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Create New Users

You can create users in OpManager and provide required privileges to them. The option to create users is available only for the admin login account or those accounts which have 'Full Control' privilege. (The account with 'Full Control' privilege here refers to an Administrator user with access to all devices with all the AddOn Modules enabled.)

Administrator User: Administrator Users have unrestricted access to perform read/ write operations in OpManager. They add/remove devices, troubleshoot issues, change configurations and more without any limitations i.e they have complete access.

Operator User: Operator Users have read-only/ restricted access in OpManager. They can be granted further access by the Administrator User.

Custom User:  Custom User roles provide the customization of user access for different modules in OpManager. The different levels of access that can be provided in OpManager for users through Custom Roles include: Read/Write, Read and No Access. To learn how to create Custom User Roles, click here.

Know more about the various user roles in OpManager.

Steps to add a user:

  1. Go to Settings → General Settings → User Management → Users → Add.
  2. Select user role in Role as AdministratorOperator or the desired Custom Role from the drop down list
  3. Select User Type from the drop down list and enter the required user details.
  4. Select any one of the following authentication methods.
    • Local Authentication
    • Radius Authentication
    • AD Authentication
    Note: Kindly make sure that the Radius Server settings have been configured, in case you are going with Radius authentication. If you are choosing Email ID -  Email ID for the user
  5. Phone Number: Enter the user's phone number
  6. Mobile Number: Enter the user's mobile number
  7. Password: Create a password for the above user
  8. Re-type Password: Retype the password for confirmation
  9. Time Zone: Enter the Time zone of the user's location 
  10. Domain Name - Select the desired AD domain from the list of available domains or Click Add Domain to add a new domain
  11. Note: This Email ID will be used in password recovery when the user clicks the Forgot Password option in the login page.

    Creating users in OpManager

    1. Scope:

      Modules - You can select the add-on modules that you want the user to have access for. 
      Monitor - You can provide this user access to either All Devices, or only Selected Business Views. If Selected Business Views is selected, you can give the access to all business views with Select All option. Based on the option chosen here, access to devices in the allowed add-on modules will be determined. 

      Creating users in OpManager
    2. Click Add User to add the user according to the scope specified here

    Logout and try logging in as the new user and check the privileges.

    Creating users in OpManager

    Note: The created user can customize the displayed modules (that they have access to) by clicking on the Settings icon at the top right corner right next to the profile icon, and then clicking on the Displayed Modules tab.

    Creating users in OpManager

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