Configuring Azure MS SQL as the Backend Database

2 minutes to read

Key Manager Plus allows you to use Azure MS SQL as the backend database. Azure MS SQL is a cloud database that provides scalability, backup, data protection, and maximized performance. Follow the below steps to configure the Key Manager Plus database with Azure SQL Server.

Note: In case you have started using the Key Manager Plus with the bundled PostgreSQL database and wish to configure Azure MS SQL as the backend database, this configuration process does not transfer any existing data from the bundled PostgreSQL database.

Steps Required

  1. First, create a database in Azure MS SQL.
  2. Now, rename the below files under <KMP_installation_folder>/conf directory.
    • wrapper.conf to wrapper.conf_old
    • wrapper_lin.conf to wrapper_lin.conf_old
    • wrapper.conf_mssql to wrapper.conf
    • wrapper_lin.conf_mssql to wrapper_lin.conf
    • pmp_key.key to pmp_key.key_old
    • database_params.conf to database_params.conf_old
    • customer-config.xml to customer-config.xml_old
    • customer-config.xml_mssql to customer-config.xml
  3. Download and replace the below files under <KMP_installation_folder>/confdirectory.
    • customer-config.xml
    • database_params.conf
    • masterkey.key
  4. Open database_params.conf as an administrator using a Wordpad or Notepad++ and do the following:
    • Replace <%DNS_NAME%> with MS SQL instance url.
    • Provide username and password.
    • Change db.password.encrypted= false
  5. Open masterkey.key file. Create a new password and paste in the file.
  6. Open SQL studio and execute the following query:
    • use <DBNAME>;
    • create master key encryption by password = '<Password given in masterkey.key file>';
  7. Start the Key Manager Plus service.
  8. Make sure the Key Manager Plus service is running with a privileged account with enough permissions on the SQL database.

You have successfully migrated from Key Manager Plus database to Azure SQL Server.

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