Free Training - ManageEngine OpManager

Run Program Notification Profile

You can configure OpManager to automatically run a program whenever a fault is detected in the device. For instance, you can configure OpManager to execute a program that corrects the fault or simply produces a sound or that whenever a specific type of an alarm is raised for a device.

Configure a Run Program Profile

To create a profile that executes the specified program, follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to Settings Notification Profiles.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select the Notification type as Run Program.
  4. In the Command Name field, specify the name of the program to be executed with the absolute path. Example C:profilestestprogram.bat.

    Security advisory: When this Run Program Profile is triggered by testaction or by an alarm, the configured command will be executed. The command will be executed as such from OpManager/bin directory and that will be similar to executing a command line from command prompt (CMD). So, it is the responsibility of the user to verify the integrity of the command before configuring the profile to prevent a security threat or vulnerability issue.

  5. If the program requires some arguments, specify the Program Arguments, Message Variables and click Next.
  6. Select the fault criteria for which you need to be notified. For instance, if you want to be notified of threshold violation, select 'Threshold rule is violated'. Additionally notify only when any or all the severity: Critical, Trouble, Attention, Service Down. Click Next
  7. Select the devices either By Category or By Business View or By Devices and click Next.
  8. Select the required Time Window, Delayed Trigger and Recurring Trigger and click Next.
  9. Give a profile name and Click Test Action to test the program or Save to save the profile.

The profile is associated to the selected devices. The program is executed with the specified arguments whenever a fault matching the selected criteria occurs.

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