Installing Key Manager Plus

6 minutes to read

1. Prerequisite Software

There is no prerequisite software installation required to use Key Manager Plus. The standard system (hardware and software) requirements as mentioned below plus an external mail server (SMTP server) are essential for the functioning of Key Manager Plus server and to send various notifications to users.


Make sure you have the following prerequisites if you are planning to utilize Key Manager Plus' SSH and SSL discovery operation:

  • A service account that has domain admin rights in the Key Manager Plus server and in the target systems that you would like to manage.
  • Microsoft .NET framework.

2. System Requirements

2.1 Hardware requirements

The below table explains the minimum hardware capabilities that your Key Manager Plus application server needs to possess for successful installation and running.

Organization SizeProcessorRAMHard Disk
Small (Less than 500 keys*) Dual Core / Core 2 Duo or above 4 GB
  • 300 MB for product
  • 10 GB for database
Medium  (500 – 1000 keys*) Quad Core or above 8 GB
  • 500 MB for product
  • 20 GB for database
Large (>1000 keys*) Octa Core or above 16 GB
  • 1 GB for product
  • 30 GB for database

Note: The term keys refers to the number of SSH private keys plus the number of SSL/TLS certificates plus any digital key managed using Key Manager Plus.

2.2 Software Requirements

i. Operating Systems


  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2025
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2012


(Key Manager Plus usually works well with all the flavours of Linux)

  • Ubuntu 9.x and above
  • CentOS 4.x & above
  • Red Hat Linux 9.0
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x and above

Note: Key Manager Plus can also be run on the VMs of all the above operating systems.

ii. Supported Databases

PostgreSQL 14.7 —comes bundled with the product.

Supports MS SQL Server 2012 and above (SQL server should be installed in Windows 2012 Server or above).

iii. Supported Browsers

The HTML client requires one of the following browsers to be installed on the application server:

  • Microsoft Edge (on Windows)
  • Chrome, Firefox, and Safari (on Windows, Linux, and Mac)

iv. Prerequisite Software

There is no prerequisite software installation required to use Key Manager Plus. You just need to have the above mentioned hardware and software requirements plus an external mail server (SMTP server) to send email notifications to the users.

Apart from this, you need to have the following capabilities additionally if you are planning to utilize the SSH and SSL discovery operations in Key Manager Plus.

  • A service account that has domain admin rights in the Key Manager Plus server and in the target systems that you would like to manage.
  • Microsoft .NET framework.

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3. Components of Key Manager Plus

Key Manager Plus consists of the following components:

  1. Key Manager Plus server.
  2. PostgreSQL 14.7, which is bundled with Key Manager Plus. It runs as a separate process. It accepts connections only from the host in which it is running and is not visible externally.

4. Installing Key Manager Plus

4.1 In Windows

  1. Download and execute ManageEngine_KeyManagerPlus.exe (run as administrator).
  2. The installation wizard will guide you through the installation process.
  3. Choose an installation directory - by default, it will be installed in c:/Programe Files/ManageEngine/KeyManager, this installation directory path is referred as "KeyManagerPlus_Home".
  4. In the final step, you will see two check-boxes—one for viewing ReadMe file and the other one for starting the server immediately after installation. If you choose to start the server immediately, it will get started in the background.
  5. If you choose to start the server later, after installation, you can start it from the Start >> Programs >> ManageEngine Key Manager Plus (as administrator) menu.
  6. From the Start Menu, you can perform other actions such as stopping the server or uninstalling the product.


  1. Install Key Manager Plus with the service account that will be used to run it.
  2. If the service account is subject to change, then grant necessary permissions to allow PG SQL or the data directory to have full control.
  3. Alternatively, open a command prompt with the required service account and run the command Initpgsql.bat postgres to initialize the database.

4.2 In Linux

  1. Download ManageEngine_KeyManagerPlus.bin for linux.
  2. Assign executable permission using command chmod a+x <file-name>
  3. Execute the following command: ./<file_name>.
  4. If you are installing on a headless server, execute the command: ./<file_name> -console.
  5. Follow the instructions as they appear on the screen.
  6. Key Manager Plus is installed in your machine in the desired location. Henceforth, this installation directory path shall be referred as "KeyManagerPlus_Home".

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