RESTful APIs32 minutes to read
Key Manager Plus APIs allow other applications to connect, interact and integrate with Key Manager Plus directly. These APIs belong to the REpresentational State Transfer category and allow applications to create, fetch, associate digital keys and add, retrieve or manage users programmatically. 1. PrerequisitesGenerating an API KeyThe first step to configure and use KMP APIs is generating the API key from the KMP user interface. Only administrator users can generate the API keys. The API keys serve as the auth token for your access purposes. The API keys are tied to the host in which they are created.
2. HTTPS Methods UsedGETTo fetch resources, user accounts, keys, account/resource details DELETETo delete an existing key or a certificate POSTTo create new keys, certificates or to discover resources 3. How to Make Use of the APIs?Invoking the APIsThe APIs can be via HTTP POST, GET and PUT requests. All parameters in the request should be form-url encoded. For all the APIs you need to pass AUTH token, which is mandatory. Supported FormatThe URL structure for the KMP API would be as below: https://<Host-Name-of-KMP-Server OR IP address>:6565/api/pki/restapi/ <api_name> /AUTHTOKEN=A3164150-4C15-4AA4-918E-F258F38149F8