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AlarmsOne integration:

ManageEngine AlarmsOne is a SaaS-based alert management tool that helps IT admins manage alerts from all their IT management applications in one place. With AlarmsOne, you can reduce alert noise, create on-call schedules to notify your technicians about incidents through email, SMS, and call alerts, escalate unattended alerts, modify alert content to create actionable alerts, and so on.

How to integrate OpManager with AlarmsOne?How to integrate with AlarmsOne?

Integrating AlarmsOne with OpManager:
Follow the below steps to integrate AlarmsOne with OpManager and start managing your OpManager alerts in AlarmsOne. If you don't have an AlarmsOne account, click here to create one.

  • Log in to your AlarmsOne account and go to Settings > Show API key. Copy the API key.
  • Log in to OpManager and go to the Settings > Third Party Integrations section.
  • Select AlarmsOne. Now, paste the copied AlarmsOne API key.
  • Read our privacy policy and tick the check box if you agree, and then click the Integrate button.

This completes the integration process. Now you can view and manage your OpManager alerts in AlarmsOne. You can add your team in AlarmsOne, integrate the other applications you use with AlarmsOne and manage alerts from all the apps in one place. Click here to learn how to configure AlarmsOne's features such as noise reductionescalationson-call schedulingalarm modifierdowntime, etc.

Note: This integration needs an active internet connection to send alarms from OpManager to AlarmsOne in real time.

How to enable/disable AlarmsOne configuration?

  • Open OpManager
  • Navigate to Settings -> General Settings -> Third Party Configurations -> AlarmsOne
  • Click Disable button to disable the configuration.

Note: You can re-enable the configuration, by clicking on Enable on the same page.

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