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Configuring SNMP Agent in Oracle Server

To collect data from the Oracle servers and to receive traps from them using OpManager , you need to install and configure Oracle Intelligent Agent. The Oracle Intelligent Agent supports SNMP, allowing third-party systems management frameworks to use SNMP to receive SNMP traps directly from the Agent. By configuring the Agent to recognize SNMP requests from the master agent, third-party systems can gather relevant data.

  1. Once you have installed and configured the SNMP agents in your Windows machines, you have to integrate SNMP with Intelligent agent. This requires Oracle Peer SNMP Master Agent and SNMP Encapsulator Agent to be installed in the Oracle server. Note that these agents must be the same version as the Intelligent Agent and installed in the same ORACLE_HOME. 
    • After the installation completes, the following new NT services will be created: Oracle SNMP Peer Encapsulator Oracle Peer SNMP Master Agent.
    • If you do not install the Intelligent Agent software in the default $ORACLE_HOME, the names of all the services will begin with the following: Oracle<home name>
    • For SNMP master agent to communicate with both the standard SNMP service and the Intelligent Agent, the SNMP services file must be configured properly.
    • Specify an unused port where the encapsulated agent, Microsoft SNMP Service, should be listening. Microsoft SNMP Service typically uses port 1161. The port is specified in the SERVICES file located in the NT_HOMESYSTEM32DRIVERSETC directory.
    • Make sure that you have the following lines in the file:
      snmp 1161/udp snmp
      snmp-trap 1162/udp snmp

    Note: If an entry for SNMP already exists in the file, change the port from 161 (default number) to another available port (1161 in this example).

  2. In the same location, check that the HOSTS and LMHOSTS.SAM files contain the mappings of IP addresses to host names for all computers in the SNMP setup. System performance will improve if more computer addresses can be resolved locally. Even if you use DHCP and WINS, adding the IP addresses will speed up the SNMP integration.

    For more information visit,

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