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OpManager REST API

OpManager offers REST APIs for adding and fetching data from OpManager. Using these APIs, you can integrate OpManager with 3rd party IT management/service desk software.

Note: This document provides a list of REST APIs used to send OpManager data to external sources.

To learn more about ingesting data from external websites or third-party tools into OpManager, click here.

How OpManager REST APIs work?

The APIs work with an API key. The API key is unique for each OpManager account and is mandatory for all API requests. Learn how to enable or disable Rest API keys

How to view an API Key?

To view or copy an API key, go to Quick links > Rest API Key option in OpManager web client.(The quick link option is the Gear icon on the top right corner)

​How to send an apiKey?

​The functionality of request parameter-based apiKey authentication has been deprecated. Before version, 128100, the apiKey can be sent via the request parameter. From version 128100, the apiKey can now be sent either in the request header or as a request parameter.

Note: The support for request parameter based apiKey authentication will be ended soon. The following list of URLs should be called with apiKey only via the request header. ApiKey authentication based on request parameters will not work for these URLs.


A Sample configuration with header: api_header

Enable / Disable Rest API access

From version 127131, the option to enable/disable Rest API has been added.

What has changed?

  • Rest API access will be disabled by default for the new users created under User Management. An administrator with complete access to all the modules and devices will be able to edit the user under User Management and provide Rest API access if required.
  • enable-api-1

  • If the RestApikey access has been enabled for the users, Rest API menu under Quick links will display the RestApikey, and external Rest API calls will be allowed only if the Rest API access has been enabled for the user.
  • enable-api-2

  • If the Rest API access has been disabled, the Rest API menu under Quick links will display "Contact the administrator user".
  • enable-api-3


Enterprise edition user sync: The Rest API access will not be synced for users from Central to Probe servers. The synced users in Probes will not have permanent Rest API access. Whereas, for the users created in the Probe server, the Rest API access can be updated as required.

TFA: If Two-Factor Authentication has been configured, TFA OTP validation is mandatory to enable Rest API access.

Regenerate an API key:To generate an API key, go to Settings > Basic Settings > REST API in OpManager web client and click on Regenerate Key.



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