Understanding PAM360 SCIM APIs21 minutes to read
IntroductionSCIM APIs serve as the foundation for seamlessly integrating identity management processes across various systems and applications. With SCIM implementation in PAM360, SCIM APIs enable administrators to automate user and group provisioning tasks, ensuring efficient management of access to critical resources. SCIM APIs use the GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods to offer a wide range of CRUD operations. To access PAM360 SCIM APIs, authentication from PAM360 is required. This involves creating a REST API user account with the respective role and using the generated user authentication token for authentication purposes. The generated authentication token can be sent in two ways for authentication:
This document will help you understand the supported SCIM endpoints, APIs, and attributes. The supported SCIM Endpoints are listed below: 1. UsersTo manage users in PAM360, you can make use of the PAM360 SCIM APIs provided in this section. Supported Core Attributes
Supported Custom Schema Extension Attributesurn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:pam360_domain:2.0:User:userType urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:pam360_domain:2.0:User:domain
Below are the PAM360 SCIM APIs for the User endpoint: 1.1 Get UserDescriptionTo get the details of a user in PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users/{userId} HTTP MethodGET Sample Requesthttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users/2101 Sample Response{ 1.2 Get All UsersDescriptionTo get all the details of users in PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users HTTP MethodGET Query SyntaxUtilize SCIM endpoints for querying users based on attributes. Each query includes an operator, attribute, and attribute value in this format: <baseURL>/scim/users?filter=<attribute> <operator> "<attributeValue>" Supported Attributes
Supported Operators
Sample RequestFor Querying, https://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users?filter=userName eq "test1" https://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users?filter=active eq "true" For Pagination, https://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users?startIndex=1&count=50 https://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users?startIndex=51&count=50 For combining Querying and Pagination, https://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users?filter=userName eq "test1"&startIndex=1&count=50 Sample Response{ 1.3 Create a New UserDescriptionTo create a new user or Entra domain user to PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users HTTP MethodPOST Sample Request{ For creating an Entra domain user in PAM360, { Sample Response{ 1.4 Update User DetailsDescriptionTo update the details of a user in PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users/{userId} HTTP MethodPUT Sample Request{ Sample Response{ 1.5 Patch User DetailsDescriptionTo update specific values of a user. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Users/{userId} HTTP MethodPATCH Supported Path Values
Sample Request{ To change the email of a user, { To change the role of a user, { Sample ResponseUpon successful update, you will get the HTTP Status Code 204. 2. GroupsTo manage SCIM provisioned groups in PAM360. Supported Core Attributes
Below are the PAM360 SCIM APIs for the Group endpoint: 2.1 Get Details of a GroupDescriptionTo get the details of a group added to PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups/{groupId} HTTP MethodGET Sample Requesthttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups/1202 Sample Response{ 2.2 Get Details of All GroupsDescriptionTo get the details of all the groups added to PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups HTTP MethodGET Query SyntaxUtilize SCIM endpoints for querying groups based on attributes. Each query includes an operator, attribute, and attribute value in this format: <baseURL>/scim/groups?filter=<attribute> <operator> "<attributeValue>" Supported Attributes
Supported Operators
Sample Requesthttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups For Querying, https://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups?filter=displayName eq "group1" For Pagination, https://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups?startIndex=1&count=50 https://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups?startIndex=51&count=50 For combining Querying and Pagination, https://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups?filter=displayName eq "group1"&startIndex=1&count=50 Sample Response{ 2.3 Create a GroupDescriptionTo add a group to PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups HTTP MethodPOST Sample Request{ Sample Response{ 2.4 Update Group DetailsDescriptionTo update the details of the group added in PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups/{groupId} HTTP MethodPUT Sample Request{ Sample Response{ 2.5 Patch GroupDescriptionTo update a detail of the group added to PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups/{groupId} HTTP MethodPATCH Sample Request{ Sample ResponseUpon successful update, you will receive the HTTP Status code 204. 2.6 Delete GroupDescriptionTo delete a group from PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups/{groupId} HTTP MethodDELETE Sample Requesthttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Groups/2101 Sample ResponseUpon successful deletion, you will receive the HTTP Status code 204. 3. SCIM ConfigurationBelow are the PAM360 SCIM APIs for the ServiceProviderConfig, Schemas, and ResourceTypes endpoints: 3.1 ServiceProviderConfigDescriptionTo get all the details of SCIM implementation in PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/ServiceProviderConfig HTTP MethodGET Sample Requesthttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/ServiceProviderConfig Sample Response{ 3.2 Schemas3.2.1 Get a SchemaDescriptionTo get a schema using its ID. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Schemas/{schemaId} HTTP MethodGET Sample Requesthttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Schemas/urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group Sample Response{ 3.2.2 Get All SchemasDescriptionTo get all the schemas implemented and the supported params in PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Schemas HTTP MethodGET Sample Requesthttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/Schemas Sample Response{ 3.3 ResourceTypes3.3.1 Get a Resource TypeDescriptionTo get the details of a SCIM resource implemented in PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/ResourceTypes/{typeId} HTTP MethodGET Sample Requesthttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/ResourceTypes/Group Sample Response{ 3.3.2 Get all Resource TypesDescriptionTo get the details of all the SCIM resources implemented in PAM360. URLhttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/ResourceTypes HTTP MethodGET Sample Requesthttps://<Host-Name-of-PAM360-Server OR IP address>:<Port>/scim/v2/ResourceTypes Sample Response{ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||