Datacenter Visualization

OpManager helps in creating a virtual replication of Datacenter floors and racks to enable 24x7 monitoring. Datacenter visualization is one among the many features of OpManager's data center networking tool.

3D Rack View:

Virtual Racks can be created with OpManager. These racks display the status of the devices present in them.

To create a Rack View,

  1. Under Maps, select the Create New option under Rack Views Tab.
  2. Drag and Drop the devices onto the Rack.
  3. Click Save on the top right corner.
  4. The status and availability of the devices can be seen in the rack created.
  5. To observe the rear view of your rack in addition to the front view, click Edit and select Rear view.


L2 Discovery - Automated Network Mapping - ManageEngine OpManager 



3D Floor View:

 Floor views can be created in OpManager. The racks are then loaded onto the floor views to create a virtual replica of the Data center.

To create a Floor View,

  1. Under Maps, select the Create New option under Floor Views Tab.
  2. Select your floor size . 
  3. Drag and drop paths, aisles and walls as per your Data center.
  4. Populate an existing rack view onto the floor map to create your Data center replica.

L2 Discovery - 3D Floor view - ManageEngine OpManager 


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