Start and stop Analytics Plus

Start and Stop Analytics Plus

Windows Installations

To start Analytics Plus, open your Windows Services and navigate to the ManageEngine Analytics Plus service. Right click the service name and select Start or Stop, to start and stop the application accordingly. You can also start the application from the command prompt by executing the run.bat file found under the AnalyticsPlus\bin folder.

Note: To start or stop Analytics Plus, please ensure you are logged in to the server on which your Analytics Plus application is installed. 

Linux Installations

Navigate to the directory where Analytics Plus is installed in your computer or server. Launch a terminal from the AnalyticsPlus/bin folder, and use the following commands to start and stop the application:

  • Start the application by executing these commands (from the command prompt/terminal): sh run or sh

  • Stop the application by executing these commands (from the command prompt/terminal): sh StopServer or sh

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