Free Training - ManageEngine OpManager

Configuring Device Dependencies

The status polling for a device can be controlled based on its dependency on some other device. This prevents the unnecessary status checks made to the dependent nodes.

For instance, many devices will be connected to a switch. If the switch goes down, all the devices connected to it will not be reachable. In this case, it is unnecessary to check the status of the dependent devices.

To configure the dependency for devices, follow the steps given below:

  • Select SettingsConfigurationQuick Configuration Wizard.
  • Select Configure Device Dependencies and click Next.
  • Select a category from Filter by category to list the devices managed under a specified category. Select a device from Select parent device and click Next.



Select Device Dependencies in individual devices

You can also configure dependencies for a single device from the device snapshot page. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Inventory → Devices and click on a discovered device to access it's snapshot page.
  2. From the device details, click the link against the property Dependency.
  3. Select the device on which it is dependent.

OpManager stops monitoring the devices if the dependent device is down. Configuring dependencies prevents false alarms.


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