Configuring SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) for Azure AD Users6 minutes to read
Key Manager Plus (KMP) allows you to set up SAML single sign-on (SSO) in Key Manager Plus (KMP) for Azure AD users. Through this feature, administrators can allow users with valid Azure AD login credentials to log into the Key Manager Plus interface without providing their KMP local authentication credentials. Prerequisite: As of now, there is no provision to import Azure AD users directly into Key Manager Plus. Therefore, to allow Azure AD users to log into KMP using the single sign-on mechanism, administrators must ensure that the users' KMP login name is the same as their User Principle Name (UPN) in the Microsoft Azure portal. Detailed below are the steps to configure SAML SSO in Key Manager Plus for Azure AD users in the Microsoft Azure portal.
1. Adding an Enterprise Application in the Azure Portal
2. Assigning Azure Users to the Enterprise Application
3. Configuring SAML SSO in Key Manager Plus
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