Cisco APIC device backup
Steps to take Cisco APIC device backup
Follow the steps given below to backup a Cisco APIC device using Network Configuration Manager (NCM)
- Stop OpManager service.
- Open "system_properties.conf" under "<opmanager-home>/conf" folder in wordpad with administrator privilege.
- Add below system property and save it.
- Start OpManager service.
- Contact NCM Support to create a device template for Cisco APIC.
- Once the device template is ready, import it to NCM.
- Add Cisco APIC device with newly imported device template and provide dummy credentials for that device in NCM. If Credentials are not provided, NCM will not perform the backup operation.
- In the Cisco APIC device, schedule configuration file transfer to NCM TFTP / SCP server location "/tftp_files/APIC". Whenever the file is received in that location, NCM automatically fetches the file and save it in its database.
- File name should be in below format:
NCM_<IP Address>-<yyyy-mm-dd>T<hh-mm-ss>.tar.gz
Example file name: NCM_192.168.50.140-2020-02 -06T17-48-06.tar.gz
- Once NCM receives the file, the backup operation will automatically be performed
Note: Configuration file backedup by NCM cannot be viewed because it is in tar.gz format. Configuration file can be exported.
To list files under "TFTP Files" in NCM
- Transfer the file to "/tftp_files/UCS". Once the files are transferred or moved to the mentioned folder. The files will be listed under "TFTP Files" in NCM GUI.
- User can download the file from NCM GUI.