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Integrating Slack with Applications Manager


Slack workspace is a shared space where team members can communicate and work together. It is like a chatroom for your work, facilitating your team to collaborate and coordinate on their tasks effectively.

Integrating Slack with Applications Manager complements this process. By receiving timely alerts from Applications Manager into your Slack workspace in real-time, your team can provide faster response to service failures and problems.

Steps to integrate Slack

  1. After logging into Applications Manager, navigate to Settings → Product Settings → Add-On Settings tab.
  2. Click on the Add icon shown in the Slack section to add a new account.
  3. A new window will be opened requesting for the auth-code. Click on Get Auth-code.
  4. An authorization prompt page containing a list of all the permissions required for the Applications Manager app to be integrated with your workspace will be displayed. After analyzing all the permissions, click on the Authorize button.
  5. You will be redirected to another site where the auth-code will be provided. Copy this auth-code.
  6. Now return to the Slack Integration table in Applications Manager, and paste this auth-code in the space provided. Click on Save.

A success message "Slack details updated successfully" will be displayed indicating the successful integration of Slack with Applications Manager.

Creating a new Slack message action

To create a new Slack message action in Applications Manager, follow the steps given below:

Slack Message Action in Applications Manager

  1. Select the Slack Action option from the Actions menu.
  2. Enter the Display Name for the action.
  3. Choose the sender from which the message notification has to be received under Send As option. You can configure by selecting any one of the following options:
    • Applications Manager: Allows the configured channel/member to receive message notifications directly from the 'Applications Manager' bot. Only the receiver will be able to view the message notification.
    • Slack User: Allows the configured channel/member to receive message notifications from the configured Slack user. Both the sender and the receiver will be able to view the message.
  4. Select a channel or a member to which the message has to be sent to.
  5. After selecting either of the above two options, a drop down containing the list of all the channels/members available in your Slack workspace will be displayed. Choose the required channel/member from the drop down.
  6. Enter the Title Message required to be shown in your message.
  7. Under Description, specify the required fields that need to be shown in your Slack message by entering appropriate replaceable tags for those fields. You can do so by choosing the required tag from the drop down list available right adjacent to the Description text box.
  8. After specifying the required Slack message, click on Create Action button to finish creating the Slack message action.

After creating the Slack message action, you can test its execution by clicking the Execute [] icon for that action.

Note: To receive message notifications in private channels, the user has to configure by inviting the 'Applications Manager' bot to the required private channels in Slack.
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