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SLA Management Console For Managers

SLA Management Console would essentially help the Manager to have an integrated high-level view of the Business Infrastructure. Here, monitor groups form Business Application units. The manager can create service level agreements (SLAs), the violation of which can be escalated by Email. By default, if the Manager is not explicitly associated to a Monitor Group, the Manager will be able to access all the Monitor Groups in the Manager Console. If the Manager is associated to a certain Monitor Groups, only those Monitor Groups will be shown in Manager Console - More
SLA Management Console gives the overall status of the various Business Applications that are associated with the system. You can view the availability statistics graph of the Business Applications for various time periods like 'Today', 'Yesterday', 'Last Week', 'This month', etc.

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) statistics table lists all the Business Applications & their SLAs and indicates whether the SLAs have been met or not. You can view the Availability % (clicking on the availability value will help you view the overall availability report of the Monitor Group and also the availability reports of the individual Monitors in the Monitor Group), Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures).

  • Mean Time To Repair (MTTR): The average time to repair a device or a system back to acceptable operating conditions. The term can also mean, the time spent to restore a machine to operating condition after failure. This must be as low as possible.
  • Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): The average time that a device or a system worked without failure. The term can also mean the length of time a user may reasonably expect a device or system to work before an incapacitating fault occurs. This must be as high as possible.

Server SLA

Upon clicking the Server SLA tab, you can view the SLA details for all the servers associated. Server Availability statistics is shown as a pie chart. By default, the least availability statistics for 'Today' is shown. A maximum of availability details of 12 servers would be shown as pie chart. You have an option to view the availability statistics for other time periods like 'Yesterday', 'Last Week', 'Last month', etc.,
The server availability statistics - uptime % table, clearly lists down all the Servers associated with the different types of SLAs and it indicates whether the Servers have met the SLAs or not. If there is a SLA violation, the corresponding statistics is highlighted in red.
The other details that can be viewed are Total Downtime, Availability %, MTBR, MTBF along with the trouble tickets associated with it. You can view the Server availability report for the past seven days by clicking on the 7 Icon.


Upon clicking the Events tab, you can view the SLA details for all the Events associated. Events Volume statistics is shown as a bar graph. By default, the volume statistics for 'Today' is shown. A maximum of Events volume details of 12 business applications would be shown as bar graph. You have an option to view the Events volume statistics for other time periods like 'Yesterday', 'Last Week', 'Last month', etc.,
The Events Volume table, clearly lists down all the Business Applications associated with the different types of SLAs and it indicates whether events volume has met the SLAs or not. If there is a SLA violation, the corresponding statistics is highlighted in red.
Across the various time periods, you can compare the trends in the volume of Events

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