Integrating Password Manager Pro with ManageEngine Analytics Plus
(Feature applicable for Enterprise edition and build number 10301 and above only)

8 minutes to read

This document discusses the process of integrating Password Manager Pro with ManageEngine Analytics Plus. At the end of this document, you will have learnt the following:

  1. Key Benefits of Integration
  2. How does the Integration Work?
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Steps to Configure the Integration
  5. Steps to View the Configuration Details from Password Manager Pro
  6. Troubleshooting Tips

1. Key Benefits of Integration

ManageEngine Password Manager Pro integrates with ManageEngine Analytics Plus, an on-premises reporting and business intelligence service. The PMP-Analytics Plus integration brings about out-of-the-box analytics using data from the following modules:

  • Resources: Detailed record of resources and their usage. 
  • User Accounts: List of users, their access levels and permissions.
  • Audits: Elaborate history of the operations performed by users.

Through advanced analytics on these modules, you will gain a comprehensive analysis of all your privileged account activities through a unified outlook, with the ability to drill down into specifics and gain actionable insights. 

2. How Does the Integration Work?

Analytics Plus sources data from Password Manager Pro via its API using your login credentials. The reports are generated automatically with up-to-date data, and you can gain a complete overview of the reports from the PMP-specific dashboard of Analytics Plus. You can also set timeline filters. Once the integration is complete, you will be able to access the workspace created with all the relevant reports and live dashboards built using data from Password Manager Pro.

3. Prerequisites

Before commencing the integration, verify if all of the below prerequisites are satisfied:

  1. All the configurations related to the PMP-Analytics Plus integration can be done from the Analytics Plus portal only. Hence, make sure you have access to an active Analytics Plus portal.
  2. Password Manager Pro should be accessible from the server on which Analytics Plus is running. To verify this, try launching your Password Manager Pro web-client from the Analytics Plus server.
  3. To login Password Manager Pro, the Analytics Plus user should have their user login mapped in Password Manager Pro.
  4. The Auth Token generated during the integration process is specific to your Analytics Plus instance, and will be displayed only once. Hence, make sure you copy the Auth Token as you need to paste it in the required field in the Analytics Plus portal.
  5. Password Manager Pro and Analytics Plus servers should be running in the same time zone.

4. Steps to Configure the Integration

All the configurations related to the PMP - Analytics Plus integration can be performed from the Analytics Plus console only. From the Password Manager Pro console, you can view the configuration details and regenerate the Auth Token. Click the below link for the configuration steps:

Configuration steps to integrate Password Manager Pro with Analytics Plus

Once you have finished configuring the integration as instructed in the above link, you will be able to automatically generate reports with up-to-date data and gain a complete overview of the reports from the PMP-specific dashboard in Analytics Plus.

5. Steps to View the Configuration Details from Password Manager Pro

Once you are done with configuring the integration from the Analytics Plus portal, you can view the configuration details from the Password Manager Pro console. Navigate to Admin >> Integration >> ManageEngine. You will see the Integrations | ManageEngine page.

    Only the users with the ManageEngine Integration role will see the ManageEngine option under Integration.

In the Integrations | ManageEngine page, you will see the Analytics Plus block that looks like any of the below images based on whether integration is enabled or disabled:

Buttons and Definitions:

Sl. No: Button Definition



You will see this option if the integration is disabled. Click this button and you will be notified with a message to set up the integration from the Analytics Plus portal.



Click this button, and the Analytics Plus Integration window pops up.



You will see this option if the integration is enabled. Click this button to disable the integration.

Click the Edit button and you will see the below window:

From the Analytics Plus Integration window, you will be able to do the following:

  1. View the configuration details that include:
    • AUTH Token: You will see the "Auth Token Available" message in this field. Each time you click the Generate button, the new Auth Token will be shown here.
    • Host Name: The DNS name of the machine, where Analytics Plus is hosted.
    • Port Number: The port number on which Analytics Plus is listening.
  2. Click the Generate button to generate a new Auth Token.
  3. Click Save to save the changes.
  4. You can generate any number of Auth Tokens from here. This option comes handy if you have lost the Auth Token that was generated during the initial configuration process. Whenever you generate a new Auth Token, click Save for the change to take effect.

6. Troubleshooting Tips

  1. While re-authenticating Analytics Plus, if the Advanced Analytics tab in Password Manager Pro shows no integration details and displays the download Analytics Plus option, then remove the integration, create a new workspace in Analytics Plus, and reconfigure.
  2. If the Advanced Analytics tab does not show data (charts) and instead displays the report tabs, do the following:
    1. Check if the Analytics Plus server and ports are reachable from the accessed machine.
    2. Click 'Launch Analytics Plus' to check if the integrated Analytics Plus is reachable and has a valid certificate.
  3. If the Advanced Analytics tab does not show data (charts), instead displays the report tabs and an error message (blocked by an extension/refused to connect):
    1. Navigate to the <PMP_Installation_Folder>/logs directory and open the "pmp0" file.
    2. Search for "remoteHost in api filter" and try pinging the value/IP address corresponding to it. If the server is not reachable using the IP address, then determine the correct IP/DNS, using which you can ping the server from the Password Manager Pro installation machine.
    3. If the problem persists, please contact Password Manager Pro support.

See Also:


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