Firewall Reports

    Firewall Analyzer offers a rich set of pre-defined reports that help in analyzing bandwidth usage and understanding network behavior.

    The following reports are generated based on Firewall logs:

    The Firewall Reports section in Firewall Analyzer includes reports that are based on firewall logs. This section can be accessed from the Reports tab.

    How to export report in PDF, CSV, XLS formats, on demand

    • For single page, whole page of Inventory snapshot and reports, you can generate reports in PDF, CSV, and XLS formats, on demand.
    • You can send report in PDF format via email for single page, whole page of Inventory snapshot and reports.




    Export Inventory snapshot drilldown in PDF, CSV, and XLS formats



    Export Reports drilldown in PDF, CSV, and XLS formats



    Export Inventory snapshot single widget in PDF, CSV, and XLS formats



    Export single report widget in PDF, CSV, and XLS formats