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Migrating OpManager database

For OpManager version 125230

PGSQL to MSSQL Migration Steps

  1. For Windows: In the PGSQL setup, go to OpManager home → bin, start Command Prompt with administrator privilege from this path and run DBConfiguration.bat.

    For Linux: In terminal, go to <OpManager_Home>/bin directory and execute the file.
  2. Note: From version 128330, DB Migration can be done in Linux installations of OpManager.

  3. In the popup shown, please choose MSSQL, check the "Migrate data from the existing database" option and click OK. 
  4. Once the migration is completed, start the product and check whether it is working properly.

MSSQL to PGSQL Migration (For Prepopulated and non prepopulated setups)

  1. In the MSSQL setup, make the below changes in db_migration.conf file under the <OpManagerHome>\conf directory.
  2. Change the value of dest.db.postgres.dir to <OpManagerHome>/pgsql directory (E.g., dest.db.postgres.dir = <OpManager Base Home>/pgsql). 

    This step is not applicable for OpManager versions 125324 and above.

    Note: It is mandatory to use "/" as a directory separator.

  3. For Windows: Go to the OpManager home → bin, start the command Prompt with administrator privileges from this path and run DBConfiguration.bat.

    For Linux: In terminal, go to <OpManager_Home>/bin directory and execute the file.
  4. Once the migration is completed, start the product and check whether it is working properly.

MSSQL to PGSQL Migration (Remote PGSQL)

  1. In the MSSQL setup, make the below changes in db_migration.conf in <OpManagerBase Home>\conf directory.
    • create.dest.db=false
    • start.dest.postgres.server=false
  2. Rename the database_params_dbconfig.conf.bkp file in <OpManagerHome>\conf\OpManager\POSTGRESQL folder if it exists.
  3. Create a database in Remote PostgreSQL server.

    Migrating OpManager Database

  4. Create 'rouser' for read-only permissions. Connect to pgAdmin and execute the below queries:
    • CREATE USER rouser with password '<ROPASSWORD>';
    • REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM rouser, public;
    • GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE "<DatabaseName>" TO rouser, public;
    • GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO rouser, public;
    • GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO rouser, public;
    • GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO rouser;

    Migrating OpManager Database

  5. Changes to be made in the <OpManagerHome>\conf\OpManager\POSTGRESQL\database_params.conf
    • Make the changes in URL field jdbc:postgresql://<remotePgSQLInstalledIPAddress>:<PortNumber>/<DBName>?dontTrackOpenResources=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8
    • Change the username to postgres. (username=postgres)
    • Encrypt the password of the postgres user and change the same in the above-mentioned file. (password=<EncryptedPassword>)
    • Add the property isBundledPgSQL=false as well in the same file.
    • Change the ro_password to the password supplied in point 4 <ROPassword>. Encrypt the same and include it in the same file (ro_password=<ROPassword>)
    • Encryption of the plain text can be done using <OpManagerHome>\bin\encrypt.bat by specifying the algorithm as AES.256 and by using CryptTag which can be found in <OpManagerHome>\conf\customer-config.xml (Usage:: encrypt.bat -v <Password> -a AES.256 -k <CryptTag> )

    Migrating OpManager Database

  6. For Windows: Go to OpManager home → bin, start Command Prompt with administrator privilege from this path and run DBConfiguration.bat.

    For Linux: In terminal, go to <OpManager_Home>/bin directory and execute the file.
  7. In the popup shown, please chose PostgreSQL and check the "Migrate data from the existing database" option and click OK.
  8. After the migration is complete, start the product and check if it is working properly.


Migrating SQL server from one machine to another

Note: These steps are applicable for all versions of OpManager.

  1. Stop OpManager Service.
  2. Take a SQL DB backup using the SQL Management tool.
  3. Restore the MSSQL DB backup(taken from old server) in the new server using the SQL Management tool.
  4. For Windows: Open cmd with admin privilege and go to <OPMHome>/bin and run DBConfiguration.bat. Provide new sql details and save.

    For Linux: In terminal, go to <OpManager_Home>/bin directory and execute the file.
  5. Start OpManager Service.

For OpManager version 12.5

Note: The following steps are only applicable for Windows installations. The supported PgSQL versions are 10.12 and above.

Migrating from PgSQL to MSSQL

  1. Download and install the latest version of OpManager (choose MSSQL DB while installing).
  2. Do not hit 'Finish' at the end of installation.
  3. In the old PGSQL setup, go to <OpManagerHome>\bin>, start Command Prompt from that path and run the 'MigrateDB.bat'file with the required parameters.

    MigrateDB.bat mssql <opm_home_from_new_MSSQL_setup>/conf/databaseParams.conf

  4. After migration, navigate to <OpManagerHome>\conf\OpManager in the old PgSQL setup, copy the data-dictionary.xml file and replace it under the same directory in the new MSSQL setup.
  5. Start the OpManager service and check if it works properly.

Migrating from MSSQL to PgSQL (Pre-populated setup)

  1. Download and install the latest version of OpManager (choose PGSQL DB while installing).
  2. Do not hit 'Finish' at the end of installation.
  3. Provide a new DBNAME for database_params.conf in the new PGSQL setup.
  4. In the old MSSQL setup, make the below changes in the db_migration.conf file under<OpManager Base Home>\conf:


  5. In the db_migration.conf file (in the old MSSQL setup) under<OpManager Base Home>\conf, change the value of dest.db.postgres.dir

    dest.db.postgres.dir = <OpManager New PgSQL Home>/pgsql

    Note: It is mandatory to use "/" as the directory separator

  6. In the old MSSQL setup, go to <OpManagerHome>\bin, start Command Prompt with administrative privilege from the same path and run the 'MigrateDB.bat' file with the required parameters.

    MigrateDB.bat postgres <OpManager New PgSQL Home>\conf\database_params.conf

  7. After migration, navigate to <OpManagerHome>\conf\OpManager in the old MSSQL setup, copy the data-dictionary.xml file and replace it under the same directory in the new PgSQL setup
  8. Now, start OpManager Service from the new PGSQL setup and check.

Migrating from MSSQL to PgSQL (Non Pre-populated setup - All 32 bits and EE setups)

  1. Download and install latest(same) version of OpManager (Choose PGSQL DB while installing).
  2. Do not hit 'Finish' at the end of installation.
  3. Make the below changes in the db_migration.conf file (in the old MSSQL setup) under<OpManager Base Home>\conf:


  4. In the db_migration.conf file (in the old MSSQL setup) under<OpManager Base Home>\conf, change the value of dest.db.postgres.dir

    dest.db.postgres.dir = <OpManager New PgSQL Home>/pgsql

    Note: It is mandatory to use "/" as the directory separator

  5. In the old MSSQL setup, go to <OpManagerHome>\bin, start Command Prompt with administrative privilege from the same path and run the 'MigrateDB.bat' file with the required parameters.

    MigrateDB.bat postgres <OpManagOpManagerer New PgSQL Home>\conf\database_params.conf

  6. After migration, navigate to <OpManagerHome>\conf\OpManager in the old MSSQL setup, copy the data-dictionary.xml file and replace it under the same directory in the new PgSQL setup.
  7. Now, start OpManager Service from the new PGSQL setup and check.

Migrating from MSSQL to Remote PgSQL

  1. Download and install latest version of OpManager (Choose PGSQL DB while installing).
  2. Do not hit 'Finish' at the end of installation.
  3. Create a new database in the Remote PgSQL server. Provide the new DBNAME and its remote server details in the database_params.conf file of the new PGSQL setup.
  4. Change the value of 'isBundledPgSQL' in the database_params.conf filrto false.
  5. In the db_migration.conf file (in the old MSSQL setup) under<OpManager Base Home>\conf, change the value of dest.db.postgres.dir

    dest.db.postgres.dir = <OpManager New PgSQL Home>/pgsql

    Note: It is mandatory to use "/" as the directory separator

  6. In the old MSSQL setup, go to <OpManagerHome>\bin, start Command Prompt with administrative privilege from the same path and run the 'MigrateDB.bat' file with the required parameters

    MigrateDB.bat postgres <OpManager New PgSQL Home>\conf\database_params.conf

  7. After migration, navigate to <OpManagerHome>\conf\OpManager in the old MSSQL setup, copy the data-dictionary.xml file and replace it under the same directory in the new PGSQL setup.
  8. Now start OpManager Service from new PGSQL setup.

Migrating from MySQL to MSSQL

  1. Take a backup: cmd > OpManager\bin\backup
  2. Execute BackupDB.bat -targetdb mssql (proceed to next step after the backup is completed)
  3. Select Start > Programs > ManageEngine OpManager > DB Manager > DB Configuration
  4. A DB Configuration window pops up. Select MSSQL and click on Save.
    Configure the following information:
    1. DB Host : The name or the IP address of the machine where MSSQL is installed.
    2. Port: The port number in which OpManager must connect with the database. Default is 1433.
    3. User Name and Password: The user name and password with which OpManager needs to connect to the database.
    4. Driver Jars: Specify the path of the Database driver
    5. Click OK.
  5. Restore the data using RestoreDB.batpresent under OpManager/bin/backup directory and restart OpManager.

          For ex : C:\<OpManager Home>\bin\backup>RestoreDB.bat "c:\OpManager\backup\"

Migrating OpManager Server when using MSSQL or Remote PgSQL

  1. Stop OpManager service.
  2. Copy the entire OpManager folder from old Server and move it to required location in the new server.
  3. Go to the new server's command prompt using the 'run as administrator' option.
  4. Change the directory to <OpManagerHome>/bin and execute "OpManagerservice.bat -i"
    Ex: C:\ManageEngine\OpManager\bin>OpManagerService.bat -i
    (The above command will install OpManager service)
  5. Now you can go to Windows Services (Go to run > type Services.msc) and you can find "ManageEngine OpManager" service listed which should be used to Start and Stop OpManager.


Note: The above steps will work if you have OpManager with MSSQL as the OpManagerDB or Remote PGSQL on a remote server, provided the new OpManager server has access to the remote server database.

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