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Configuring Probe and Central communication after installation

This page gives a step by step instruction on the steps you need to follow to establish connection between a Probe and Central.

How to configure Central details in Probe

  • Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Central details.

Configuration of probe and central communication after installation in OpManager: Central details 1

  • Under the Primary server details choose the protocol - https/http. (HTTPS represents a secure connection.)
  • Enter the host name and port in which the central is running.
  • Click on Diagnose to check the connection status.
  • Click on Save to configure the details.

Note: OpManager will notify the user when there is a mismatch between the host name and the SSL certificate. Click here to understand more about the impacts of host name mismatch.

Configuration of probe and central communication after installation in OpManager: Central details 2

How to configure Probe details in the Central

The Probe details will be automatically updated in the Central's UI after the installation. In the Probe details page you can view the list of Probes, edit details and delete a Probe.

  • Navigate to Setting > Configuration > Probe details in the Central UI.

Configuration of probe and central communication after installation in OpManager: Probe details

  • You will find the list of installed probes already mapped with the Central
  • To add new Probes, click on Probe Download Link and follow the installation process.

Probe installation key

On the top right corner of the Probe details page you can find the Probe installation key. You have to enter this key during the Probe installation process. This key will be auto regenerated every 15 minutes as a security measure. (You can use the refresh button to regenerate the key manually.)

When you want to communicate using a proxy instead of a Probe, please ensure to update the details of the proxy server in the Probe.

Supported actions

Edit Probe details

Click on the Probe name to edit the details. You can rename a Probe, change the NAT configuration and contact details.

Configuration of probe and central communication after installation in OpManager: Edit probe details

When you migrate a Probe to another server, please ensure that you specify the correct NAT configuration to access the Probe.

Please note when incorrect Probe details are configured, the Central cannot reach the Probe and fetch monitoring data.

Upgrade Probes

You can upgrade all your Probes and view the progress from a single console with the Smart Upgrade button on the left pane. By uploading the .ppm file you can enable all Probes to download the file and upgrade.

Delete Probes

Before deleting or planning to migrate a Probe, it is recommended to take a backup of the installation and move them to a different server.

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