Certificate Signing8 minutes to read
Key Manager Plus provides the option to sign and issue certificates to all clients in your network either from your Microsoft Certificate Authority or using a custom root CA certificate that is trusted within your environment. To request and acquire certificates from Local CA from Key Manager Plus, you have to initially generate a CSR, then get it signed from the local certificate authority using the steps mentioned below. There are three ways to sign your certificates: Navigate to SSL >> CSR. 1. Microsoft Certificate Authority
The CSR is signed and the issued certificate can be viewed from SSL >> Certificates. 2. Microsoft CA with Agent
The CSR is signed and the issued certificate can be viewed from SSL >> Certificates. 3. Sign with RootKey Manager Plus provides the option to sign and issue certificates to all clients in your network either from your Microsoft Certificate Authority or using a custom root CA certificate that is trusted within your environment. To Sign certificates with custom root CA follow the below steps:
3.1 Create a Custom Root CATo sign locally generated certificate requests with the root CA certificate, you have to initially create a custom root CA.
The chosen certificate is successfully denominated as a root CA certificate and is listed under the Root Certificate tab. You can then use this certificate to sign locally generated certificate requests. Note: You can also generate new root CA certificates from Key Manager Plus by enabling Generate root certificate check-box while creating a certificate from SSL >> Certificates >> Create option.