JSON feeds are used as an alternative for using XML for asynchronously transmitting structured information between client and server. It is a lightweight text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange. Using JSON Feed, you can integrate Applications Manager’s data in your intranet web page.

URL request for fetching JSON Feed would look like this:


API's available under JSON Feed in Applications Manager are listed below:

Name Description Request Parameters
createMonitorGroupFeed To get information on the Monitor group's status and Monitor's status
method createMonitorGroupFeed
Example : http://<AppManagerHostname>:<port>/jsonfeed.do?method=createMonitorGroupFeed
getMonitorsJSONFeed To get information on the Monitor's status
method getMonitorsJSONFeed
Example : http://<AppManagerHostname>:<port>/jsonfeed.do?method=getMonitorsJSONFeed
getParentGroups To know the Parent Monitor group's information for the given Monitor Sub-group ID
method getParentGroups
haid The id of the monitor group. In the Applications Manager, you can find the group ID of a monitor group using the following method:
  • Click on the Group Name in the monitor groups table. This will open the Monitor Group details page
  • The URL of the Monitor Group details page will be in the following format:http://app-windows:9090/showapplication.do?&method=showApplication&haid=10000040
  • The haid in the URL is the Group ID that you require, in this case, 10000040.
Example : http://<AppManagerHostname>:<port>/jsonfeed.do?method=getParentGroups&haid=10000040
getMonitorCount To get the number of monitors associated with the given monitor group.

Sample Output:

NWD - Network Devices
method getMonitorCount
haid The id of the monitor group. In the Applications Manager, you can find the group ID of a monitor group using the following method:
  • Click on the Group Name in the monitor groups table. This will open the Monitor Group details page
  • The URL of the Monitor Group details page will be in the following format:http://app-windows:9090/showapplication.do?&method=showApplication&haid=10000040
  • The haid in the URL is the Group ID that you require, in this case, 10000040.
Example : http://<AppManagerHostname>:<port>/jsonfeed.do?method=getMonitorCount&haid=10000040
getConsoleJSONFeed This API provides below options
  • To get all Monitor group's information
  • To get the list of server monitors available inside given Monitor group
  • To get the list of monitors added using OpManager (Complete list or for a given monitor group or for given category type)
method getConsoleJSONFeed
toReturn allMGResource - To get all Monitor group's information
allMonInMG - To get the list of server monitors for given Monitor group ID
OpManResource - To get the list of monitors added using OpManager integration
mgId (Optional) The id of the monitor group
monType (Optional) Category of the OpManager resource
Example : http://<AppManagerHostname>:<port>/jsonfeed.do?method=getConsoleJSONFeed&toReturn=allMonInMG &mgId=10000040