the application automatically. After being logged out automatically, you will be asked to enter the Password Manager Pro account credentials. Only after successful login, you will be allowed to use the Forgot Passphrase option in the enter passphrase page. The Forgot Passphrase link will be available only for the first time while logging into Password Manager Pro.
    2. If you are using the application in online mode and fail to provide the correct passphrase during the allowed attempts, the application will log you out and you have to log in again and set up a new passphrase to access the mobile application again.
    3. In case you fail to enter the correct passphrase while using offline mode, you cannot access the application until you log in through the online mode and change the passphrase again.
    4. Please note that every time you set up a new passphrase, all the offline password cache you have saved and settings you have customized will be deleted from your device.

Once you have signed into your Password Manager Pro account through the Android application, you will see the Navigation Menu on the main screen with the following options that will help you navigate the Android application efficiently:

4.1 Choosing Client Organization as an MSP User

4.2 Enterprise Filters

4.3 Password Access Requests

4.4 Advanced Search

4.5 Resource Groups

4.6 SSH Keys

4.7 Certificates

4.8 CSR

4.9 Personal

4.10 Settings

4.1 Choosing Client Organization as an MSP User

For MSP users, Password Manager Pro's Android application allows you to manage the administrative passwords of all your clients separately from a single management console. The application neatly segregates client organizations into different sections, which you can tap to view all the passwords belonging to that particular organization. As MSP admin, even though you can view the names of the organizations you manage, you will be able to view the data on all your customers only if you add their resources or if they share their resources with you. Your clients will be able to view the data belonging to their organization only.

As an MSP user, you can choose a client organization and view all the resources under it. To do so:

  1. Tap the hamburger icon to open the Navigation Menu. Here, tap on the organization name to display all the available client organizations.
  2. Tap the client organization name to display all the resources specific to the selected organization. Please note that the mobile interface will display only the resources specific to the selected organization.

4.2 Enterprise Filters

By default, the application displays a list of all the resources on the main screen. From here, tap on any resource to view the accounts associated with it. Tap the hamburger icon at the bottom left corner to open the Navigation Menu. In this menu, tap the Enterprise option to open the All My Passwords page. To view the Enterprise Filters, tap the downward arrow beside All My Passwords. The Enterprise Filters list displays a list of resources owned or managed by you, categorized as below:

  1. All My Passwords
  2. Favorites
  3. Recently Accessed
  4. SSH Passwords
  5. Windows RDP Passwords

Each menu has a dedicated Search icon that allows you to locate accounts within the menu. The application loads the list of accounts as and when you scroll through the list. When you search for an account using a keyword, the application searches for the keyword only in the already loaded list; to search through all available accounts, scroll to the end of the list to load all accounts.

i. All My Passwords

This category lists all resources and accounts that are owned and managed by you. Tap on any resource/account name to view the resource/account details such as resource owner, resource URL, DNS name, resource type, passwords, resource name, account notes, and last accessed time. To view the password of a particular account, tap on the eye icon beside the password. Tap the Search icon to search for any account within the selected resource, using a search keyword.

ii. Favorites

This option is to have quick access to the list of passwords that you marked as Favorites. To mark any password as your favorite, tap the star icon beside the required password in any category. Marking passwords as Favorites helps you locate a particular account and its password easily, without the need to scroll through the entire list every time. Tap the Search icon to search for any account within the selected resource, using a search keyword.

iii. Recently Accessed

This menu helps you view only the list of resources and passwords that you have recently viewed or used. From the list, you can tap on any resource to view its accounts and their corresponding details. Tap the Search icon to search for any account within the selected resource, using a search keyword.

iv. SSH Passwords

This option gives you a consolidated view of all the resources that you can access through an SSH connection. Tap on any resource on this list to view its user accounts. Tap on any account to view the account details, such as the masked password, last modified time, last accessed time, and password expiry date. Tap the Search icon to search for any account within the selected resource, using a search keyword.

v. Windows RDP Passwords

If your network contains a list of resources of various OS types, the Windows RDP Passwords option will help you to view only the list of Windows resources and their corresponding accounts. Tap on any resource/account name to view the resource/account details such as resource owner, resource URL, DNS name, resource type, passwords, resource name, account notes, and last accessed time. To view the password of a particular account, tap on the eye icon beside the password.

Note: It is possible to take RDP connections in Android app from build 12101 and later.


4.3 Password Access Requests

Password Manager Pro provides an access control mechanism that allows administrators to grant password access to users for a specific period. Admins can start granting exclusive privileges once a password is ready to share, and only one user is allowed to use a particular password at a single point in time. Through Password Manager Pro's Android application, administrators can view the list of pending password access requests from other users and act upon them.

As an administrator, the Password Access Requests tab offers two sections:

  1. Pending - to view the list of password access requests.
  2. Check-In - to view the passwords that are currently in use and yet to be checked in.

To send a password access request, tap an account, and tap the Request option in the account details section. Once your request has gone through, the status will change to Waiting for Approval. Once an admin has approved your password request, you will be notified of the same, and the password will be available for Check Out. Once you check out the password for use, the status changes to In Use. Other users can see this status change in both the Check-In tab and the Account Details section of the particular account. To give up access to the password, tap the Check-In option. Now, the password is checked back into the Password Manager Pro vault.

Once you check in the password and give up your access, you must go through the request-release workflow once again, if you should need access to it again. Password Manager Pro's Android application also supports ticketing desk integration. Through the integration, Password Manager Pro will prompt users to provide a Ticket ID along with their Reason. Then, Password Manager Pro will validate whether the ticket ID entered by the user exists in the ticketing system or not and only then grant access to the user to view the password.

4.4 Advanced Search

Password Manager Pro allows you to find any particular user or resource instantly using Advanced Search. Select Advanced Search from the navigation menu and select between Enterprise and Personal. Enter a keyword like Name, Department, Location, or use one of the many search filters available to customize your search better. If you choose Personal, you will be allowed to search between different categories. Select the preferred category and enter a keyword in the search column. The custom column names created in additional fields in Password Manager Pro's desktop installation will also appear as filters in Advanced Search.

4.5 Resource Groups

Administrators can create resource groups to combine similar resources for easier management. The grouping can be done either by specifying individual resources (Static group) or by specifying a set of criteria (Dynamic group). In the case of a dynamic or a criteria-based group, whenever a newly added resource matches the criteria of an existing group, Password Manager Pro automatically adds the resource to this group. You can share the resource groups with other users or user groups. Users to whom the groups are shared can see the passwords of only the resources that are part of the shared group at that time.

Tap the Resource Groups option from the navigation menu to view all the resource groups that are owned or managed by you. If a resource group has a subgroup, it will be indicated by a right arrow icon; to view the subgroups, simply tap the arrow icon. If you wish to view the resources within a resource group, tap the name of the required resource group. Similarly, tap a resource name within the resource group to view the accounts that belong to the selected resource, and the account name to view the account details.

4.6 SSH Keys

This allows you to view all the SSH keys that you are managing in the Password Manager Pro repository. Select an SSH key to view the key details such as Key Type, Key Length, the key's Fingerprint, Username of the user who created the keyand Age of the key.

4.7 Certificates

Select Certificates from the navigation menu to view all the SSL certificates that you are managing in the Password Manager Pro repository. Select SSL certificate from the list to view the following certificate details: IP Address, Port, Validity period, SAN, Issuer, Signature Algorithm, Finger Print, Serial Number, Key Algorithm, Key Size.

4.8 CSR

Select CSR from the navigation menu to view the CSR list that you are managing in the Password Manager Pro repository. Select the CSR from the list to view the following certificate signing request details: Domain Name, Creator, Created Time, Key Size, Key Algorithm, KeyStore Type, Expiry Notification Email.

4.9 Personal

Password Manager Pro's Android application allows you to store personal passwords in the Password Manager Pro repository. The application provides four default categories: Web Accounts, Banking, Credit Cards, and Contacts. Here in these categories, you can save your important personal data such as your personal email account information, credit card numbers, and other banking data, contact addresses, and phone numbers. Password Manager Pro also allows you to add additional custom fields to your Personal tab from the desktop application to store other information.

Note: If you want To utilize the Personal tab on the Password Manager Pro mobile application for managing personal information, the 'Allow users to manage their personal passwords' option should be enabled in the Password Manager Pro web application.

The application stores your personal data in a private repository that only you can access through the Personal tab. All information stored here is encrypted independently and hidden from all other users, including the administrator. While adding account details to the Personal tab, there is an option to add Tags. Under this attribute, add keywords that can be used to search for the account under a particular category. Tap the Search icon and enter a keyword that was previously added as a tag to locate the account you are looking for.

4.9.i Setting up a Personal Passphrase

First, set up a valid passphrase in Password Manager Pro's desktop installation and activate your Personal repository. Ensure the passphrase you provide matches the complexity rules enforced by your organization.

After setting up the passphrase, you must enter it every time you need access to your personal passwords. Tap the refresh button on the top right corner to update the status of the personal passphrase. Password Manager Pro will not allow you to login to your personal repository before setting up a passphrase. Once you create a passphrase in the desktop application, tap the refresh icon and login with the newly created passphrase without having to move out of the Personal tab.

Note: Please note that if you forget or misplace the passphrase used for your Personal repository, you cannot reset the passphrase or retrieve your personal data without it.

Alternatively, Password Manager Pro's Android application will allow you to quickly access Personal passwords instead of entering the passphrase every time using Swift Login.

4.9.ii Adding Accounts in the Personal Tab

To add an account in the Personal tab, select the desired Category and tap + Add account. In the UI that appears, mention the required details and tap the  icon on the bottom right corner to save the changes. Now, you will be able to find the added account under the category to which it was added.

4.9.iii Exiting the Personal Tab

Tap the lock icon at the top right corner to exit the Personal tab. You will return to the previous tab which you were using and the Personal tab will be locked. You will have to enter the passphrase again to access the Personal tab.

4.10 Settings

The Settings menu offers a comprehensive collection of options that are split categorically for ease of use. Use this menu to customize various security options, view login details, privacy policy of the Android application, and more.

4.10.i Login

The Login section displays the Username and Server address to which Password Manager Pro is currently connected. If the High Availability feature is turned on in your environment, then the Android application will also display the secondary server details on the Settings page. If the primary server is down, you can connect it to the secondary server for uninterrupted service.

4.10.ii Security

The Security section has the following options:

a. Swift Login

Swift login allows you to log in quickly to the Android application using the local authentication on your phone. This allows you to set up three different authentication methods namely: Biometric, Pin, or via Credentials.

b. Swift Login - Personal

This allows you to set up Swift Login for your personal passwords saved in the application.

Note: To allow login Biometric in the mobile application, go to Admin >> General Settings >> User Management and enable the Enable logins to mobile apps with Biometric authentication option.

c. Keep the session alive for

This allows you to set the duration for how long the application should remain logged in to your account when the application goes into the background. You can choose any one duration ranging from 1 to 8 hours. This option is helpful when you want to switch between Password Manager Pro and other apps multiple times within a short span of time. Select Never to log out as soon as the application goes into the background.

d. Skip passphrase for

When you leave the application without logging out, Password Manager Pro's mobile application will prompt you to enter your passphrase to log in to the application. Skip passphrase for allows you to set a duration for the application to not prompt for the passphrase while running in the background. You can choose any one duration ranging from 30 to 120 seconds. Select Never to always prompt for a passphrase during login.

e. Clear Clipboard

Password Manager Pro's Android application can preserve any data you copy from within the application for a specified duration. To copy any password, tap the copy icon that is present beside the password. Tap the Clear Clipboard option to set a duration to preserve content you have copied to the clipboard. You can choose any one duration ranging from 30 to 120 seconds. Alternatively, tap Never to never save any copied content in the clipboard.

f. Clear Offline Cache

Tap this option to clear all offline cache. This action will delete all your enterprise passwords that are saved offline.

g. Clear Personal Offline Cache

Tap this option to clear all personal offline cache. This action will delete all your personal passwords that are saved offline.

h. Reset Passphrase

Tap this option to reset your passphrase for mobile authentication. Please note that resetting the passphrase will erase all the cached data from this device. This includes both enterprise and personal offline data unless you have set a different passphrase for your personal data. In that case, only the enterprise offline data will be erased.

i. Allow Screenshots

Choose to allow or disallow Screen Capturing within the application using the toggle button.

4.10.iii Privacy

Choose to share Usage Statistics and/or Send Crash Reports to ManageEngine by using toggle buttons under Privacy.

Usage statistics data gives an insight into usability data such as what features of the application you use more, how frequently, etc. This type of data is used as research to learn user behavior, gather pain points, if any, and enhance the application's performance and user experience based on the data.

Crash reports are detailed system logs that capture the state of the application when the crash happens. Collecting and analyzing this data will help us learn what caused the application to crash and rectify it in the next version.

4.10.iv Themes

Select Themes >> UI Mode to change the theme of the application. Choose between Light/Dark mode or choose to use the Battery Saver Mode.

5. Setting up Secure Offline Mode

Password Manager Pro's Android application offers a secure offline mode that allows you to access passwords even when you do not have access to the internet.

Only the passwords that were viewed while being online will be available in the offline mode. To enable/disable password caching in mobile application, go to Admin >> General Settings >> User Management and enable/disable Allow password caching for offline access via mobile. 

The application allows you to download a group of passwords from the Enterprise Filters, such as the Favorites, Recently Accessed, Windows RDP Passwords, and SSH Passwords. Additionally, you can download resource groups and personal passwords. To download passwords for offline access, go to the Enterprise Filters, and click the downward arrow beside the required list of passwords.

Note: Secure Offline Mode will work only if the Allow password caching for offline access via mobile option is enabled in General Settings.

6. Uninstalling the Mobile Application

To uninstall the mobile application, follow the below steps:

  1. Locate the ManageEngine Password Manager Pro application on your device, long press the icon, and click Uninstall.
  2. Tap OK in the confirmation pop-up.

Now, the Password Manager Pro mobile application is successfully uninstalled. Once you uninstall the application, all Password Manager Pro-related data is removed from the device.

Technical Support

If you face any issue with the mobile app, get in touch with our technical support team.

Toll free number: +1-888-720-9500
Email ID:

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