Integrating Password Manager Pro with ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus (ADSSP)8 minutes to read
This document walks you through the procedure for integrating Password Manager Pro with ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus (ADSSP). The following topics are discussed here:
1. Key Benefits of IntegrationManageEngine Password Manager Pro integrates with ManageEngine ADSSP, an integrated web-based self-service password management and Single-Sign-On solution. ADSSP assists domain users in performing activities such as self-service password reset, self-service account unlock, etc. ADSSP utilizes Password Manager Pro to manage its domain controller passwords, especially the privileged accounts. Earlier, when remote password reset of the ADSSP privileged domain account was performed in Password Manager Pro, the new password had to be manually updated in ADSSP. If not, ADSSP still retains the old password and therefore restricts the AD users from performing tasks such as password reset, account unlock, etc. This may lead to more help desk calls. With PMP-ADSSP integration, the privileged domain account details of ADSSP will be mapped with the domain account in Password Manager Pro. So, whenever the password of the ADSelfService Plus's privileged domain account mapped in Password Manager Pro is updated, Password Manager Pro automatically updates the password of the privileged domain account in ADSelfService Plus as well. 2. Prerequisites for Performing the IntegrationBefore commencing the integration, verify if all of the below prerequisites are satisfied:
3. Steps to Configure the IntegrationYou can perform all the configurations related to the PMP-ADSSP integration from the Password Manager Pro portal itself. To configure the integration, you need to provide the details of the machine, where ADSSP is installed. The details include Host Name, Port Number, etc. Once you have entered all the required details and saved the configuration, Password Manager Pro will try to set a connection with ADSSP. After the successful connection, the domain details will be retrieved from ADSSP and saved in the Password Manager Pro database, and the integration will be established. Here are the steps:
Only the users with the ManageEngine Integration role will see the ManageEngine option under Integration.
Buttons and Definitions:
Now, the integration will be enabled, and the domain details fetched from ADSSP will be saved in the Password Manager Pro database. Proceed with mapping the domain account details of ADSSP with Password Manager Pro. 4. Steps to Map Domain Account DetailsEnsure, the correct domain account in ADSSP is mapped with the domain account in Password Manager Pro. Only then, the automatic update of the password will happen with the right domain account in ADSSP.
This option will be available only: Once the mapping of domain account details of PMP and ADSSP is successfully done, Password Manager Pro will automatically update the password of the domain account in ADSSP, whenever the password reset for the account is done in Password Manager Pro. 5. Troubleshooting Tips
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