Microsoft Azure SQL Elastic Pool

Microsoft Azure SQL Elastic Pool - An Overview

Microsoft Azure SQL Elastic Pool offers a cloud-based service, which helps to manage and scale multiple SQL databases that have varying and unpredictable resource demands. It is a cost-effective solution suitable for configuring multiple SQL databases with resource pooling. Application's Manager's Azure SQL Elastic Pool Monitoring tool assists you in tracking the key performance metrics of Azure SQL Elastic Pool, including CPU Utilization, Storage Statistics and many more.

Creating a new Microsoft Azure SQL Elastic Pool Monitor

To learn how to create a new Microsoft Azure SQL Elastic Pool Monitor, click here.

Monitored Parameters

Navigate to the Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Hover over 'Child Monitors' under Microsoft Azure in the Cloud Apps table, and then select the SQL Elastic Pools monitor from the displayed tooltip. This action will display the bulk configuration view for Azure SQL Elastic Pool in three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

The Microsoft Azure monitor provides a brief detail of the Azure SQL Elastic Pool under the given subscription. Following are the list of metrics monitored in Azure SQL Elastic Pool Monitoring in their corresponding tabs:

Performance Overview

  • The metrics under DTU UTILIZATION and ELASTIC DTU USAGE groups are only supported for DTU-based elastic pools.
  • The metrics under CPU USAGE group are only supported for vCore-based elastic pools.
Parameter Description
CPU Utilization The average CPU utilization towards the user workload limit of an elastic pool at the time of polling (in %).
CPU Used The average CPU consumption towards the user workload limit of an elastic pool at the time of polling.
CPU Limit The average CPU limit at the time of polling.
DTU Utilization The average DTU consumption towards the user workload limit of an elastic pool at the time of polling (in %).
eDTU Limit The average number of eDTU (Elastic Database Transaction Units) limit at the time of polling.
eDTU Used The average number of eDTU (Elastic Database Transaction Units) used at the time of polling.
CPU Utilization (SQL Instance) The average CPU consumption by the user and system workloads at the time of polling (in %).
Memory Utilization (SQL Instance) The average memory usage of the database engine instance at the time of polling (in %)
Sessions Utilization The average consumption of established user sessions for an elastic pool between the poll interval (in %).
Workers Utilization The average consumption of worker threads towards the user workload limit of an elastic pool between the poll interval (in %).
Active Sessions The average number of established user sessions for an elastic pool between the poll interval.

Storage Statistics

Note: The metrics under IN-MEMORY OLTP STORAGE UTILIZATION, DATA SPACE UTILIZATION and DATA SPACE USAGE groups are not supported for Hyperscale SKU Tier.

Parameter Description
In-Memory OLTP Storage Utilization The average consumption of In-Memory OLTP Storage by the user and system workloads between the poll interval (in %).
Data Space Allocated Percentage The maximum amount of storage space occupied by the data files of all databases in an elastic pool towards the data size limit of the pool between the poll interval (in %).
Data Space Utilization The average amount of storage space used in the data files of all databases in an elastic pool between the poll interval (in %).
Data Space Allocated The average amount of storage space occupied by the data files of all databases in an elastic pool between the poll interval (in MiB).
Data Space Used The average amount of storage space used in the data files of all databases in an elastic pool between the poll interval (in MiB).
Data Space Limit The Data max size configured for the elastic pool (in GiB).
Log IO Utilization The average transaction log write throughput consumption towards the user workload limit of an elastic pool between the poll interval (in %).
Data IO Utilization The average data file IO consumption towards the user workload limit of an elastic pool between the poll interval (in %).
TempDB Log Utilization The average consumption of the transaction log space in the tempdb database towards the maximum log size between the poll interval (in %).
TempDB Data File Size The maximum amount of space used in the tempdb data files between the poll interval (in MB).
TempDB Log File Size The maximum amount of space used in the tempdb transaction log files between the poll interval (in MB).


Parameter Description
Resource Group Name The name of the resource group.
Location The location of the resource.
State The state of the elastic pool. Possible values: Creating/ Disabled/ Ready
Server Name The name of the server.
Kind Kind of the elastic pool.
Creation Time The time when the elastic pool was created.
License Type The license type applied for this elastic pool. Possible values: BasePrice/ LicenseIncluded
Minimum DTU Capacity per Database The minimum capacity guaranteed for all databases.
Maximum DTU Capacity per Database The maximum capacity that can be consumed by any one database.
Zone Redundancy Indicates whether or not the replicas of this elastic pool can spread across multiple availability zones. Possible values: Enabled/Disabled.
SKU Name The name of the SKU.
SKU Tier The tier or edition of the particular SKU. Possible values:
  • DTU-based elastic pools: Basic/ Standard/ Premium
  • vCore-based elastic pools: GeneralPurpose/ Hyperscale/ BusinessCritical
SKU Capacity The capacity of the particular SKU.