Importing Users from Active Directory11 minutes to read
1. Integrate Active Directory and Import Users 1.1 Importing Users 1.2 Active Directory Synchronization 1.3 Assigning Roles 1. Integrate Active Directory and Import UsersYou need to carry out the following steps to import users from AD and assign them necessary roles and permissions in Key Manager Plus. You can store any key file securely in the Key Manager Plus repository from the Key Store tab. From here, you can also edit the key details, update key file, keep track of previous versions of the key, store them in an organized manner, or export the keys, or previous versions to your system or mail address. 1.1 Importing UsersFrom the server in which it is running, Key Manager Plus automatically gets the list of domains available under the Microsoft Windows Network folder. You need to select the required domain and provide domain controller credentials. To do this,
As mentioned above, to enable SSL mode, the domain controller should be serving over SSL in port 636. If the certificate of the domain controller is not signed by a certified CA, you will have to manually import the certificate into the Key Manager Plus server machine's certificate store. You need to import all the certificates that are present in the respective root certificate chain – that is the certificate of the Key Manager Plus server machine and intermediate certificates, if any. 1.2 Active Directory SynchronizationKeep the user database updated by enabling Active Directory (AD) synchronization while importing users from AD. Set up recurring synchronization schedules for single or multiple AD domains. Creating AD user synchronization schedules allows importing users from user groups or organizational units that are part of multiple AD domains. Once an AD Synchronization schedule is set up, any new users added to the Active Directory domain will automatically be imported into Key Manager Plus when the AD synchronization schedule runs. To enable AD user sync, follow the below steps:
Using the above method, you can create a schedule to synchronize the entire user database of a selected AD Domain. To create AD sync schedules for a set of user groups or OUs, follow the below steps:
To view the AD sync schedule you created, click the calendar icon ( Notes:
To import domain controller's certificate into Key Manager Plus machine's certificate store: (you can use any procedure that you normally use to import the SSL certificates to the machine's certificate store. Refer to the example given below)
Key Manager Plus server can now communicate with this particular domain controller over SSL. Repeat these steps for all domain controllers to which you want Key Manager Plus to communicate over SSL. Note that the DNS name you specify for the domain controller should match the CN (common name) specified in the SSL certificate for the domain controller.
Important Note: Groups/OUs too large to display: When you have a large number of groups or OUs in the domain controller, specifically when the number exceeds 2500, Key Manager Plus will not display them in the GUI. In such cases, you will see the message Groups too large to display / Organizational Units too large to display. When this happens, you have to specify the groups or OUs that are to be imported alone, instead of getting all the groups / OUs in the display.
1.3 Assigning RolesAll the users imported from AD will be assigned the Operator role by default. To assign specific roles to specific users and/or to assign SSH user accounts of discovered resources, refer the Modify Users page of the help document. To delete the users, refer to the delete section of this help document. ©2025, Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. |