Key Manager Plus systematically records and stores various types of logs that capture critical information related to product-specific events. These logs are essential for maintaining the application's health, as they provide detailed records of error messages, warnings, and informational notes. They play a crucial role in analyzing and troubleshooting any issues that may arise within the application.
The log files are stored locally in text format in the designated directory path\logs. The comprehensive logging mechanism ensures the availability of necessary data to perform in-depth analysis and maintain optimal functionality of your Key Manager Plus installation.
This document covers the following topics to help you understand and manage Key Manager Plus logs effectively:
Log Level Settings in Key Manager Plus allow you to control the amount and type of information recorded in the application's logs. This feature is essential for maintaining system health and diagnosing possible issues. Depending on your needs, you can adjust the log level to record basic operational data or capture more detailed event information. Careful management of logs ensures that you have the necessary data for analysis while safeguarding sensitive information.
Follow the steps detailed below to configure and modify the log levels in Key Manager Plus:
Navigate to Settings >> General Settings >> Log Level.
In the Log level pop-up window, choose between INFO or DEBUG from the drop-down menu and click Save.
INFO: This is the default log level, which records only essential data, such as the date, time, service name, event, and the event's status.
DEBUG: This log level records detailed information about each event during any operation in Key Manager Plus. Switching to DEBUG level logs and replicating the issue will help gain a clear picture of the root cause of the issue, making it easier to troubleshoot and resolve the problem. At some instances, the Key Manager Plus support team may request detailed logs for a thorough investigation
Caution: It is important to note that sensitive information, such as IP addresses, SSL and SSH details will be recorded in plain text within these logs. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you remove or mask any sensitive information before sharing the logs with the support team.
2. Types of Logs in Key Manager Plus
2.1 Application-Related Logs
pki.text -The pki.txt file contains a comprehensive record of all SSL and SSH operations executed through the Key Manager Plus interface. It logs both successful and failed operations, providing a detailed trail for troubleshooting and diagnostic activities.
pkiagent.txt - The pkiagent.txt file contains information relevant to the Key Manager Plus' SSL agent. It includes log entities related to agent installation and other operation executed via the SSL agent.
pkidetails-0.txt - The pkidetails-0.txt file contains detailed information about the product version, build number, product architecture, and database details. This log file is only populated upon a successful service startup.
serverout.txt - This is the primary log file for the Key Manager Plus web application. It includes log entries related to the loading of application XML files during startup, establishing connections with the database, executing and tracking the status of scheduled operations, authentication responses, and other product operation activities.
catalina.log - This log file includes logs related to the Tomcat web server startup. It is particularly useful for troubleshooting issues related to the SSL certificate of the web server or when the product UI fails to load, even after a successful service startup.
fosconfiguration.log - This log encompasses any information related to Failover Service configuration and misconfigurations. This log is applicable only to the environment configured with FOS and remains empty for others.
sysenvout.txt - This file logs information related to the server environment where the application is deployed, including environmental variables. This file records OS-specific settings such as date and time zone configurations, OS-level command shortcuts, and system variables.
2.2 Startup-Related Logs
wrapper.log - It is the service startup log that records each service startups and provides a list of all modules populated during the startup process. This log is essential for identifying the root cause of any startup-related issues.
2.3 Database-Related Logs
pglog_0.log - This file contains logs related to the Postgres database bundled with the product. This file remains empty unless there are issues with the database, making it a critical resource for troubleshooting database-related problems.
2.4 Access and Authentication-Related Log
access_log.txt - This log file records entries related to accessing Key Manager Plus from different machines using various web browsers. This log is particularly useful for troubleshooting issues where the product UI fails to load or when "page not found" errors occur.
2.5 Security Issue-Related Logs
security-log-0.txt - The security-log-0.txt file captures all security errors identified in Key Manager Plus. Key Manager Plus includes built-in security measures to block XSS, CSRF, and DoS scripting attacks, so any script injection attempts or other security breaches will be recorded in this log. This log file is crucial for monitoring and addressing security issues.