Key Manager Plus Agent11 minutes to read
1. OverviewKey Manager Plus allows users to discover the SSL Certificates deployed across their network through agents. The agent used to perform certificate management operations on remote machines is dynamically created by the Key Manager Plus server. 2. Downloading the Agent
3. Installing the AgentOnce you have downloaded the agent from Key Manager Plus' web interface, follow the instructions below to install it in the target servers. The downloaded package already contains the necessary configurations needed to perform the required operations. Just ensure the account in the server in which the agent is installed has sufficient privileges to perform certificate discovery. Note: Starting from build 6680, it is no longer necessary to install agents on the CA server to manage SSL certificates. Instead, agents can be installed on any server as long as the server can connect to the required CA server. To install Key Manager Plus agent as a Windows service,
To start the agent as a Windows service,
To stop the agent,
4. Managing the AgentKey Manager Plus provides administrators insights about agent activity and allows management of agents installed on various target resources. To manage Key Manager Plus agents,
5. Discovering SSL Certificates using AgentsNavigate to Discovery >> Agent and select the Agent or navigate to SSL >> Windows Agent, select the Agent and click Discovery. In the pop-up that appears, use any of the provided discovery methods to discover the SSL certificates:
After certificate discovery, click the Host Name of an agent to view all certificates associated with that particular agent.