Performance Monitors:

Whenever OpManager discovers UCS devices, UCS performance monitors are automatically associated with it. Thresholds can be set to receive alarms, when breached.

To set thresholds for a performance monitor,

  1. Navigate to Inventory -> Category -> UCS and go to the Snapshot Page of the device.
  2. Go to Monitors. Performance monitors would have already been added to the device.
  3. Select the monitor that you wish to edit.
  4. Configure the Monitoring Interval, Units, Threshold Details values and click on Save.

OpManager sends alarms if the configured threshold levels are breached.

Cisco performance monitors in OpManager: UCS category performance monitors list

Note: You can also configure adaptive thresholds for CPU utilization, Memory Utilization and Response Time monitors globally across OpManager from Settings -> Monitoring -> Monitor Settings. Learn more about Adaptive Thresholds.

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