SSL Certificates2 minutes to read
SSL certificate encrypt data transmitted over a network. Whenever a user connects to a server using SSL, the server presents the SSL certificate to the user. Afterwards, the device verifies the certificate to ensure that it is valid and issued by a trustworthy certificate authority (CA). Data is securely transmitted over an encrypted connection if the certificate is valid between the user's device and the server. It prevents third parties from intercepting or tampering with the data. SSL certificates can be created, discovered, and stored in the centralized repository of Key Manager Plus, and requests can be raised for new certificates or domain addition to an existing certificate. Moreover, you are notified when a certificate is about to expire to help you with their timely renewal. Use Key Manager Plus to:
Self-signed certificates and CSRs can be generated using RSA / DSA / EC key algorithms and SHA signature algorithm as per the details below:
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