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How does OpManager deploy the agent in the remote machines when it is triggered from the webclient?

OpManager's agent-based monitoring feature helps users deploy a lightweight piece of software known as agent in their end-devices. This helps them seamlessly monitor their network, even when the OpManager-installed server is down. The agent can be deployed either through the webclient, or using endpoint central.

When using the Deploy Agent feature from the OpManager webclient, these are the steps that are executed in the background:

  • For deploying the agent in a device, Windows credentials will be used. This credential needs to have administrator privileges in order for the installation to run without any issues.
  • OpManager initiates a network connection to the remote machine using the credential provided and transfers the agent files to the remote machine's Temp directory, if successful.
  • Then using the Windows credentials of that device, OpManager tries to initiate the agent installation using WMI protocol. If the credentials are passed successfully and OpManager is able to connect to the device, it then triggers the remote installation of the agent.
  • If the device could not be contacted via WMI, OpManager then uses the OPMAgentInstallerSvc deployment file to remotely install the agent in the device.
Note: If your organization has restrictions regarding the usage of third-party executables in your network, feel free to flag or remove the OPMAgentInstaller and OPMAgentInstallerSvc executable files from the OpManager bin directory. This will NOT affect the remote agent deployment in any way.

Deploying agents in OpManager via webclient: Deploy agent option under discovery

Click here to know more about agent installation in OpManager.

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